Category Archives: Still Life

She Probably Give You Butterflies

Today is Dahlia’s birthday. So I need to wish her a happy birthday.

Grape Jelly - 2020
Happy birthday Dahlia!

I hope your birthday is filled with plenty of play time!


Time for another collection of glorious BLACK AND WHITE images. These were all taken at Logan’s birthday party. I hope you like pictures of kids playing in water!

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

Logan's Birthday Party - 2024

I still have one more collection of glorious BLACK AND WHITE images to share! I’m post black and white, animal triste.

But She’s Beautiful, She Looks Kind

Time to start sharing the final alternate images for the glorious theme of BLACK & WHITE. All of these images are related to the Boone First United Methodist Church in one way or another. I started my day by worshipping an awesome God at Boone FUMC. Then I spent part of my evening at a 30 mile radius church picnic thing. I didn’t take any pictures there cause I was busy talking with Kio, Shannon, Adam, (and others) while dominating the water balloon toss. And I mean dominating. I almost worry the other competitors felt bad about how thoroughly dominated they were. Some will probably never touch a water balloon again.

Here are some pictures, mostly from the church:

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate
We apparently ran out of “O”s for God and had to use a zero.

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

There are still a ton of pictures from this day left to share. The rest are from Logan’s surprise birthday party. It will probably take 2 days to share them!

New Orleans Food Adventure – Day 5

Bokeh Picture of the Week coming up!

Bokeh Picture of the Week

She’s a charmer!


Time to share the food I knocked down on my work trip to New Orleans. This time I ate breakfast and it was so amazing that I wish I had eaten breakfast every, single day! So freakin’ good. I also ate lunch with Michelle at a food truck across the street from the Convention Center. Then I tried to eat supper at the Computer Mine Sales Team party but the food was just the worst thing ever. Hard to describe how terrible it was. So I ended up knocking down a street dog on Bourbon Street. No regrets there. One of the best hot dogs I’ve ever eaten!

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5
I got the Breakfast Burrito with sausage.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5
You can’t get a good chocolate milk outside of Iowa, but this wasn’t bad.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5
I could have licked the plate, it was so good!

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5
I got the Smoked Sausage.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5
It was pretty good.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5
But what Michelle got was better.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5
Sales “party”.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5
I was so excited for the fried okra, but you can’t serve fried foods like this!

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5
This was the most serviceable food there.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5
Gross. But free at least.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 5
A dang good Bourbon Street hot dog!

Jimmy J’s Cafe is one of my favorite restaurants I’ve ever been to. In fact, I went there for breakfast again the next day. Oh my, I’ve said too much.

So I haven’t been great about updating my quest to live healthier. But this is what I can say. I’m currently 3.8 pounds from my ultimate goal weight. And this week I earned a new FitBit Badge:

WooHoo me! I did a better job of getting steps in this week and I ate better… well until the weekend. I ate lots of Fair food. But that is okay. Not every day can be nutritional winners!

Will Make You Miss My Wretched Heart

This collection of glorious BLACK & WHITE images i took on July 6. I had a fairly lazy Saturday. I took a mini-road trip over to Jefferson for some A&W and had Jay, Willy, Monica, and Graham over for watermelon. But that was about all I did all day.

Bokeh - Black & White

Bokeh - Black & White

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black and White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate
This was Shorty & Doris’ farm.

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Black & White Alternate

Only 1 day of alternate glorious BLACK & WHITE images left to share, but it might take several days to share them all. We’ll see.

Like Cuttin’ Her Down

Time to share another collection of alternate images for THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE theme BLACK & WHITE. I took these glorious BLACK & WHITE pictures on July 5. I went over to Nevada to try what was allegedly great chicken from a gas station with Teresa and hosted Willy and Jay for FNSC and then a viewing of Dragon House. Or whatever that show is called.

The 5th of July

The 5th of July

The 5th of July

The 5th of July

The 5th of July

The 5th of July

The 5th of July

The 5th of July

The 5th of July

The 5th of July

The 5th of July

The 5th of July

The 5th of July

The 5th of July

The 5th of July

The 5th of July

The 5th of July

The 5th of July

The 5th of July

The 5th of July

The 5th of July

The 5th of July

The 5th of July

The 5th of July

The 5th of July

The 5th of July

The 5th of July

The 5th of July

2 more days of glorious BLACK & WHITE images left to share!

And Now I’m Pickin’ Her Apart

Today is Alexis’ birthday. So I need to wish her a happy birthday.

June  18
Happy birthday Alexis!

I hope it is a magical birthday! Dirty Slytherin…


Time to share the final set of BLACK & WHITE pictures I took on the 4th of July that were alternates for THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE. Most of these were taken at Scottie D.’s 4th of July Bash.

4th of July - 2024

4th of July - 2024

4th of July - 2024

4th of July - 2024

4th of July - 2024

4th of July - 2024

4th of July - 2024

4th of July - 2024

4th of July - 2024

4th of July - 2024

4th of July - 2024

4th of July - 2024

4th of July - 2024

4th of July - 2024

4th of July - 2024

4th of July - 2024

4th of July - 2024

4th of July - 2024

4th of July - 2024

4th of July - 2024

4th of July - 2024

4th of July - 2024

4th of July - 2024

4th of July - 2024

4th of July - 2024

4th of July - 2024

4th of July - 2024

4th of July - 2024

4th of July - 2024

4th of July - 2024

4 days of glorious BLACK & WHITE images down! 3 more days to go.

When You Said it First to Me?

Time to share more of the alternate BLACK & WHITE images I took on the 4th of July. This collection concludes the tiem I spent in Ames on that day. Mostly watching a parade with the Gorshes.

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Still one more collection of glorious BLACK & WHITE pictures from this day left to share!

New Orleans Food Adventure – Day 4

Another Bokeh Picture of the Week? You got it!

Bokeh Picture of the Week

On Friday Bokeh went in for her final set of puppy vaccines. She now weighs 35 pounds. This picture is of her waiting on me to pump some gas.


Time to share the food I knocked down on Day 4 of my work trip to New Orleans. I didn’t eat breakfast again. I ate lunch at the convention center concession stand, which was a mistake. Then got tricked into going to supper with the sales team by Michelle, but it was worth it. The Butcher was one of the best meals I had on my trip.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4
Shrimp Po’ Boy from the Concession Stand.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4
It was not good, but at least I got outside.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4
I got the Moroccan Spiced Lamb.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4
With marinated brussel sprouts.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4
Michelle’s meal.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 4

The Butcher definitely made up for the Po’ Boy. It was a great meal!

Still 3 days left of New Orleans meals to share. Well 2.333333.

Remember When I Believed You Meant It

Time to share the alternate images for THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE theme BLACK & WHITE that I took on July 4. In fact, I took so many pictures on that day, I’m going to split this into 3 days. The first day consists of pictures I took around Ames before and after watching the Independence Day Parade in Ames with the Gorshes.

Let’s get after it:

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Still 2 more collections of images from this day left to share.

An Eternal Love BS You Know You’ll Never Mean

Today is Logan’s birthday, so I have to wish him a happy birthday!

Burgertime: Desination Grille
Happy birthday Logan!

I hope your day is filled with quality garage sale finds and a ton of photo opportunities!


Today is also Derrick’s birthday, so I also need to wish him a happy birthday!

Day 323 - November 19, 2022
Happy birthday Derrick!

I hope your birthday is filled with camping and some tasty face melting guitar solos. Probably some Pink Floyd as well.


Time to share more alternate BLACK & WHITE images for THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE. These BLACK & WHITE images I took on July 3.

Last Penny - 2024

Last Penny - 2024

Nature's Amen - 2024

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Black & White Alternate

Vest & Ron

Bokeh - Black & White

Bokeh - Black & White

Bokeh - Black & White

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

3 days of glorious BLACK & WHITE images shared! 4 more days to go!