Category Archives: Event

When You Were Here Before

Time to share the last collection of glorious BLACK AND WHITE images I took but didn’t use for THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE. These were also all taken at Logan’s birthday party.

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

The ink has barely dried on this post and I’m already sad our trip through all the glorious BLACK & WHITE pictures is over. I can’t wait until BLACK & WHITE is a theme again!

She Probably Give You Butterflies

Today is Dahlia’s birthday. So I need to wish her a happy birthday.

Grape Jelly - 2020
Happy birthday Dahlia!

I hope your birthday is filled with plenty of play time!


Time for another collection of glorious BLACK AND WHITE images. These were all taken at Logan’s birthday party. I hope you like pictures of kids playing in water!

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

I still have one more collection of glorious BLACK AND WHITE images to share! I’m post black and white, animal triste.

Computer Mine Gift Exchange

Back on Wednesday we had our annual White Elephant Gift Exchange at the Computer Mine. I snapped a few photos of the event for the Computer Mine social medias.

Here are a few pictures:

Computer Mine Gift Exchange - 2023

Computer Mine Gift Exchange - 2023

Computer Mine Gift Exchange - 2023

Computer Mine Gift Exchange - 2023

Computer Mine Gift Exchange - 2023

Computer Mine Gift Exchange - 2023

Computer Mine Gift Exchange - 2023

Computer Mine Gift Exchange - 2023

Computer Mine Gift Exchange - 2023

Computer Mine Gift Exchange - 2023

Computer Mine Gift Exchange - 2023

Computer Mine Gift Exchange - 2023

Computer Mine Gift Exchange - 2023

Computer Mine Gift Exchange - 2023

Computer Mine Gift Exchange - 2023

Computer Mine Gift Exchange - 2023

Computer Mine Gift Exchange - 2023

Computer Mine Gift Exchange - 2023

Computer Mine Gift Exchange - 2023

Computer Mine Gift Exchange - 2023

Computer Mine Gift Exchange - 2023

Computer Mine Gift Exchange - 2023

Computer Mine Gift Exchange - 2023

Computer Mine Gift Exchange - 2023

If you are wondering, I ended up with the tortilla blanket. I stole it from Amy because I thought it would make a perfect addition to Taco Tailgate and nobody stole it from me, cause of the general fear my co-workers have of me. So much fear.

Back before the pandemic, there were like 30 or so people that participated. This year there were 13 methinks. It is still a fun little work tradition. Even if this year nobody showed up drunk. Maybe next year.

Rodan139: Boone FUMC Thanksgiving

On Thanksgiving I took Rodan139 out for a very brief spin to take some pictures of the Boone First United Methodist Church’s Community Thanksgiving Dinner. It was very brief as Rodan139 was constantly be harassed by a flock of birds (the same flock of birds I photographed for my ANIMAL submission) so I brought the drone down after only a few minutes.

Here are some of the pictures I took:

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Hopefully I can get Rodan139 out again sometime soon. We will have to see.

Boone FUMC Thanksgiving 2023

I realize now that I forgot to wish people a Happy Thanksgiving yesterday. I don’t have a picture that represents Thanksgiving to me this year, but I do hope that everybody had a good Thanksgiving! I had a pretty good one. Enough of one that I am going to have three posts that cover my Thanksgiving.

This first one is from ground pictures I took of the annual Boone First United Methodist Community Thanksgiving.

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

Community Thanksgiving - 2023

It was a great event. I’m not sure what the final numbers were, but there were more people fed than expected. I’d guess more people than last year based on the length of the drive-thru line and the fact that extra tables had to be setup. Still more pictures from my Thanksgiving day left to share.

Methodist Men Pie Auction – 2023

2019. 2019! That was the last time that the Methodist Men held a pie auction. A lot of lasts happened in that year. Most things have come back. But the Methodist Men Pie Auction was not one of them. Until last Sunday. For the first time in 4 years the congregation of the Boone First United Methodist Church gathered in Fellowship Hall and bid on pies made by other members of the church.

I confess to having had limited expectations. Our congregation is considerably smaller than it was before COVID. But I have to tell you, I was blown away. Absolutely blown away.

Here are some pictures of the event. The pictures taken during the auction were taken by Teresa:

Methodist Men Pie Auction - 2023

Methodist Men Pie Auction - 2023

Methodist Men Pie Auction - 2023
I tried hard to guilt Jason into coming to bid on his mom’s pie. It did not work.

Methodist Men Pie Auction - 2023
Somehow Shannon ended up with a piece of this and I did NOT!

Methodist Men Pie Auction - 2023
So many people requested that Teresa make this pie with my Mom’s recipe. Teresa practiced this for months. Strange thing is while Mom made this pie for many people it wasn’t one she made for us. I don’t know if she made it ever for us. My favorite pie my Mom made was rhubarb. But every pie she made was good.

Methodist Men Pie Auction - 2023

Methodist Men Pie Auction - 2023

Methodist Men Pie Auction - 2023

Methodist Men Pie Auction - 2023

Methodist Men Pie Auction - 2023

Methodist Men Pie Auction - 2023

Methodist Men Pie Auction - 2023

Methodist Men Pie Auction - 2023

Methodist Men Pie Auction - 2023
Andy told quite a tale about these brownies. And he wasn’t lying, they were delicious.

Methodist Men Pie Auction - 2023

Methodist Men Pie Auction - 2023

Methodist Men Pie Auction - 2023

Methodist Men Pie Auction - 2023

Methodist Men Pie Auction - 2023

Methodist Men Pie Auction - 2023

Methodist Men Pie Auction - 2023

Methodist Men Pie Auction - 2023

Methodist Men Pie Auction - 2023

Methodist Men Pie Auction - 2023

Methodist Men Pie Auction - 2023

Methodist Men Pie Auction - 2023

Methodist Men Pie Auction - 2023

Methodist Men Pie Auction - 2023

The pie auction raised $2,500 for our youth ministry program. Now we just have to get our youth ministry program going again. Rumor has it there might be a float trip this summer. That would be a good start.

Sleeping Angels Fun Run Ground Photos

I’ve already shared the drone photos I took of the Sleeping Angels Fun Run and the sweet video that Logan made, but I haven’t shared the pictures I took from my ground camera. Which doesn’t have a sweet name like Rodan139. Maybe I should remedy that. Although I’m on like 6th (just guessing) primary camera since I took up photography and I’ve never given a camera a name. I’ll have to think on it.

Here are the pictures:

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

Sleeping Angels Fun Run - 2023

A reminder, in case you forgot what Sleeping Angels is:

The Sleeping Angels Foundation is an Iowa volunteer based non-profit organization that will assist families in the State of Iowa who have or will suffer due to loss of a child. (This includes neonatal, perinatal and infant loss.) The Sleeping Angels Foundation director and officers will determine to whom the donation will be donated to.

Our founder and his wife lost their daughter, Maggie Nicole Droste, who was born with Trisomy 18. Maggie lived for 3 hours before passing away.

Trisomy 18, also known as Edwards syndrome, is a condition which is caused by an error in cell division, known as meiotic disjunction. Trisomy 18 occurs in about 1 out of every 2500 pregnancies in the United States, about 1 in 6000 live births. The numbers of total births increase significantly when stillbirths are factored in that occur in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy.

Our objective is to make varying monetary donations to families, depending on the individual family’s needs. I.e. headstone, funeral costs, medical bills, etc. Since no one’s situation is the same, the director and officers of the Sleeping Angels Foundation will evaluate on a case by case basis and determine what would help the family the most.

The Sleeping Angels Foundation will hold events created by our officers throughout the year to raise funds.

You can find their website here:

Sleeping Angels Foundation

Rodan139: Sleeping Angels I

A couple Saturdays back Logan and I photographed and videographed this year’s motorcycle ride fundraiser. They contacted me and wanted me to get a drone picture of them as they rode across the Mile Long Bridge. I contacted Logan to assist.

If you don’t know what Sleeping Angels is, here is their story from their website:

The Sleeping Angels Foundation is an Iowa volunteer based non-profit organization that will assist families in the State of Iowa who have or will suffer due to loss of a child. (This includes neonatal, perinatal and infant loss.) The Sleeping Angels Foundation director and officers will determine to whom the donation will be donated to.

Our founder and his wife lost their daughter, Maggie Nicole Droste, who was born with Trisomy 18. Maggie lived for 3 hours before passing away.

Trisomy 18, also known as Edwards syndrome, is a condition which is caused by an error in cell division, known as meiotic disjunction. Trisomy 18 occurs in about 1 out of every 2500 pregnancies in the United States, about 1 in 6000 live births. The numbers of total births increase significantly when stillbirths are factored in that occur in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy.

Our objective is to make varying monetary donations to families, depending on the individual family’s needs. I.e. headstone, funeral costs, medical bills, etc. Since no one’s situation is the same, the director and officers of the Sleeping Angels Foundation will evaluate on a case by case basis and determine what would help the family the most.

The weather the day of the event was pretty iffy, so I wasn’t sure we would be able to get any drone photos by the Mile Long Bridge, so we followed the bikers to their first stop in Cambridge and took some pictures of them there.

Rodan139: Red Haw State Park

Rodan139: Red Haw State Park

Rodan139: Red Haw State Park

Rodan139: Red Haw State Park

Rodan139: Red Haw State Park

Rodan139: Red Haw State Park

Rodan139: Red Haw State Park

Rodan139: Red Haw State Park

Rodan139: Red Haw State Park

Rodan139: Red Haw State Park

Rodan139: Red Haw State Park

Rodan139: Red Haw State Park

Rodan139: Red Haw State Park

Rodan139: Red Haw State Park

Rodan139: Red Haw State Park

Rodan139: Red Haw State Park

Rodan139: Red Haw State Park

There is one more collection of drone photos from the Sleeping Angels Fun Run left to share.

The Next Second You Were Gone

Seems like a good time to clean up the July backlog. This collection of images was taken in July of last year, but never really found a spot in a previous “An Artist’s Notebook” entry. Some pictures are of a storm. Some are from the Boone County Fair. Some are of a baby bird, or an immature bird. Some are from Dahlia’s birthday party.

The Next Second You Were Gone

The Next Second You Were Gone

The Next Second You Were Gone

The Next Second You Were Gone

The Next Second You Were Gone

The Next Second You Were Gone

The Next Second You Were Gone

The Next Second You Were Gone

The Next Second You Were Gone

The Next Second You Were Gone

Boone County Fair - 2023

Boone County Fair - 2023

Boone County Fair - 2023

Boone County Fair - 2023

Boone County Fair - 2023

Boone County Fair - 2023

Boone County Fair - 2023

Dahlia Birthday Party

Dahlia Birthday Party

Dahlia Birthday Party

Dahlia Birthday Party

Dahlia Birthday Party

Dahlia Birthday Party

Dahlia Birthday Party

Dahlia Birthday Party

Always feels good to get a little bit of that backlog cleared out.

Viva Las Vegas: Day 3B

Today is Good Friday. I wish those who celebrate, a good Good Friday.

Page 5 - Reject

Matthew 27:32-56
32-34 Along the way they came on a man from Cyrene named Simon and made him carry Jesus’ cross. Arriving at Golgotha, the place they call “Skull Hill,” they offered him a mild painkiller (a mixture of wine and myrrh), but when he tasted it he wouldn’t drink it.

35-40 After they had finished nailing him to the cross and were waiting for him to die, they killed time by throwing dice for his clothes. Above his head they had posted the criminal charge against him: this is jesus, the king of the jews. Along with him, they also crucified two criminals, one to his right, the other to his left. People passing along the road jeered, shaking their heads in mock lament: “You bragged that you could tear down the Temple and then rebuild it in three days—so show us your stuff! Save yourself! If you’re really God’s Son, come down from that cross!”

41-44 The high priests, along with the religion scholars and leaders, were right there mixing it up with the rest of them, having a great time poking fun at him: “He saved others—he can’t save himself! King of Israel, is he? Then let him get down from that cross. We’ll all become believers then! He was so sure of God—well, let him rescue his ‘Son’ now—if he wants him! He did claim to be God’s Son, didn’t he?” Even the two criminals crucified next to him joined in the mockery.

45-46 From noon to three, the whole earth was dark. Around mid-afternoon Jesus groaned out of the depths, crying loudly, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” which means, “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?”

47-49 Some bystanders who heard him said, “He’s calling for Elijah.” One of them ran and got a sponge soaked in sour wine and lifted it on a stick so he could drink. The others joked, “Don’t be in such a hurry. Let’s see if Elijah comes and saves him.”

50 But Jesus, again crying out loudly, breathed his last.

51-53 At that moment, the Temple curtain was ripped in two, top to bottom. There was an earthquake, and rocks were split in pieces. What’s more, tombs were opened up, and many bodies of believers asleep in their graves were raised. (After Jesus’ resurrection, they left the tombs, entered the holy city, and appeared to many.)

54 The captain of the guard and those with him, when they saw the earthquake and everything else that was happening, were scared to death. They said, “This has to be the Son of God!”

55-56 There were also quite a few women watching from a distance, women who had followed Jesus from Galilee in order to serve him. Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of the Zebedee brothers.

There is a Tenebrae worship service at my church (Boone First United Methodist Church) at 7 PM tonight if you are interested in attending. You. Are. Invited. At least I will be there.

But what is a Tenebrae service? Glad you asked is:

For United Methodists and some other Protestants, the story of the suffering and death of Jesus from John’s gospel is divided into 16 readings. After each segment of the story is read, a candle is extinguished. After the fifteenth reading, which confirms that Jesus had died on the cross, the last of the 15 lit candles is extinguished or taken away, and a loud sound (called strepitus in Latin) is made to convey the sense of total loss of God’s presence and the effect of the death of Jesus on the universe. The final story of the burial is read in near darkness.

Now aren’t you glad I used scripture from Matthew?


After spending most of the day part of Day 3 in the conference room area making sure things were working for the speakers and being a de facto sound guy, the evening was for partying. The type of party that you are required to go to by the Computer Mine, but it is okay cause you are getting paid to be there. Plus, I was tasked with taking pictures of the event, so I wasn’t required to mingle. Just kidding, taking pictures of the event required much more mingling than not photographing the event.

The theme of the CMC Party was Game Night. Costumes were encouraged, but not necessarily required. Unless you were employed by the Computer Mine. Then they were required. I don’t believe a picture of my costume exists, so you will have to imagine what it was like. I will tell you that my costume was a BIG hit with some people and a head scratcher for others. It was maybe a little tangential to the Game Night theme, but my goal was 100% comfort. The one thing I didn’t expect was how boiling hot it was in that costume. The costume you only get to imagine.

Here is a first collection of pictures from the evening:

Las Vegas Day 3

Las Vegas Day 3

Las Vegas Day 3

Las Vegas Day 3

Las Vegas Day 3

Las Vegas Day 3

Las Vegas Day 3

Las Vegas Day 3

Las Vegas Day 3

Las Vegas Day 3

Las Vegas Day 3

Las Vegas Day 3

Las Vegas Day 3

Las Vegas Day 3

Las Vegas Day 3

Las Vegas Day 3

Las Vegas Day 3

Las Vegas Day 3

Las Vegas Day 3
One of the jobs of Computer Mine employees was to hand out poker chips… I may have gave 90% of my chips to this office.

Las Vegas Day 3

Las Vegas Day 3

Las Vegas Day 3

Las Vegas Day 3

Las Vegas Day 3

Las Vegas Day 3

Las Vegas Day 3

Las Vegas Day 3

Las Vegas Day 3

Las Vegas Day 3

There is a strong yellowish hue to these pictures cause of the lighting at the event. I could fix more of that in post, but don’t know there is a reason to do that.

There is still one more collection of pictures from Day 3 to share. When I share them, I will give the Per Diem Watch Update.


This is your reminder that this week’s THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE theme is ODD CAMERA ANGLE:


ODD CAMERA ANGLE! What a great theme for Year 10 of THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE!

But what is an ODD CAMERA ANGLE photo? Simply put, it a picture taken from an angle that is different than normal. The grand majority of pictures are taken from the eye level of the photographer. This theme challenges you to look down at your subject. Or look up at your subject. Or look at it from an angle where something small looks big and something big looks small. Or try out a Dutch angle. Put yourself on the ground or in a hole or in the air. Just don’t take your picture eye level. That’s all we’re asking here. The world is your oyster. You just have to look at it askew.

This isn’t the first time that ODD CAMRERA ANGLE or something similar to it has been a theme for THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE. Have a look back at a few submissions from the past for a bit of inspiration:

Micky Augustin – Week 326

Sarah Toot – Week 359

Angie DeWaard – Week 359

Carla Stensland – Week 359

Christopher D. Bennett – Week 85

Hopefully something in there inspires somebody.

Happy photo harvesting!