I currently enter 3 photo “contests” a year. The Boone County Fair, The Iowa State Fair, and Pufferbilly Days. After the contests are over, a bag up the photos I entered and put them in a trunk.
While I was putting the Iowa State Fair entries in the trunk I decided it would be a good time to take Page 47 for THE PHOTO JOURNAL PROJECT.

Page 47 – Re-photograph a photograph to change its original meaning.
This is the only setup I shot for this page, therefore there aren’t any alternates for this page.
Next time we check in with THE PHOTO JOURNAL PROJECT, we will probably visit Page 40.
This is your reminder that this week’s WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE theme is WILD ANIMAL:

A WILD ANIMAL picture is a picture of an animal that isn’t a pet, or isn’t a farm animal. I would add that isn’t in the zoo either.
REMINDER: I won’t be publishing the submission for WILD ANIMAL until Tuesday.
Happy photo harvesting!