In this post I am going to share pictures I took with the A7II on Days 3 and 6 of my work trip to Miami Beach. I did not crack out the camera at all on Day 4. On Day 5, I actually got away for a bit and took several pictures, so I’m going to dedicate an entire post to those pictures. I didn’t take many pictures on Day 3 or Day 6, so I’m combining them here.
Day 3 was supposed to be kind of a half day of training, but those of us on Team Setup ended up spending quite a bit of hours tinkering with the computers at the Convention Center. I only took a handful of pictures walking back from the Convention Center with Tony after he went to 7/11 for some smokes.
Maybe I’m immature, but you can’t tell me if this sign was in Ames, it would be right up there for college freshman to steal with highway 69 signs.
I would love to see this hotel when it is done being renovated.
Day 6 was the last day of the convention. It was a long day for me because I left the hotel about 7:30 for the Convention Center. I got back to the hotel at about 8:30. From 4:30 until about 8:00 I sat around with Kim, Tony, and Lowell waiting for one crate to arrive. All the pictures I took that day are from that wait.
That reddish crate isn’t the one we were waiting for, but Kim packed up all our snacks and then wrapped it. So we starved for 2 hours. Please feel sorry for me.
It was a good trip, but the highlights, photographically speaking are from Day 5. Which I will share soon.
This is your reminder that this week’s THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE theme is SERVICE:
SERVICE! What a great theme for Year 9 of THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE!
This is a theme that was suggested by Andy. If you don’t like it, well remember that I crowdsource the themes once a year about November, so watch for that post and conduct your actions accordingly.
That isn’t to infer that I don’t love this theme. If I didn’t love the suggestion, I would have filed it in the trash next to Shannon’s suggestion of CATS. Maybe not next to that suggestion. Cause that one I threw in the trash and then stomped the trash down. Then took it to the incinerator. I didn’t even own an incinerator. I went to the store and bought one, just so I could incinerate that suggestion.
That isn’t to say that you shouldn’t make suggestions for Year 10 of THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE when that time is nigh. Just don’t suggest CATS.
But what is a SERVICE picture? A SERVICE is simply the action of helping someone else. A SERVICE picture is simply a picture of one person helping another person. Or the results of one person helping another person. Now there are many different types of SERVICE. For example the theme reveal is a picture of a worship SERVICE. I get very questionable internet SERVICE from Mediacom. A couple days last week I ate at restaurant where I received SERVICE from many fine servers.
Happy photo harvesting!