Category Archives: Tenderloining

New Orleans Food Adventure – Day 5

Bokeh Picture of the Week coming up!

Bokeh Picture of the Week

She’s a charmer!


Time to share the food I knocked down on my work trip to New Orleans. This time I ate breakfast and it was so amazing that I wish I had eaten breakfast every, single day! So freakin’ good. I also ate lunch with Michelle at a food truck across the street from the Convention Center. Then I tried to eat supper at the Computer Mine Sales Team party but the food was just the worst thing ever. Hard to describe how terrible it was. So I ended up knocking down a street dog on Bourbon Street. No regrets there. One of the best hot dogs I’ve ever eaten!

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5
I got the Breakfast Burrito with sausage.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5
You can’t get a good chocolate milk outside of Iowa, but this wasn’t bad.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5
I could have licked the plate, it was so good!

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5
I got the Smoked Sausage.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5
It was pretty good.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5
But what Michelle got was better.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5
Sales “party”.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5
I was so excited for the fried okra, but you can’t serve fried foods like this!

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5
This was the most serviceable food there.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5
Gross. But free at least.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5
A dang good Bourbon Street hot dog!

Jimmy J’s Cafe is one of my favorite restaurants I’ve ever been to. In fact, I went there for breakfast again the next day. Oh my, I’ve said too much.

So I haven’t been great about updating my quest to live healthier. But this is what I can say. I’m currently 3.8 pounds from my ultimate goal weight. And this week I earned a new FitBit Badge:

WooHoo me! I did a better job of getting steps in this week and I ate better… well until the weekend. I ate lots of Fair food. But that is okay. Not every day can be nutritional winners!

New Orleans Food Adventure – Day 4

Another Bokeh Picture of the Week? You got it!

Bokeh Picture of the Week

On Friday Bokeh went in for her final set of puppy vaccines. She now weighs 35 pounds. This picture is of her waiting on me to pump some gas.


Time to share the food I knocked down on Day 4 of my work trip to New Orleans. I didn’t eat breakfast again. I ate lunch at the convention center concession stand, which was a mistake. Then got tricked into going to supper with the sales team by Michelle, but it was worth it. The Butcher was one of the best meals I had on my trip.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4
Shrimp Po’ Boy from the Concession Stand.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4
It was not good, but at least I got outside.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4
I got the Moroccan Spiced Lamb.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4
With marinated brussel sprouts.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4
Michelle’s meal.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4

The Butcher definitely made up for the Po’ Boy. It was a great meal!

Still 3 days left of New Orleans meals to share. Well 2.333333.

New Orleans Food Adventure – Day 3

Another Bokeh Picture of the Week? You got it!


Most of the other pictures I have of are still being considered for my submission for THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE. This one is of her going for a little car ride.


Time to share the food I knocked down on Day 3 of my trip to New Orleans. I actually didn’t eat that much on that day. I had some pastries in our training meeting. I completely skipped lunch. So the only real meal of any interest was my supper. Here are the pictures:

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2
A King Cake, but no baby in it.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2
The hotel was giving out free jambalaya. It wasn’t great.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2
I had never had a Muffaletta, but now I wish there was a place around here to get one!

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2
Unfortunately, they served Coke.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2
The fries were only, okay.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2
But the sandwich was outstanding!

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2
But you have to like olives!

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2
Which I do!

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2
With tip, it cost me $31.67.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2

Next Sunday will be more food from New Orleans, but I might pick up the pace a bit.

As for the health journey. I was pretty terrible with tracking again this week, but I can say that I’m currently 5.4 pounds from my first ultimate goal. I’ll do better this week.

Post 5,250

Can you believe that this is the 5,250th entry in the blog known as “An Artist’s Notebook”? Every 250 posts or so I like to take a moment to reflect on where this post has been and post a lot of meaningless stats.

As always on these posts, I like to start by quoting the very first “An Artist’s Notebook” entry that published on August 9, 2006. That first post that published 6,296 days.

That post that started with these words:

So here is the first journal entry. I felt like having as pretentious sounding name as possible for my journal. I have a few goals about this journal. My main goal is just to actually write in it. My second goal is to be as truthful as possible towards my true thoughts and feelings. I have another journal on another website, but it is really just a collection of sarcastic statements and cheap jabs at open faced sandwiches. This journal is meant to be about what my achievements and failures are in the world of art. What projects I am working on and what I have accomplished and what I have failed to accomplish. What I am photographing and what I am thinking about entering in photo contests. What I am thinking about. It might not always make sense. It might just be things I need to write down because they strike me as poignant or inspirational. This is in a small way an online “idea box”.

Since those words, I have posted 5,250 journal entries. This website is still something of an “idea box”. Sometimes I’m just working stuff out here. I don’t know why, sometimes I need to work stuff out in public. But this website is definitely more than just an “idea box”. It is a place where I post a few thoughts and a ton of pictures. I’ve gone through a few photo projects on these pages. From THE TOWN SIGN PROJECT to the 9 EMOTIONS PROJECT to THE SELFIE PROJECT to the POSTCARD RECREATION PROJECT to name just a few. This website has also created a community with THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE. Which is one of my proudest achievements. Even if it sputtered and spit and barely survived in its first few years.

On these reflective posts, I like to publish a bunch of statistics that me and Joe Duff find interesting. So I might as well get to it.

Every post in “An Artist’s Notebook” is tagged with at least one Category. It is one of the easiest ways to navigate around the website. They are listed at the top of each post. Here are some statistics about Categories:


10. Carla – 632 (#10 – 39)
9. Formal Portrait – 655 (#6 – 6)
8. Teresa – 657 – (#9 – 49)
7. Road Trip – 657 (#8 – 32)
6. Macro – 662 (#7 – 26)
5. Jesse – 754 (#5 – 54)
4. Animals – 833 (#3 – 34)
3. Art – 842 – (#4 – 75)
2. Flowers – 1,010 (#2 – 40)
1. Black & White – 1,221 (#1 – 27)

No categories dropped from the Top 10. The categories with the best shot at cracking the Top 10 in the next 250 posts are Shannon, Nature, WPC-Submissions, Candid Portrait, & Still Life.

10. Candid Portrait – 504 (#9 – 16)
9. WPC-Submissions – 563 (NR – 27)
8. Nature – 568 (#8 – 26)
7. Formal Portrait – 655 (#5 – 6)
6. Road Trip – 657 (#7 – 32)
5. Macro – 662 (#9 – 26)
4. Animals – 833 (#3 – 34)
3. Art – 842 – (#4 – 75)
2. Flowers – 1,010 (#2 – 40)
1. Black & White – 1,221 (#1 – 27)

Photoshop dropped out of the Top 10.

The categories with the best shot of cracking the Top 10 in the next 250 posts are Still Life, Photoshop, Naima, History, and Self-portrait.


10. Willy – 379 (NR – 27)
9. Vest – 388 (#10 – 29)
8. Micky – 399 (#8 – 29)
7. Logan – 428 (#7 – 37)
6. Kim – 441 (#6 – 35)
5. Mom – 473 (#5)
4. Shannon – 615 (#4 – 30)
3. Carla – 632 (#3 – 39)
2. Teresa – 657 (#2 – 49)
1. Jesse – 754 (#1 – 54)

Jay dropped out of he Top 10. The categories that have the best chance of breaking into the Top 10 in the next 250 posts are Andy, Jay, Jen, Sara, and Derrick.

If you have spent any time on the Photography 139 website, you know that on the left sidebar, the “Top 100 Categories” are listed. I thought I would give a little bit of coverage to the Bottom 10 of the Top 100. There are currently 208 categories used on the website. I could cover the Bottom 10, but no real reason. Some of those categories probably need to be purged. I do like to cover the Top 10 of the Bottom 100 though.


10. Nathanial – 82 (+29)
9. Layla – 84 (+8)
8. Commercial – 84 (0)
7. House – 91 (+1)
6. Writing – 92 (0)
5. Becca – 92 (+2)
4. Pastor Sarah – 93 (+2)
3. Pufferbilly Days – 95 (+4)
2. Tenderloining – 96 (+25)
1. Faust – 96 (+4)

The following categories have either fallen out of the Bottom 10 of the Top 100 or climbed out of it:
Andree, Flat Earth Joe, Self-Portrait Project, and Sabas

The following categories have the best shot at dropping back into the Bottom 10 of the Top 10:
Russell, Nate, Jill, Blogging, Sabas, and Lowell.

The following categories have the best shot at climbing up into the Bottom 10 of the Top 10:
Andree, Photo Journal, Self-Portrait Project, Flat Earth Joe, and Mary.

I’m now starting to track what categories have had the greatest gain. These are the ones that have the greatest gain since the beginning of 2024.


10. Kim – 35
10. Andy – 35
10. Michelle – 35
8. Logan – 37
8. Elizabeth – 37
7. Carla – 39
6. Flowers – 40
5. Teresa – 49
4. Jesse – 54
2. Still Life – 72
2. Street Photography – 72
1. Art – 75


9. Nature -26
9. Nature – 26
7. Black & White – 27
7. WPC – Submissions – 27
6. Road Trip – 32
5. Animals – 34
4. Flowers – 40
2. Still Life – 72
2. Street Photography – 72
1. Art – 75


9. Scottie. D. – 33
9. Linda – 33
9. Sabas – 33
6. Kim – 35
6. Andy – 35
6. Michelle – 35
4. Logan – 37
4. Elizabeth – 37
3. Carla – 39
2. Teresa – 49
1. Jesse – 54

If you are wondering what is your best way to improve your Photography 139 Score and crack the Top 10, it is simply to be active in THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE or go on trips with me or participate in various other photo projects or be related to me. Now these aren’t necessarily the 10 people that have influenced my photography the most, but these are the 10 people that have made the largest imprint on this website.

I can tell you the people that have influenced my photography the most, but that is a tale for another time. But I’m pretty sure you can guess who.


To View the Gallery, Click on its Representative Image

Naima at Dickcissel Park
10. Naima – 72,941 views

Rodan139: Des Moines River Valley
9. Drone – 73,421 views

9 Emotions Project - Anders Runestad
8. 9 Emotions Project – 98,062 views

7. Weekly Photo Challenge Year 3 – 124,533 views

Bonaparte, Iowa
6. Town Sign Project – 127,555 views

Tenderloin Trail 2.0: The Feed Mill Restaurant
5. Tenderloining – 134,777 views

Jackson County - Saint Donatus
4. Town Sign Project Auxiliary Images – 172,671 views

3. Weekly Photo Challenge – Year 11 – 192,976 views

2. Instagram – 212,131 views

1. Weekly Photo Challenge – Year 11 – 289,984 views

Galleries that fell out of the Top 10 are:
Las Vegas 2023, Weekly Photo Challenge Year 9, Selfie Project – 2022,

Galleries that fell just outside of the Top 10 are:
Life, 365 Day Photo Project -2013, Memphis – 2023, New Orleans – 2024, Phot Journal Rejects.

But what are the most popular single images of the last 365 days? Don’t worry, I’m gonna feed you baby birds.

Top 10 Photography 139 Images

Pufferbilly Days Photo Contest - 2023
10. 2,475 views

RedzBand - 05-30-2008
9. 2,508 views

Watermelon Day - 2023
8. 2,812 views

7. 3,774 views

6. 3,875 views

Color the Wind - 2023
5. 3,999 views

Ben Baier - 2024
4. 4,020 views

Boone County Fair Barbecue Contest - 2023
3. 4,305 views

Kentucky Road Trip - 2013
2. 4,816 views

1. 20,050 views

If you are interested in checking out some of the milestone posts of the past, I got you. Click on any of the links below to check them out:

Post 1
Post 750
Post 850
Post 1,000
Post 1,101
Post 1,200
Post 1,447
Post 1,718
Post 2,500
Post 3,000
Post 3,252
Post 3,751
Post 4,000
Post 4,250
Post 4,500
Post 4,757
Post 5,005

I think that is enough. We will check back in, in another 250 posts.

New Orleans Food Adventure – Day 2

Last week I skipped some stuff cause I was short on time, but I wanted to make sure I definitely included a Bokeh Picture of the Week this week:

Bokeh Picture of the Week

Just making herself home at FNSC!


Now to start Day 2 of my food adventures in New Orleans. I didn’t eat anything for breakfast. Tony and I went to an Italian place across the street from the Convention Center for lunch. Then I went out to eat with Kim, Gina, and Michelle for supper. Then Gina, Michelle, and I ended up at Cafe du Monde for beignets.

Here are the pictures:

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2
It was pretty good pizza!

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2
Cost: $26.36

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2
Kim packed some pretty good snacks this year.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2
I went with the Catfish Napoleon for supper.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2
Brussel sprouts!

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2
It was an okay meal.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2
And it cost me nothing. So there is that.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2
I also freeloaded here.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2
An okay chocolate milk.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2
So much powdered sugar!

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2

All in all, it was another pretty good day of eating!

Last week I didn’t report on my quest to live healthier. The last two weeks have went okay, but I’ve been really bad a tracking things, so it is sufficient to say for now, things are still trending well. I just need to get back at tracking and I need to get back to walking more!

New Orleans Food Adventure – Day 1

I ate a lot of food while is New Orleans. Here is just the food I ate on Day 1 of my trip.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 1
On the flight from Des Moines to Saint Louis.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 1
Not bad.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 1
Water on the flight from Saint Louis to New Orleans.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 1
Another bag of these.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 1
Tony and I got lunch at Mambo’s.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 1
I got the Cajun Jambalaya Pasta.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 1

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 1

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 1
It was pretty darn good and I’m not really a pasta person.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 1

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 1
We split an order of the Jalapeno Hush Puppies.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 1

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 1
Also, very good.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 1
$38.04 with tip.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 1
Kim and I ate supper at the Acme Oyster House.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 1
Kim’s signature drink.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 1
My supper.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 1
It was mostly kind of fair.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 1

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 1

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 1

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 1
Kim’s supper was much better.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 1
$30.37 with tip.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 1

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 1

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 1

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 1
Too bad I don’t like oysters.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 1

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 1

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 1

The trip was off to a good start!

Burgertime: Adair Field Work

Here is your Bokeh Picture of the Week:


In this picture Bokeh is running with a tennis ball that Lola, the dog from across the street, gave her. She had a vet appointment on Friday where she got 2 shots. Only 2 more rounds of shots and she will be good for a year. She now weighs 23.9 pounds.


A few weeks back I went on a road trip with Nader and we ended up in Adair to try the burger at the Chuckwagon in Adair. It was one of the 10 finalists for Best Burger in Iowa, but it did not win. Here are some pictures:

BurgerTime: Chuckwagon Restaurant

BurgerTime: Chuckwagon Restaurant

BurgerTime: Chuckwagon Restaurant

BurgerTime: Chuckwagon Restaurant

BurgerTime: Chuckwagon Restaurant

BurgerTime: Chuckwagon Restaurant

BurgerTime: Chuckwagon Restaurant

BurgerTime: Chuckwagon Restaurant

BurgerTime: Chuckwagon Restaurant

BurgerTime: Chuckwagon Restaurant

BurgerTime: Chuckwagon Restaurant

BurgerTime: Chuckwagon Restaurant
Nader’s Chicken Strips

BurgerTime: Chuckwagon Restaurant
Great urinal.

BurgerTime: Chuckwagon Restaurant

BurgerTime: Chuckwagon Restaurant

BurgerTime: Chuckwagon Restaurant

BurgerTime: Chuckwagon Restaurant

BurgerTime: Chuckwagon Restaurant

BurgerTime: Chuckwagon Restaurant

BurgerTime: Chuckwagon Restaurant

The burger was a hot delicious mess! I would gladly go back there. I wouldn’t make a special trip from Boone, but if I was on I-80 between Des Moines and Omaha, I would pull over and knock down a tasty burger from there.

You can find the Chuckwagon Restaurant here:

113 5th Street
Adair, Iowa

Sunday Closed
Monday 7 AM–8 PM
Tuesday 7 AM–8 PM
Wednesday 7 AM–8 PM
Thursday 7 AM–8 PM
Friday 8 AM–8:30 PM
Saturday 8 AM–8:30 PM

Next Sunday’s food adventure will recount all the food I ate in New Orleans.


How is my efforting to live a healthy lifestyle going?

This week my weight went down 0.0 pounds. I weight exactly the same as I did last Sunday. Definitely a week of plateauing, but also a week of not exercising much and not eating well. But it happens. I am now down 46.5 pounds since starting Noom.

So my new goal is to drop that 8.1 pounds by the 4th of July. That would be around 2 pounds a week, which seems realistic. Although. I can say for certain that after I reach my “ultimate goal weight” that goal weight will change. I’m going to guess with about another 25 pounds or so. We’ll see. I have to make that weight first.

But weight isn’t the only measure (or even the most important measure) of positive results. I’m not sure I can come up with any this week. Obviously there are. I guess I’ll just go with yardwork is definitely easier these days.

Since I started using Fitbit on February 20, 2024 (117 days) I’ve:

+ Taken 1,402,585 steps
+ Averaged 8,154 steps a day for the last 7 days
+ Walked 648.81 miles
+ Averaged walking 5.54 miles a day

That is all to report for now.

*Ultimate goal weight subject to change.

Donut O’clock: Nevada Field Work

Here is your Bokeh Picture of the Week:


She had a pretty good week. Definitely a great week potty training. Made some progress on leash training. Saturday alone she had visits from Elainie, Sabas, Jay, and three separate sets of neighbors!


Friday was National Donut Day! While it is luck and a bit random, it is apropos that this week’s food adventure involves donuts! Bricktown Bakery in Nevada is a phenomenal bakery in Nevada. I wasn’t completely unfamiliar with their offerings. Elizabeth brings their donuts into the Computer Mine now and again. But I had never actually been there in person. I had only gotten a fix from the donut dealer.

Recently Elizabeth, Michelle, Micky, and I went to Nevada to attend a visitation for Kim’s father-in-law. After paying our respects, we went over to Bricktown Bakery to enjoy some sweets. Here are some pictures:

Donut O'Clock: Bricktown Bakery
The art on the wall was amazing!

Donut O'Clock: Bricktown Bakery

Donut O'Clock: Bricktown Bakery
Recent pie frustration fills me with regret.

Donut O'Clock: Bricktown Bakery

Donut O'Clock: Bricktown Bakery

Donut O'Clock: Bricktown Bakery

Donut O'Clock: Bricktown Bakery
What Micky looks like when he is dressed up.

Donut O'Clock: Bricktown Bakery

Donut O'Clock: Bricktown Bakery

Donut O'Clock: Bricktown Bakery

Donut O'Clock: Bricktown Bakery
They also sell popcorn.

Donut O'Clock: Bricktown Bakery
Cy’s Favorite, has to be great right?

Donut O'Clock: Bricktown Bakery
Looks good?

Donut O'Clock: Bricktown Bakery

Donut O'Clock: Bricktown Bakery

Donut O'Clock: Bricktown Bakery

Donut O'Clock: Bricktown Bakery

Bricktown Bakery donuts are indeed delicious. Incredible! Amazing! Whatever superlative you want! I would definitely drive out of the way for their goodies. Now the popcorn… I’m not exaggerating when I say it is one of the worst foods I’ve ever had in my life. Period. You put a bag of chicken feet and this bag of popcorn in front of me and I have to eat all of one of them or something bad happens. I’m gobbling down those chicken feet.

Not a single person who tried it at the Computer Mine had anything but revulsion after they popped it in their mouth. I ended up giving the balance of the bag to Elizabeth to take home because teenage boys will eat anything. And the report that came back is that they did indeed eat it.

If I were giving Bricktown academic grades, their donuts are an A+++++ and the popcorn is an F—-.

You can find Bricktown Bakery here:

1105 6th Street
Nevada, Iowa

Sunday Closed
Monday Closed
Tuesday 7 AM–6 PM
Wednesday 7 AM–6 PM
Thursday 7 AM–6 PM
Friday 7 AM–6 PM
Saturday 7 AM–2 PM

Next Sunday’s food adventure will involve a finalist for Best Burger in Iowa.


How is my efforting to live a healthy lifestyle going?

This week my weight went down 2.9 pounds. I am now down 46.5 pounds since starting Noom. I have reached my most recent intermittent goal weight. I am 8.1 pounds away from my ultimate goal weight*. The weight I’m currently at is what I mentally think of as my kayak weight. When I started this journey, I decided that when I got down to this weight, I would go kayaking. So I need to look into doing that. I know where I can get a kayak at least.

So my new goal is to drop that 8.1 pounds by the 4th of July. That would be around 2 pounds a week, which seems realistic. Although. I can say for certain that after I reach my “ultimate goal weight” that goal weight will change. I’m going to guess with about another 25 pounds or so. We’ll see. I have to make that weight first.

I ate a little better this week again. Although, I have been crushing this bag of peanut butter cups that Elizabeth gave me, but balancing it with raspberries she also gave me. Then Michelle made me a carrot cake! Then I celebrated National Donut Day on Saturday. Then again today. I also crushed a Churro Split on Saturday. But other than that, my nutrition was pretty good this week. Lots of grilled tuna, vegetables, and fruits. I did try this “health soda” called OLIPOP. Spoiler, not really a heath drink. It is a healthier alternative than say regular or diet pop, but not really healthy. It was okay, but at the price (over $2 a can) I don’t need to buy any more.

Hopefully this is another good week. Maybe this is the week I make my triumphant return to the gym. I hope the juggling guy is still there!

But weight isn’t the only measure (or even the most important measure) of positive results. I’m not sure I can come up with any this week. Obviously there are. I guess I’ll just go with yardwork is definitely easier these days.

Since I started using Fitbit on February 20, 2024 (110 days) I’ve:

+ Taken 1,338,237 steps
+ Averaged 11,016 steps a day for the last 7 days
+ Walked 619.69 miles
+ Averaged walking 5.63 miles a day

That is all to report for now.

*Ultimate goal weight subject to change.

Get Sum: Johnston Field Work

I thought I would start adding a weekly picture of Bokeh to these posts as well. At least for now. So here is your Bokeh Picture of the Week:


Those little puppy teeth are sharp!



A month or so Jay, Willy, and I went down to Wong’s Chopsticks to eat some dim sum. Maybe you aren’t as worldly and sophisticated as Jay, Willy, and I and don’t know what dim sum is, don’t worry. Here is a handy dandy definition from The Asia Society:

Dim sum is a traditional Chinese meal made up of small plates of dumplings and other snack dishes and is usually accompanied by tea. Similar to the way that the Spanish eat tapas, the dishes are shared among family and friends. Typically dim sum is consumed during brunch hours — late morning to lunchtime.

Here are the pictures from our big dim sum brunch:

Dim Sum - Wong's Chopsticks
Dim Sum Menu

Dim Sum - Wong's Chopsticks
I went with the traditional hot tea.

Dim Sum - Wong's Chopsticks
Cause I’m so fancy!

Dim Sum - Wong's Chopsticks
The 1st round.

Dim Sum - Wong's Chopsticks
The thing about dim sum is…

Dim Sum - Wong's Chopsticks
It all looks kinda gross. Except the chicken feet of course!

Dim Sum - Wong's Chopsticks
So delicious!

Dim Sum - Wong's Chopsticks
Also good.

Dim Sum - Wong's Chopsticks
That chicken won’t be crossing any road, at least not with out a prosthetic anyways.

Dim Sum - Wong's Chopsticks
Chicken foot remains.

Dim Sum - Wong's Chopsticks

Dim Sum - Wong's Chopsticks

Dim Sum - Wong's Chopsticks

Dim Sum - Wong's Chopsticks

Dim Sum - Wong's Chopsticks

Dim Sum - Wong's Chopsticks

Dim Sum - Wong's Chopsticks

Dim Sum - Wong's Chopsticks

Dim Sum - Wong's Chopsticks

Dim Sum - Wong's Chopsticks
This really was the showstopper! By far the best thing on the menu.

Dim Sum - Wong's Chopsticks

Dim Sum - Wong's Chopsticks

Dim Sum - Wong's Chopsticks

Dim Sum - Wong's Chopsticks

Dim Sum - Wong's Chopsticks

Dim Sum - Wong's Chopsticks

Dim Sum - Wong's Chopsticks

Dim Sum - Wong's Chopsticks

Dim Sum - Wong's Chopsticks

Dim Sum - Wong's Chopsticks

The short answer about Chopstick’s. Would I go back? Would I go out of my way for it? Probably not. Dim sum is good for something different every now and again, but I don’t sit up at night and crave it. Well maybe that broccoli, which was absolutely amazing!

About those chicken feet. Jay and I both took them down like the men that we are. Willy had about 2 bites and threw in the towel. We brought some back for Jesse cause he talked a big game. But it just ended up being talk. Once presented with the chicken feet he was well… a big old chicken! Bawk! Bawk! Hard to believe he passed on a chance to eat delicious chicken feet.

It was a terrible day. Absolutely terrible! It was like finding out that the Easter Bunny isn’t real. Just something invented to take the heat off Santa.

You can find Wong’s Chopsticks here:

5500 Merle Hay Road
Suite L
Johnston, Iowa

Sunday 9 AM–9 PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11 AM–9 PM
Wednesday 11 AM–9 PM
Thursday 11 AM–9 PM
Friday 11 AM–9 PM
Saturday 11 AM–9 PM

Next Sunday’s food adventure will not involve a bakery and no chicken feet. But something much, much worse somehow.


How is my efforting to live a healthy lifestyle going?

This week my weight went down 2.4 pounds. I am now down 43.6 pounds since starting Noom. I am 1.0 pounds from my next intermittent goal weight. Which I would like to reach by next Sunday. I am 11.0 pounds away from my ultimate goal weight*. Although. I can say for certain that after I reach my “ultimate goal weight” that goal weight will change. I’m going to guess with about another 25 pounds or so. We’ll see. I have to make that weight first.

I ate a little better this week again. Although I did crush some homemade pizza on Friday night and then tackled a few s’mores to boot. But for the most part it was a good week. My exercise fell off a bit. Need to get that average 7 day step count back up of 10,000 this week. Maybe return to the gym for the first time since getting Bokeh. Her potty training isn’t perfect, but she is definitely close!

But weight isn’t the only measure (or even the most important measure) of positive results. I bought some smaller shorts this week. I’m sure I actually went down a pant size a while back, but as long as I had a belt to hold my them up, I wasn’t too worried about how loose they are becoming. So that is something.

Since I started using Fitbit on February 20, 2024 (103 days) I’ve:

+ Taken 1,261,135 steps
+ Averaged 8,859 steps a day for the last 7 days
+ Walked 583.69 miles
+ Averaged walking 5.66 miles a day

That is all to report for now.

*Ultimate goal weight subject to change.

BurgerTime: Williamson Field Work

A few weeks back, Teresa and I went to Pella so I could photograph their tulips. After getting enough of the Dutch, we drove a few miles south to Williamson (Population 120) to try one of the finalists for Best Burger in Iowa. The burger at the Williamson Tavern.

The finalists were:
1. Big Head Burger – Waterloo
2. Chuckwagon Restaurant – Adair
3. Flight Bar + Grille – Huxley
4. Houston’s on Main – Milo
5. JJ’s Tavern + Grill – Ankeny
6. Lucile’s @ The Continental Hotel – Centerville
7. The Flying Elbow – Marshalltown
8. The Market at the Tap
9. Wilder @ Graduate – Iowa City
10. Williamson Tavern – Williamson

I had already eaten at Flight and The Flying Elbow. The have both won in the past. Milo is probably closer to Pella, but the chance of me being near Williamson anytime soon are pretty rare, so I thought I would give them the first shot to impress me.

Here are some pictures:

Burgertime:  Williamson Tavern

Burgertime:  Williamson Tavern

Burgertime:  Williamson Tavern

Burgertime:  Williamson Tavern
It was really dark in there, so the pictures aren’t great.

Burgertime:  Williamson Tavern
I got the sour cream and chives fries.

Burgertime:  Williamson Tavern

Burgertime:  Williamson Tavern

Burgertime:  Williamson Tavern

Burgertime:  Williamson Tavern

Burgertime:  Williamson Tavern

Burgertime:  Williamson Tavern

Burgertime:  Williamson Tavern

Burgertime:  Williamson Tavern

Burgertime:  Williamson Tavern

Burgertime:  Williamson Tavern

Burgertime:  Williamson Tavern

Burgertime:  Williamson Tavern

Burgertime:  Williamson Tavern

Burgertime:  Williamson Tavern

Burgertime:  Williamson Tavern

Burgertime:  Williamson Tavern

Cutting to the chase. This is a really good bar burger. It was tasty. It was moist. It hit the spot after walking all over Pella. But one of the best burgers in Iowa? I have my doubts.

I would definitely eat at the Williamson Tavern again. I would crush another one of those burgers. But don’t know I would drive out of my way to go there.

The Williamson Tavern can be found here:

108 South Avenue
Williamson, Iowa

Sunday – Closed
Monday – Closed
Tuesday -10:30 AM–2:30 PM, 5–10 PM
Wednesday – 10:30 AM–2:30 PM, 5–10 PM
Thursday – 10:30 AM–2:30 PM, 5–10 PM
Friday – 10:30 AM–2:30 PM, 5–10 PM

Saturday -10:30 AM–10 PM

Next Sunday’s food adventure will involve chicken feet.


How is my efforting to live a healthy lifestyle going?

This week my weight went down 2.9 pounds. I am now down 41.2 pounds since starting Noom. I have reached my May 30 goal weight! WooHoo! I am 13.4 pounds away from my ultimate goal weight*. My next intermittent goal? I I’ll go with to be down another 3.4 pounds in the next 2 weeks. To have only 10 more pounds to goal. Although. I can say for certain that after I reach my “ultimate goal weight” that goal weight will change. I’m going to guess with about another 25 pounds or so. We’ll see. I have to make that weight first.

I ate better this week than last week and I was able to carve out a little bit more time for exercise than last week. Although I did eat pretty terrible on Friday and Saturday. Well not THAT bad. But I did have 2 lunches on Saturday. Plus at some delicious Zeno’s pizza and then followed it with the world’s largest raspberry ice cream cone from The Original Starbuck’s.

But weight isn’t the only measure (or even the most important measure) of positive results. This is one measure that actually happened at the beginning of the month, but I really forgot to report it. First, I fit so much better in an airplane seat now. Not roomy by any stretch of the imagination, but definitely better. But more importantly, usually at these company meetings by the end of the day my legs are just done. On the most recent trip to New Orleans, my legs and entire body may have been tired, but they weren’t crying for ibuprofen. That is huge. Makes me look forward to the Iowa State Fair even more! I need to get my first 25,000 step day in at some point! Came so close in New Orleans, but not quite there!

Since I started using Fitbit on February 20, 2024 (96 days) I’ve:

+ Taken 1,201,271 steps
+ Averaged 9,333 steps a day for the last 7 days
+ Walked 555.65 miles
+ Averaged walking 5.78 miles a day

That is all to report for now.

*Ultimate goal weight subject to change.