This collection of images was stored in the folder 04-04-07.
Next week’s folder contains many photos of the Iowa State Spring Game from 2007. Yes. The first Spring Game of The Chiz.
Christopher D. Bennett is loved as far west as Manhattan, Kansas and as far south as Houston, Texas and as far north as Eagan, Minnesota and as far east as Brooklyn for his flower photography. What is his favorite flower?
Besides “dashing”, what does the D. in Christopher D. Bennett stand for?
These are striking, particularly that second one.
I think I might have entered that one in a photo contest at some point, back when I did photo contests.
But I’ve been considering coming out of retirement lately. Too late for State Fair at this point. But I’m considering doing Pufferbilly Days again.
I would be interested why you quit – other than the obvious answer that art is subjective.
The short version is that I really only ever did 2 contests. I stopped doing the Pufferbiliy Days Contest because it is so poorly ran. Also, many of the best photographers that I know in the area stopped entering. So, I just stopped.
However, last year, there were hardly any entries. I’m worried that it might die. Therefore, I’m tentatively planning on entering this year in hopes of propping the numbers back up.
Last year I just ran out of time to do the State Fair. Same thing happened with the State Fair again this year. It just isn’t the priority that it used to be for me. But I am sad that I will miss it two years in a row as it is a family tradition of sorts.
That’s really cool. I hope you’re able to get back in the swing for next year.