What Do You Call a Wasp?

I was going to go through quite a bit of older photos before I published photos of Shannon extracting honey from a few weeks back.

Then, Satruday’s episode of SVENGOOLIE featured the bee movie TERROR OUT OF THE SKY, the sequel to the bee movie THE SAVAGE BEES. I was inspired by this terrible movie to edit and publish the honey extraction pictures as soon as possible.

Shannon was extracting honey for her husband’s business Foley’s Russian Bees. Honey isn’t really even the main part of his business. His main business is raising and selling queens, however with so many bees, honey is produced.

Honey has become a very sweet side business.

If you are interested in buying some honey here are the prices:

12 oz for $6
24 oz for $10

I don’t believe you can buy the honey from their online store, however, if you let me know, I can pass an order on to Shannon.

Click on the link below if you want to know more about Russian Bees:

Foley’s Russian Bees

Here are the honey extraction pictures:

Foley's Russian Bees

Foley's Russian Bees

Foley's Russian Bees

Foley's Russian Bees

Foley's Russian Bees

Foley's Russian Bees

Foley's Russian Bees

Foley's Russian Bees

Foley's Russian Bees

Foley's Russian Bees

Foley's Russian Bees

Foley's Russian Bees

Foley's Russian Bees

Foley's Russian Bees

Foley's Russian Bees

Foley's Russian Bees

Foley's Russian Bees

Foley's Russian Bees

Foley's Russian Bees

Foley's Russian Bees

Foley's Russian Bees

If you are wondering, What do you call a wasp?

A wanna-bee!

Wait, I got more!

What a bee’s favorite novel?
The Great Gats-bee!

What do you call a bee that can’t stop eating?

Why did the bee go to the barbershop?
To get a buzz-cut!

What did the confused bee say?
To bee or not to bee!

Okay, I’m done.

9 thoughts on “What Do You Call a Wasp?”

  1. Does it ever fascinate you how many non-traditional life skills Shannon has in her repertoire?

    These are great!

  2. I’m mostly disturbed by the fact that she enjoys making Excel spreadsheets. That is just sick.

  3. …Yeah, I may not be the audience to agree with you on that one. Excel spreadsheets are glorious little nuggets of order in a world filled with chaos and anarchy.

  4. I’m sure you guy have a shared Excel spreadsheet on GoogleDocs documenting all the places you guys have mixed ketchup and ranch together.

  5. One of the perks of going to The House of Chen is that you can’t make Throwup or whatever it is you call your sauce.

    But perhaps you will bring several spreadsheets so that you can have the illusion of control.

    I was going to applaud Shannon for making spreadsheets once, because I thought she was making a spreadsheet of snakes that had entered their new house, but instead it was something boring and lame.

  6. I just flashed back to how yucky extracting honey actually is. So glad it is done for the year! I’m glad you could come join me for an evening. By next year, the building will be cleaner, and it WILL have electricity!

  7. The electricity is important to me. Next time I’m bringing music. A playlist of all bee related songs or perhaps just Tom Petty’s “Honey Bee” played on a constant loop. Well I suppose I would have to include that Blind Melon song because of the girl in the bee costume in the video.

    I don’t mind a mess, as long as I know what I”m getting in to.

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