Category Archives: Music

When You Said it First to Me?

Time to share more of the alternate BLACK & WHITE images I took on the 4th of July. This collection concludes the tiem I spent in Ames on that day. Mostly watching a parade with the Gorshes.

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Still one more collection of glorious BLACK & WHITE pictures from this day left to share!

Remember When I Believed You Meant It

Time to share the alternate images for THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE theme BLACK & WHITE that I took on July 4. In fact, I took so many pictures on that day, I’m going to split this into 3 days. The first day consists of pictures I took around Ames before and after watching the Independence Day Parade in Ames with the Gorshes.

Let’s get after it:

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Still 2 more collections of images from this day left to share.

An Eternal Love BS You Know You’ll Never Mean

Today is Logan’s birthday, so I have to wish him a happy birthday!

Burgertime: Desination Grille
Happy birthday Logan!

I hope your day is filled with quality garage sale finds and a ton of photo opportunities!


Today is also Derrick’s birthday, so I also need to wish him a happy birthday!

Day 323 - November 19, 2022
Happy birthday Derrick!

I hope your birthday is filled with camping and some tasty face melting guitar solos. Probably some Pink Floyd as well.


Time to share more alternate BLACK & WHITE images for THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE. These BLACK & WHITE images I took on July 3.

Last Penny - 2024

Last Penny - 2024

Nature's Amen - 2024

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Black & White Alternate

Vest & Ron

Bokeh - Black & White

Bokeh - Black & White

Bokeh - Black & White

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

3 days of glorious BLACK & WHITE images shared! 4 more days to go!

Jeffersonian Visit IV

Today is Bethany’s birthday so I have to wish her a happy birthday.

Minnesota State Fair - 2019
Happy birthday Bethany!

I hope it is an amazing birthday filled with tons of super deep questions from Nora!


Time to share the balance of pictures I took on that trip around Greene County with Teresa.

Greene County - Jefferson

Greene County - Jefferson

Greene County - Jefferson

Greene County - Jefferson

Greene County - Jefferson

Greene County - Jefferson

Greene County - Jefferson

Greene County - Jefferson

Greene County - Jefferson

Greene County - Jefferson

Greene County - Deal's Orchard

Greene County - Deal's Orchard

Greene County - Deal's Orchard

Greene County - Deal's Orchard

Greene County - Deal's Orchard

Greene County - Deal's Orchard

Greene County - Deal's Orchard

Greene County - Deal's Orchard

Greene County - Deal's Orchard

Greene County - Deal's Orchard

Greene County - Deal's Orchard

Greene County - Deal's Orchard

Greene County - Deal's Orchard

Greene County - Deal's Orchard

Greene County - Deal's Orchard

Greene County - Deal's Orchard

Greene County - Deal's Orchard

Greene County - Deal's Orchard

Greene County - Deal's Orchard

Greene County, Iowa

Greene County, Iowa

Greene County, Iowa

Greene County, Iowa

Now I’m suddenly itching to hit an orchard.

Never Enough

Today is Nate’s birthday, so I have to wish him a happy birthday.

Nate's Graduation Party - 2021
Happy birthday Nate!

I hope you birthday is as peaceful as a birthday can be with triplets running around!


I’ve seen the people
As they walk down the street
Smiling and looking so free
As I stand on the corner
With a tear in my eye
Wondering how it would be
If I’d never asked for what I could not have
Always living for things out of reach

Never enough
Forever unsatisfied
Missing a piece of my soul
Never enough
Forever unanswered
Like a prayer that never gets told

Fall away troubles, dreams and desires
And let me escape from myself
If I’d never asked for what I could not have
I could live just like everyone else

Fall away troubles, dreams and desires
And let me escape from myself
-Written by Kevin Bowe & Shannon Curfman
-Shannon Curfman

Last Sunday I went to see Shannon Curfman with Lowell and his family and Aric and his family and Teresa. I tried to get Derrick to go, but he was being a big ninny! She is one of my favorite musicians ever. Not necessarily in the Top 5 or even Top 10, but one of my favorites. It is a big tent. I felt obligated to include one of her song titles into our Thursday flowertography sessions. The lyrics might not seem obviously romantic, but when you hear the song live, you will know. You will just know.

It isn’t my favorite Shannon Curfman song is “Few and Far Between” and thank you for asking.

You might be wondering if I took any pictures. Mostly cell phone pictures of a grinder for a future food adventure post, but I took a few with the real camera.

Here is my favorite:

Shannon Curfman
Shannon Curfman – Guitar Goddess.

But Thursdays are for flowers! This flowertography collection is the rest of the pictures I took of Valerie’s Zinnia Patch (a private exclusive garden):

Digging for God - 2023

Digging for God - 2023

Digging for God - 2023

Digging for God - 2023

Digging for God - 2023

Digging for God - 2023

Digging for God - 2023

Digging for God - 2023

Digging for God - 2023

Digging for God - 2023

Digging for God - 2023

Digging for God - 2023

Digging for God - 2023

Digging for God - 2023

Digging for God - 2023

Digging for God - 2023

Digging for God - 2023

Digging for God - 2023

Digging for God - 2023

Digging for God - 2023

Digging for God - 2023

Digging for God - 2023

Digging for God - 2023

Digging for God - 2023

The next collection of flower images was taken in my yard.

Des Moines Farmer’s Market III

Time to share the final collection of images I took on my street photography trip I took to the Des Moines Farmer’s Market with Teresa last summer.

Des Moines Farmer's Market - 2023

Des Moines Farmer's Market - 2023

Des Moines Farmer's Market - 2023

Des Moines Farmer's Market - 2023

Des Moines Farmer's Market - 2023

Des Moines Farmer's Market - 2023

Des Moines Farmer's Market - 2023

Des Moines Farmer's Market - 2023

Des Moines Farmer's Market - 2023

Des Moines Farmer's Market - 2023

Des Moines Farmer's Market - 2023

Des Moines Farmer's Market - 2023

Des Moines Farmer's Market - 2023

Des Moines Farmer's Market - 2023

Des Moines Farmer's Market - 2023

Des Moines Farmer's Market - 2023

Des Moines Farmer's Market - 2023

Des Moines Farmer's Market - 2023

Des Moines Farmer's Market - 2023

Des Moines Farmer's Market - 2023

Des Moines Farmer's Market - 2023

Des Moines Farmer's Market - 2023

Des Moines Farmer's Market - 2023

Des Moines Farmer's Market - 2023

Des Moines Farmer's Market - 2023

Des Moines Farmer's Market - 2023

Des Moines Farmer's Market - 2023

Des Moines Farmer's Market - 2023

Des Moines Farmer's Market - 2023

Des Moines Farmer's Market - 2023

For the most part I am opposed to putting stickers on cars. I can’t remember the name, but I once heard a comedian remark that they like when people put bumper stickers on their car. It was a really good way of telling people “I’m not worth meeting.”

However, I’m not opposed to stickers on your car or camper that show all the places you have been. These people have been almost as many places as Johnny Cash!

Weird thing is, I love stickers. I have stickers all over my laptop, my ledger, my cooler, my water bottle. Cognitive dissonance. What can you do?

I can’t wait to start hitting up farmer’s markets again! Soon!

Iowa State Fair – Day 4 – Beta

Time to share another collection of images I took on my last trip to the Iowa State Fair on the last day of the Iowa State Fair with Jesse and Nader. This collection begins in the Agriculture Building and ends in the Varied Industry Building. I love the Agriculture Building. Not so much of a fan of the Varied Industry Building, but it is air conditioned and sometimes, you just need a touch of that sweet air conditioning. Like on a day such as this, when it was nearly triple digits on the thermometer.

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023
You can say what you want about Bandalini, dude has swag!

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023
These Jack Trice throwbacks were tight!

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 4 - 2023

Still plenty more pictures from this trip left to share!