As you may recall, I like to check in on some statistics every 100 posts or so to see how things are doing in popularity. However, this statistical check-in will mark the end of an era. I am officially retiring the Snapshots Gallery and the Artistic Gallery.
The advent of the store has made them obsolete and why bother with galleries where you can’t buy anything, right Andree Jauhari, Marla Gorshe, and Jennifer Wohlgemuth of Minnesota! Right. Right?
Therefore, the only gallery that will remain is the Store. Check it out:
So here are the final rankings of the 10 most popular pictures in the Artistic Gallery. For the record, these are heavily skewed by spammers:

1. 669 Views

2. 497 Views

3. 410 Views

4. 375 Views

5. 352 Views

5. 352 Views

7. 351 Views

8. 350 Views

8. 350 Views

8. 350 Views
Here are the 10 most popular pictures from the Snapshots Gallery. Data heavily skewed by spammers.

1. 2010 Labor Day – 915 Views

2. Jesse & I Netting My Trees – 643 Views

3. Derrick & a Gunderburger – 245 Views

4. Tailgating Games – 229 Views

5. Baier & I at Chiefs Game – 169 Views

6. Shannon & I at an Inebriated Saints Show – 89 Views

7. Shannon in Backbone – 54 Views

8. Holding the White Trash Elixir – 49 Views

9. Brandon Tailgating – 45 Views

10. Gunderburger! – 43 Views
Here is the list of the ten people that have contributed (in some way shape or form) to this blog the most in the first 1199 entries. Plus how many entries they have been in since we last looked at these numbers. Plus where they were the last time we looked at these numbers.
1. Jesse – 174 – +9 – 1
2. Jay – 165 – +13 – 2
3. Shannon – 153 – +6 – 3
4. Derrick – 138 – +14 – 4
5. Jen – 124 – +16 – 6
6. Teresa – 118 – +9 – 5
7. Sara – 112 – +15 – 8
8. Willy – 110 – +8 – 7
9. Vest – 95 – +14 – 9
10. Carla – 84 – +10 – NR
10. Mom – 84 – +17 – NR
Who are the 3 greatest movers outside of the Top Ten?
1. Dad – +16
2. Jill – +14
3. Evie – +6
Thanks to this group of friends and family for their consistent efforts in aiding me in my photographic pursuits, either through assisting, modeling, inspiring, listening, or just being around a whole lot. I couldn’t do what I do with out them. And so many other people too!