As I continue to hammer away at my backlog, the photos I took during the Women’s March in January seem apropos for this time in our history.
The #MeToo movement has really made some progress in this country lately. They have managed to out and take down several members of the media, Hollywood, and politicians. However, at the same time, there is still so much work to do.
Alabama is about to elect a serial pedophile to Congress.
A man that has sexually assaulted at least 19 women and was sued twice for raping a 13 year-old sits in the Oval Office.
I mean this is a legitimate argument and a legitimate screen shot of an ad for Michigan’s Attorney General race:

On top of that…
The most corrupt and treasonous regime in U.S. History currently sits in Washington trying to create a permanent aristocracy by killing net neutrality, ending estate taxes (while also raising taxes on the middle class), and getting rid of anti-trust rules to unify sources of information.
The work is far from done. We must continue to rise up!
Here is a set of pictures from the Women’s March back in January:

I’ll publish the balance of these pictures on the morrow.