Pufferbilly Days Pet Show – 2021

We are having some kind of sale at my Mom’s garage tonight and tomorrow morning.

The address is 111 South Benton Street. The sale tonight will start at 4 and end when people stop showing up. Tomorrow it will start at 7 and end when people stop showing up. Probably around 1.

The alley is a dead end, so don’t drive down it looking to park.


I once again did the photography for the Pufferbilly Days Pet Show. It wasn’t a very good environment for photography because all the tables were crushed in together and there wasn’t a stage, so you really couldn’t see the animals that were on the ground.

There were 4 entries. All dogs. Despite the flyer having 2 cats and one dog… Just reporting the facts.

Here are some pictures from the Pufferbilly Days Pet Show:

Pufferbilly Days

Pufferbilly Days

Pufferbilly Days

Pufferbilly Days

Pufferbilly Days

Pufferbilly Days

Pufferbilly Days

Pufferbilly Days

Pufferbilly Days

Pufferbilly Days

Pufferbilly Days

Pufferbilly Days

Pufferbilly Days

Pufferbilly Days

Pufferbilly Days

Pufferbilly Days

Pufferbilly Days

Pufferbilly Days

Pufferbilly Days

Pufferbilly Days

Pufferbilly Days

Pufferbilly Days

Pufferbilly Days

Pufferbilly Days

I look forward to the 2022 Pufferbilly Days Pet Contest where there will be 6 dogs and no cats.


This is your reminder that this week’s THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE theme is FRIENDS:


FRIENDS! What a great theme! But what is a FRIENDS photo? It is simply a picture of a group of FRIENDS or even just a picture of one of your FRIEND(S). Maybe it could even be a picture of an object that represents a FRIENDShip to you. The theme reveal picture shows Jen, Layla, and Evie. They are a family, but they are also my FRIENDS. They are also in many ways, my family. However, the lines between FRIENDS and FAMILY can blur in multiple directions. So don’t get too hung up on is this person FAMILY or a FRIEND(S)? If you have to ask the question, the answer is that they are both.

Happy photo harvesting.