Forgive Me for My Human Frailty

While I was working on “Friday’s” blog post, it occurred to me that perhaps it was time to share my biggest photographic screw-up of 2017.

I have many weaknesses as a photographer. My greatest weakness is that I have a tendency to dink with camera settings. That isn’t the bad part. The bad part is that I forget to change them back to a more standard setup for whatever my next photo shoot ends up being.

Back in May, I invited former Iowa State basketball player and current Christian missionary Jake Sullivan to speak to the Youth Group. I took a few pictures of the event, but wasn’t paying attention to the fact that I had left the camera in on a “creative effect” from the last time I was dinking with the camera. This created, pretty much unusable images coming from the event.

Have a look:

Jake Sullivan Speaking at Boone FUMC

Jake Sullivan Speaking at Boone FUMC

Jake Sullivan Speaking at Boone FUMC

Jake Sullivan Speaking at Boone FUMC

But you have to own your failures and move on from them as well.