The pictures in the folder 2011-06-04 were taken of the Challenger Program for the Boone Little League. I did the photography for the event for 3 years and then I believe, they stopped having the event. The Challenger Program was a program where kids that might not ordinarily have the opportunity to play baseball/softball are given that opportunity. It was a great program and I hope that I’m wrong that is doesn’t exist any more. Kids from all over central Iowa came to participate. It was one of my favorite events I’ve ever had the privilege to photograph. It is certain that somewhere a long the way the Boone Little League lost its way. I don’t know that it will every get it back, because unfortunately I don’t know how long the Little League will even continue to exist. However, that is an outsider’s perspective. Maybe it is doing great, it just doesn’t look like it from the cheap seats.
And yes, you did see both the Melhaus sisters in these pictures.
By adding these pictures to the Photography 139 Gallery, I was able to restore the following historic “An Artist’s Notebook” entry to its original glory:
Next Saturday’s walk down memory lane will involve flowers.