The Brandon Kahler Project: Chapter 1 – Frustration

There are a limited amount of places a guy can go to get real black and white film processed. One of them is a local company that I will not name. I’ve had very poor results going to them.

But I recently took some film there to get processed from Brandon’s senior picture shoot. I did this because despite my better judgment I listened to somebody rave on and on about how great they were.

This was a mistake. Below are some of the images from that roll of film. Some of these pictures I really, really like, even though they wouldn’t qualify as your normal Senior Pictures.

Brandon Kahler Senior Pictures

Brandon Kahler Senior Pictures

Brandon Kahler Senior Pictures

Brandon Kahler Senior Pictures

Brandon Kahler Senior Pictures

Brandon Kahler Senior Pictures

Brandon Kahler Senior Pictures

Brandon Kahler Senior Pictures

Brandon Kahler Senior Pictures

Brandon Kahler Senior Pictures

Brandon Kahler Senior Pictures

Apparently it is part of their film processing procedures to run the negative through a loose hair and dust bin before they print the pictures.