Spread the Faith

I just want to start by congratulating Joe Biden on winning the election to become the next President of the United States of America!

Back when I was on President Quest 2020, my search for who would be the next President of the United States, I did go see Joe Biden at the Boone County Fairgrounds. I did get my picture taken with him. Joe took the picture with my phone:

Joe Biden at Boone County Fairgrounds

If you are interested on revisiting my post on when I saw Joe Biden speak, you can click on the link below:


I spent my election day on Tuesday as a Mail-In Ballot Poll Watcher at the Boone County Courthouse. It was 12 hours that were very educational, very interesting, and very boring. I plan on writing a whole thing on that day (because I have much to say), but the short version is, I was very impressed with the people who do what is an incredibly tedious and incredibly thankless job. They do it very well and they do it very fair. These people are saints!


Thought I would share a small collection of flower photos I took in early October:

Nature's Amen - 2020

Nature's Amen - 2020

A Garden of Love

A Garden of Love

A Garden of Love

I think I’m actually starting to run low on flower pictures, but there are still a ton of them out there to be curated as well. It is a conundrum.