
The pictures in the folder named 2009-04-24 are from when Jesse and I went to Tom Harkin’s office and met with a member of his staff to encourage him to support ending the civil war in Uganda.

We were very pleased with ourselves and decided to celebrate afterwards by meeting Sara at Snookie’s for celebratory ice cream. To this day, I celebrate all major accomplishments with ice cream. Also minor accomplishments. Also major failures. Basically, I’m eating ice cream while I’m typing this out.

Tom Harkin Office Visit

Tom Harkin Office Visit

Tom Harkin Office Visit

Tom Harkin Office Visit

Tom Harkin Office Visit

Tom Harkin Office Visit

Tom Harkin Office Visit

Tom Harkin Office Visit

Letter from Tom Harkin

By adding these pictures to the Photography 139 Gallery, I was able to restore the following historic “An Artist’s Notebook” entry to its original glory:

Better Than Work

Next Saturday’s walk down memory lane will involve plants from my backyard.

Wow! I finished another blog! Time to go celebrate with some ice cream!