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I have a considerable backlog of images that I need to edit. Part of the problem is that I edit photos in 2 separate distinct locations and it is often difficult for me to figure out what I have edited in one location, but not the other. I have begun the process of mirroring these images in both locations so that I can actually make real head way on my back log. Plus, it should free up some valuable hard drive real estate in both locations.

Not to bore you with too many details, but the first step in this process involves tons or robocopy scripts AND an external hard drive.

And with that, here are some backlog images of Naima from February.

Bunny Tracks

Naima - February 2017

Naima - February 2017

Naima - February 2017

Naima - February 2017

In addition to trying to get a better organizational grasp on my images that are physically in my possession, I’m also trying to get a better organization to my images that are in the SmugMug Gallery.

While it doesn’t help that effort, it is part of a slight re-design of the website. If you’ve been on the website lately you may have noticed some slight changes.

*The base color remains purple. It will always be purple. However, I got rid of some gold and green accent colors and replaced those with a silver and a light blue.
*I completely replaced the old headers with new headers.
*On the homepage, gone is the slide show of recent pictures added to the SmugMug Gallery. It has been replaced with a slide show of images submitted for The Weekly Photo Challenge.

There are some more changes coming, eventually. I’m looking to re-design every page from the About page to the Products page. I might even add a services page where I quote my prices. Like $75,000 to do a wedding on a Saturday that is an Iowa State home game. I hope you don’t think that prices me out of the market.

Here are a look at the current rotating headers on the website:

Header - 2017

Header - 2017

Header - 2017

Header - 2017

Header - 2017

Header - 2017

Header - 2017

Header - 2017

Header - 2017

Header - 2017

In the end, I hope to add about 15 more rotating headers to the slight website redesign.