Amazing Love

Well over a year ago my Mom paid for a brick to honor her Dad for his military service that was to be placed around the Boone County Freedom Rock. I believe that she ended up splitting that cost with her brothers and sisters. Then she purchased a brick to honor Elainie. It took well over a year and she never got to see the bricks, but they are finally in place. Well they are sorta in place:



If you look at the brick that honors Elainie’s military service, you will notice that they misspelled her name. This is supposedly going to be fixed and replaced with a brick that spells her name correctly. Sooner rather than later, so I guess we will wait and see.


Here are pictures of some of the flowers I planted at Mom’s house on Mother’s Day. These pictures were taken on May 9, 2021.

Girl in the Blue Skirt - 2020

Girl in the Blue Skirt - 2020

Amazing Love

Amazing Love

Amazing Love

Amazing Love

Amazing Love

Amazing Love

Amazing Love

Amazing Love

Amazing Love

Amazing Love

The last two are of a squirrel that build a nest in the tree that straddles the property line with her property and the neighbors to the south.