Category Archives: Railroad

Will Make You Miss My Wretched Heart

This collection of glorious BLACK & WHITE images i took on July 6. I had a fairly lazy Saturday. I took a mini-road trip over to Jefferson for some A&W and had Jay, Willy, Monica, and Graham over for watermelon. But that was about all I did all day.

Bokeh - Black & White

Bokeh - Black & White

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate
This was Shorty & Doris’ farm.

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Only 1 day of alternate glorious BLACK & WHITE images left to share, but it might take several days to share them all. We’ll see.

Post 5,250

Can you believe that this is the 5,250th entry in the blog known as “An Artist’s Notebook”? Every 250 posts or so I like to take a moment to reflect on where this post has been and post a lot of meaningless stats.

As always on these posts, I like to start by quoting the very first “An Artist’s Notebook” entry that published on August 9, 2006. That first post that published 6,296 days.

That post that started with these words:

So here is the first journal entry. I felt like having as pretentious sounding name as possible for my journal. I have a few goals about this journal. My main goal is just to actually write in it. My second goal is to be as truthful as possible towards my true thoughts and feelings. I have another journal on another website, but it is really just a collection of sarcastic statements and cheap jabs at open faced sandwiches. This journal is meant to be about what my achievements and failures are in the world of art. What projects I am working on and what I have accomplished and what I have failed to accomplish. What I am photographing and what I am thinking about entering in photo contests. What I am thinking about. It might not always make sense. It might just be things I need to write down because they strike me as poignant or inspirational. This is in a small way an online “idea box”.

Since those words, I have posted 5,250 journal entries. This website is still something of an “idea box”. Sometimes I’m just working stuff out here. I don’t know why, sometimes I need to work stuff out in public. But this website is definitely more than just an “idea box”. It is a place where I post a few thoughts and a ton of pictures. I’ve gone through a few photo projects on these pages. From THE TOWN SIGN PROJECT to the 9 EMOTIONS PROJECT to THE SELFIE PROJECT to the POSTCARD RECREATION PROJECT to name just a few. This website has also created a community with THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE. Which is one of my proudest achievements. Even if it sputtered and spit and barely survived in its first few years.

On these reflective posts, I like to publish a bunch of statistics that me and Joe Duff find interesting. So I might as well get to it.

Every post in “An Artist’s Notebook” is tagged with at least one Category. It is one of the easiest ways to navigate around the website. They are listed at the top of each post. Here are some statistics about Categories:


10. Carla – 632 (#10 – 39)
9. Formal Portrait – 655 (#6 – 6)
8. Teresa – 657 – (#9 – 49)
7. Road Trip – 657 (#8 – 32)
6. Macro – 662 (#7 – 26)
5. Jesse – 754 (#5 – 54)
4. Animals – 833 (#3 – 34)
3. Art – 842 – (#4 – 75)
2. Flowers – 1,010 (#2 – 40)
1. Black & White – 1,221 (#1 – 27)

No categories dropped from the Top 10. The categories with the best shot at cracking the Top 10 in the next 250 posts are Shannon, Nature, WPC-Submissions, Candid Portrait, & Still Life.

10. Candid Portrait – 504 (#9 – 16)
9. WPC-Submissions – 563 (NR – 27)
8. Nature – 568 (#8 – 26)
7. Formal Portrait – 655 (#5 – 6)
6. Road Trip – 657 (#7 – 32)
5. Macro – 662 (#9 – 26)
4. Animals – 833 (#3 – 34)
3. Art – 842 – (#4 – 75)
2. Flowers – 1,010 (#2 – 40)
1. Black & White – 1,221 (#1 – 27)

Photoshop dropped out of the Top 10.

The categories with the best shot of cracking the Top 10 in the next 250 posts are Still Life, Photoshop, Naima, History, and Self-portrait.


10. Willy – 379 (NR – 27)
9. Vest – 388 (#10 – 29)
8. Micky – 399 (#8 – 29)
7. Logan – 428 (#7 – 37)
6. Kim – 441 (#6 – 35)
5. Mom – 473 (#5)
4. Shannon – 615 (#4 – 30)
3. Carla – 632 (#3 – 39)
2. Teresa – 657 (#2 – 49)
1. Jesse – 754 (#1 – 54)

Jay dropped out of he Top 10. The categories that have the best chance of breaking into the Top 10 in the next 250 posts are Andy, Jay, Jen, Sara, and Derrick.

If you have spent any time on the Photography 139 website, you know that on the left sidebar, the “Top 100 Categories” are listed. I thought I would give a little bit of coverage to the Bottom 10 of the Top 100. There are currently 208 categories used on the website. I could cover the Bottom 10, but no real reason. Some of those categories probably need to be purged. I do like to cover the Top 10 of the Bottom 100 though.


10. Nathanial – 82 (+29)
9. Layla – 84 (+8)
8. Commercial – 84 (0)
7. House – 91 (+1)
6. Writing – 92 (0)
5. Becca – 92 (+2)
4. Pastor Sarah – 93 (+2)
3. Pufferbilly Days – 95 (+4)
2. Tenderloining – 96 (+25)
1. Faust – 96 (+4)

The following categories have either fallen out of the Bottom 10 of the Top 100 or climbed out of it:
Andree, Flat Earth Joe, Self-Portrait Project, and Sabas

The following categories have the best shot at dropping back into the Bottom 10 of the Top 10:
Russell, Nate, Jill, Blogging, Sabas, and Lowell.

The following categories have the best shot at climbing up into the Bottom 10 of the Top 10:
Andree, Photo Journal, Self-Portrait Project, Flat Earth Joe, and Mary.

I’m now starting to track what categories have had the greatest gain. These are the ones that have the greatest gain since the beginning of 2024.


10. Kim – 35
10. Andy – 35
10. Michelle – 35
8. Logan – 37
8. Elizabeth – 37
7. Carla – 39
6. Flowers – 40
5. Teresa – 49
4. Jesse – 54
2. Still Life – 72
2. Street Photography – 72
1. Art – 75


9. Nature -26
9. Nature – 26
7. Black & White – 27
7. WPC – Submissions – 27
6. Road Trip – 32
5. Animals – 34
4. Flowers – 40
2. Still Life – 72
2. Street Photography – 72
1. Art – 75


9. Scottie. D. – 33
9. Linda – 33
9. Sabas – 33
6. Kim – 35
6. Andy – 35
6. Michelle – 35
4. Logan – 37
4. Elizabeth – 37
3. Carla – 39
2. Teresa – 49
1. Jesse – 54

If you are wondering what is your best way to improve your Photography 139 Score and crack the Top 10, it is simply to be active in THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE or go on trips with me or participate in various other photo projects or be related to me. Now these aren’t necessarily the 10 people that have influenced my photography the most, but these are the 10 people that have made the largest imprint on this website.

I can tell you the people that have influenced my photography the most, but that is a tale for another time. But I’m pretty sure you can guess who.


To View the Gallery, Click on its Representative Image

Naima at Dickcissel Park
10. Naima – 72,941 views

Rodan139: Des Moines River Valley
9. Drone – 73,421 views

9 Emotions Project - Anders Runestad
8. 9 Emotions Project – 98,062 views

7. Weekly Photo Challenge Year 3 – 124,533 views

Bonaparte, Iowa
6. Town Sign Project – 127,555 views

Tenderloin Trail 2.0: The Feed Mill Restaurant
5. Tenderloining – 134,777 views

Jackson County - Saint Donatus
4. Town Sign Project Auxiliary Images – 172,671 views

3. Weekly Photo Challenge – Year 11 – 192,976 views

2. Instagram – 212,131 views

1. Weekly Photo Challenge – Year 11 – 289,984 views

Galleries that fell out of the Top 10 are:
Las Vegas 2023, Weekly Photo Challenge Year 9, Selfie Project – 2022,

Galleries that fell just outside of the Top 10 are:
Life, 365 Day Photo Project -2013, Memphis – 2023, New Orleans – 2024, Phot Journal Rejects.

But what are the most popular single images of the last 365 days? Don’t worry, I’m gonna feed you baby birds.

Top 10 Photography 139 Images

Pufferbilly Days Photo Contest - 2023
10. 2,475 views

RedzBand - 05-30-2008
9. 2,508 views

Watermelon Day - 2023
8. 2,812 views

7. 3,774 views

6. 3,875 views

Color the Wind - 2023
5. 3,999 views

Ben Baier - 2024
4. 4,020 views

Boone County Fair Barbecue Contest - 2023
3. 4,305 views

Kentucky Road Trip - 2013
2. 4,816 views

1. 20,050 views

If you are interested in checking out some of the milestone posts of the past, I got you. Click on any of the links below to check them out:

Post 1
Post 750
Post 850
Post 1,000
Post 1,101
Post 1,200
Post 1,447
Post 1,718
Post 2,500
Post 3,000
Post 3,252
Post 3,751
Post 4,000
Post 4,250
Post 4,500
Post 4,757
Post 5,005

I think that is enough. We will check back in, in another 250 posts.

The Big Easy – Day 2 & 3 Phone Pictures

Today is my mother-in-law Colleen’s birthday, so I need to wish her a happy birthday.

Baby Tri-Force 1st Birthday Party

I hope your birthday is magical!


I didn’t take many phone pictures on Day 2 and Day 3 in New Orleans, so I’m combining them into one post. Day 2 is when the work begins on setting up for The Big Meeting. Day 3 involves a “training” session and then finishing off setup. But I had sometime to explore on those days.

Here are the pictures:

Day 2 - New Orleans
I started Day 2 with a leftover beignet from Cafe Du Monde.

Day 2 - New Orleans
Then I took a walk up to Jackson Square to see if it was open. It wasn’t.

Day 2 - New Orleans
But got a nice view of the Saint Louis Cathedral.

Day 2 - New Orleans
Then I walked down the river walk and found this cool collection of love locks.

Day 2 - New Orleans
I would love to know this story.

Day 2 - New Orleans

Day 2 - New Orleans
Tony and I got to the Convention Center while they were still putting the booth together.

Day 2 - New Orleans
This is by far and I mean by FAR the fastest internet we’ve ever had in a booth.

Day 2 - New Orleans
These snacks were delicious!

Day 2 - New Orleans
The booth put together.

Day 2 - New Orleans
Back at the hotel. I’m kind of a connoisseur of southern mayonnaise. This one has ALL the yolks.

Day 2 - New Orleans
One of my goals was to ride the trolley.

Day 2 - New Orleans
They stopped the trolley so this girl could take a graduation photo with it.

Day 2 - New Orleans
Inside trolley.

Day 2 - New Orleans

Day 2 - New Orleans
That night I had supper with Kim, Michelle, Diane and Gina. Afterwards I ended back up at Jackson Square.

Day 2 - New Orleans

Day 2 - New Orleans
This is the New Orleans Holocaust Memorial.

Day 2 - New Orleans
Final picture I took before going back to the hotel.

Day 3 starts with a 4 hour training session that feels like 8 hours.

Back to the Convention Center.

Got done early enough that I could see the inside of the Saint Louis Cathedral.

They took credit cards.

It is pretty in there.

The altar.

I didn’t take a horse and carriage ride. But I wish I had.

Best name for a restaurant. Ever!

The Rolling Stones played the Jazz Festival the night before.

Taking the trolley to the Garden District.

This guy openly boozed on the trolley. Was super friendly.

Nood Fountain in Audubon Park.

Back on Canal Street. Maybe my favorite graffiti ever.

Last cell phone picture of Day 3.

Still 4 more days of cell phone pictures left to share.

Omaha, Somewhere in Middle America

We are officially a week from my birthday, so I am no longer accepting happy birthday wishes. If you failed to meet the deadline, better luck wishing next year.

I did have a pretty great birthday though. Mostly it was just hanging out with Bokeh and the chaos she brings. But at night, there was a Movie Night in the Union Street Theater. As it was my birthday month, I got to select the movies. I chose 1975 for the “theme” of the movies. For the B movie I selected LISZTOMANIA. Which deliver on everything that a MOVIE NIGHT movie should. For the feature, I selected SHAMPOO. Which was a bit of a dud. Maybe it was funnier or more revolutionary in its day. It was worth watching and a disappointment at the same time.

My favorite birthday present I received was Nora planting a flower in my honor at her school. My favorite birthday wish came from Elainie as it combined wishing me a happy birthday with my disdain and hatred for Facebook:

Happy Birthday Uncle Chris!! Sabas & I posted on fb earlier, but I know you don’t get on often. We hope you have had a wonderful day!

It wasn’t perfect. Shouldn’t have posted birthday wishes on Facebook at all, but it is good enough for me.

I also got an amazing letter in the mail wishing me a happy birthday from Harrison Gorshe. It 100% made my day! It basically wished me a happy birthday and let me know he was glad I got a dog. I need to take Bokeh over there to meet the Gorshes at some point. I haven’t taken her to meet a lot of people. Really I haven’t taken her to meet many people yet. Elizabeth, Kim, and Ron at the Computer Mine. She has met plenty of people that have come to the house to meet her though. Andy, Anders, Alexis, Kanoa, Anela, Logan, Jonah, Greyson, Dahlia, Amanda, Jesse, Willy, Jay, Jason, Monica, Graham, and Teresa. Plus several neighbors have come over to meet her. Her dance card has been pretty full. She might be the Diamond of the Season. (Reference for my BRIDGERTON peeps out there. I’m still pretty sad that my 2 favorite characters (Eloise and Penelope) aren’t friends any longer. I’m sure it will work out.)

But I digress. Thanks again for all the birthday wishes that came through in person visits, text messages, phone calls, Snapchat… Teams, yeah I guess we will count Teams. It was a good enough birthday!


I spent the night at Bill’s swanky bachelor pad after going to see Brandi Carlile. It was so amazingly hot those days. The heat index was well into triple digits. Before I headed back to the Cyclone State Bill and I did some minor exploring of Omaha. We went to Union Station, which is now a museum.

Here are some pictures:

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha, Nebraska

Still a couple more collection of images from my day with Bill left to share!

Clay County Fair 2023

Last year I crossed the Clay County Fair off my Iowa Bucket List when I went to the last couple of hours of it with Carla. She had entered several pictures in the photo contest.

There are a few people out there that claim that the Clay County Fair is better than the Iowa State Fair. It isn’t. Not even close actually. However, it is by far the best county fair I’ve ever seen. It isn’t close. While it isn’t as good as the Iowa State Fair I can see why people make the comparison. It is huge for a county fair! Definitely worth going to check out!

Here is the first collection of images from the trip:

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

Clay County Fair - 2023

I have one more collection of images from this trip to share.

And I Thought My Heart was Detached

Seems like a good time to share some alternate images I took for THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE theme LEADING LINES. I took all of these pictures on a hike through the backside of McHose Park.

Leading Lines - Alternate

Leading Lines - Alternate

Leading Lines - Alternate

Leading Lines - Alternate

Leading Lines - Alternate

Leading Lines - Alternate

Leading Lines - Alternate

Leading Lines - Alternate

Leading Lines - Alternate

Leading Lines - Alternate

Leading Lines - Alternate

Leading Lines - Alternate

Leading Lines - Alternate

Leading Lines - Alternate

Leading Lines - Alternate

Leading Lines - Alternate

Leading Lines - Alternate

Leading Lines - Alternate

Leading Lines - Alternate

Leading Lines - Alternate

Leading Lines - Alternate

Leading Lines - Alternate

Leading Lines - Alternate

Leading Lines - Alternate

These pictures are almost 3 weeks old, but looking at them, it dawns on me that I should get some pants that fit better. No promises though. I’m still not finished with my cleaning out my closets project. I’m close though. Pretty dang close!