Category Archives: Football

The Big Easy – Day 7 Phone Pictures

Day 7 in New Orleans was supposed to be relatively short. Tony and I had a 10:20 flight. So we would leave for the airport a little after 8. We would grab a connecting flight in Denver and be back in the Cyclone State by 3:30. But the best laid plans of mice and men…

Here are the pictures from Day 7. The final day.

New Orleans Trip - Day 7
I got up early to take one last stroll around. Saw this banner. I level of petty I can get behind.

New Orleans Trip - Day 7
About the time I was going to order an Uber we got a message from Southwest Airlines. Our flight had been delayed until noon! We decided to delay our trip to the airport until 10. That gave me time to go down and try to see the famous Saint Louis Cemetery No. 1. I didn’t get to see it because you have to pay for a tour, which is fine, but the tour lasted too long for me to take it. Anyways, saw this sticker. Enjoyed it.

New Orleans Trip - Day 7
On the way to the airport we got a text from Southwest that our flight had been moved back to its original flight time. Meaning that we missed our flight. Southwest was less than helpful. They told me to run and I might make the flight. Yeah, this was the security line. While waiting in it (this is TSA Pre-Check) Southwest sent me a message that my flight had left. Thanks!

New Orleans Trip - Day 7
I had to go back and get booked on a flight that wouldn’t leave until after 6. The fortunate thing for me was that they had checked my bags in. So I could go into the airport. They hadn’t checked Tony’s bag in, so he couldn’t go into the airport until 4 hours before the flight.

New Orleans Trip - Day 7
Not a fan of Southwest.

New Orleans Trip - Day 7
Another look at the security lines. This is the one that isn’t TSA Pre-Check.

New Orleans Trip - Day 7
Waited with Tony for a bit before going in.

New Orleans Trip - Day 7
Thanks airport.

New Orleans Trip - Day 7
NASA display.

New Orleans Trip - Day 7
Southerners love their Moon Pies!

New Orleans Trip - Day 7
Airport art.

New Orleans Trip - Day 7
Southerners love their Moon Pies!

New Orleans Trip - Day 7
Southerners love their moon pies!

New Orleans Trip - Day 7
Not in the mood for this toy at this time.

New Orleans Trip - Day 7
No lies detected.

New Orleans Trip - Day 7
For the Swifties that also love crawdads!

New Orleans Trip - Day 7
I know a big fan of the Golden Girls.

New Orleans Trip - Day 7
Southerners love their moon pies.

New Orleans Trip - Day 7
Finally in the air!

New Orleans Trip - Day 7

New Orleans Trip - Day 7

New Orleans Trip - Day 7

New Orleans Trip - Day 7

New Orleans Trip - Day 7

New Orleans Trip - Day 7
Landed in the home of Toasted Ravioli!

New Orleans Trip - Day 7
This sign made me so happy!

New Orleans Trip - Day 7
Goodbye Land of Toasted Ravioli.

Tony and Shannon dropped me off at my doorstep a little after midnight. It was a long, boring day. It was good to be home. 2 days later I would be welcoming Bokeh into my life and this trip feels like such a distant memory, even though it was only a month ago.

At some point I’ll begin sharing the pictures I took of New Orleans with the real camera!

Iowa State Fair – Day 3 – Delta

Today is Good Friday.

Good Friday - 2024

Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. If you are looking for a place to worship tonight, you can join me at the Boone First United Methodist Church. It is a Tenebrae Service. It starts at 6:30.

What is a Tenebrae Service? From our website:

A Service of Tenebrae, or “Shadows,” is based on a twelfth–century late night/early morning service and is an extended meditation on the Christian Scriptures that tell of the suffering of Christ during his betrayal, trial, and public execution. This service utilizes a mix of readings, liturgy, hymnody, and candlelight to draw our attention to Jesus’ suffering and death for the whole world.

Here is a Good Friday Devotional written by Rev. Lucky Cotto.

Good Friday

The Centurion near the Cross

Scripture Readings:

John 19:23-24
Matthew 27:50-54
Mark 15:39: When the centurion, who stood facing Jesus, saw how he died, he said, “This man was certainly God’s Son.”


The presence of Roman soldiers around the crucifixion of Jesus Christ indicates that this was a state-sponsored crucifixion ordered by the Jewish leaders opposed to Jesus’ message. (Incidentally, the Jews were treated as slaves and oppressed.)** The opponents claimed that Jesus had deceived the Jews and that He was opposed to them paying their contributions to the empire, and that, in addition, He claimed to be the Messiah, King of the Jews and stirred up the people with His teachings.

But the Roman Empire didn’t care. In fact, Pontius Pilate could not find a reason to crucify him, all he could think of was the coming uproar against the empire. In his own words, “Pilate then said to the chief priests, and to the people, “I find no crime in this man,” and he said to them, “You brought this man before me as one who was misleading the people. I have questioned him in your presence and found nothing in this man’s conduct that provides a legal basis for the charges you have brought against him. 15 Neither did Herod, because Herod returned him to us. He’s done nothing that deserves death.” As Pilate wanted to release Jesus, he again addressed the people; (Luke 23;1-24, VV. 4,14,15,20).

Meanwhile the crowds continued to shout, “crucify Him, crucify Him” (vv21) and the priests encouraged them to ask that Barabbas be set free. They wanted a revolutionary who had been in prison for murder to go free. At the same time, the Jews could not execute anyone. So, from the legal and judicial point of view Jesus’ sentence was unjust and tainted with false accusations. It is the effective result of false narratives promoting political manipulations orchestrated by religious fanatics who could not accept the message of Jesus’ kingdom.

However, from the perspective of what God intended for humanity, and what Jesus’ sacrifice would mean for the world, Jesus bore our sin, therefore, bore our guilt, our crimes, and on the cross, as Paul wrote: “God caused the one who didn’t know sin to be sin for our sake so that through him we could become the righteousness of God.”

At the foot of the cross are the Roman soldiers who nailed Jesus to the cross, mocked Him, tore His clothes, and were asked to watch over Him. Finally, He died and when He expired there was among the soldiers a centurion, a prominent officer, in charge of at least 100 soldiers. We do not know if he was comfortable and in agreement with the crucifixion of Jesus, if he knew about Jesus, or if he was interested in Judaism. Surely, he saw the sign above the cross that said “King of the Jews”, and he must have heard the thief standing next to Jesus who said to him: “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom” (Lk.23:42). and the assurance with which Jesus said: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do”. The centurion saw and heard everything that was happening and saw when Jesus gave His last breath and died. What came out of this man’s mouth was to praise God and say, “Truly this man was righteous.”

For Reflection

As a result of his new conviction, the centurion turned against the government he served. He had a transformation of mind and heart, even though he was one of those who wounded Jesus’ side, and executed him. Now he could see that this Jesus was truly sent by God, that he was truly who he said he was. Let us ask ourselves: Who is Jesus for me? Should we strive for people in positions of power who are guilty of committing injustice on the innocent to change in the face of an encounter with the gospel?


God who loved us so much that You did not mind sending Your only Son to come to save us, to save humanity, help us to recognize that great love that You have for us and that we can live as Jesus lived, who, in the midst of pain had compassion and asked you to forgive us. Thank You that we can feel Your forgiveness, Your love, and Your grace. Amen.


Time to share another collection of images from my trip to the State Fair with Monica and Graham and then Elainie, Sabas, and Tiffany. At this point in the day Monica and Graham just kinda ghosted me. I never saw them again. I hope they are doing okay, wherever they are.

Iowa State Fair -Trip 3 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 3 - 2023
I’m pretty sure this is the last time I saw Shannon. Have seen. I’m sure I will see her again someday.

Iowa State Fair -Trip 3 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 3 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 3 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 3 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 3 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 3 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 3 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 3 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 3 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 3 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 3 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 3 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 3 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 3 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 3 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 3 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 3 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 3 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 3 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 3 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 3 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 3 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 3 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 3 - 2023

Iowa State Fair -Trip 3 - 2023

Still more pictures to share from this day. I don’t think I’ll be going to the State Fair with Sabas and Elainie this year. With Elainie all preggers now, I’m sure she won’t be up for that kind of heat and activity. Maybe Sabas and I will go and we’ll send her pictures. Lots of pictures.

Liberty Bowl Trip Cell Phone Pictures

Time to share the May image for the 2024 Photography 139 Calendar. It is a picture taken off of I-80 near the exit that takes you to the Amana Colonies:

2024 Calendar - May

I chose this picture for May because I usually put a picture in May that is a picture that I love that I think most people won’t. Frequently that is an image of ruins. Which of course I love. Particularly black and white picture of ruins.


DATE: August 8, 2022 – 9:06 AM
LENS: E 28-75MM f/2.8
EXPOSURE: 1/1000
ISO: 100

Tomorrow I will share the June image!


While the football game didn’t go the way I had hoped. It was a full on embarrassment, but that is how the cookie crumbles. It still was an incredible trip. Thought I would go ahead and share some cruddy cell phone pictures from the trip to start:

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

Liberty Bowl Trip - 2023

I’ll get into details about the trip at a later date.

Taco Tailgate 2023

This week’s food adventure is looking back on 2023’s edition of Taco Tailgate. If you have forgotten. Taco Tailgate is the annual tailgate event for an Iowa State football game where Jorge makes me tacos. He makes tacos for other people, but I think they are mostly for me.

This was a heavily attended tailgate. By far the largest of the 3 times I tailgated this year. In attendance were (but not all at the same time):

+ Yours Truly
+ Jorge
+ Randi
+ Jesse
+ Elainie
+ Sabas
+ Derrick
+ Rachel
+ Sean
+ A few of their friends.
+ Elizabeth
+ Micky
+ Robyn
+ Katelyn
+ Aubrey

And I’m possibly forgetting somebody. If I am, I’m sorry.

Here are some pictures:

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

I also took a few pictures at the game with a little point & shoot. Here are a few of those:

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023

I’m not sure what next Sunday’s food adventure involves. Possibly pizza.

Rodan139: Homecoming Art

I got a chance to take Rodan139 out of the hangar recently to stretch its wings and check for a new firmware update that was rumored, but it was not there. I took it to Goeppinger Field to photograph some of the street art done by Boone High students for their Homecoming game a couple of weeks ago.

Rodan139: Goeppinger Field

Rodan139: Goeppinger Field

Rodan139: Goeppinger Field

Rodan139: Goeppinger Field

Rodan139: Goeppinger Field

Rodan139: Goeppinger Field

Rodan139: Goeppinger Field

Rodan139: Goeppinger Field

Rodan139: Goeppinger Field

Rodan139: Goeppinger Field

Rodan139: Goeppinger Field

Rodan139: Goeppinger Field

Rodan139: Goeppinger Field

Rodan139: Goeppinger Field

Rodan139: Goeppinger Field

Rodan139: Goeppinger Field

Rodan139: Goeppinger Field

Rodan139: Goeppinger Field

Rodan139: Goeppinger Field

Rodan139: Goeppinger Field

I did take Rodan139 out a couple of different times this weekend. So there are more pictures coming! One of those trips including a run-in with a pit bull, but that is a story for another day.

Don’t You Think I Loved You Too Much to be Used and Discarded?

Today is Sarah’s birthday so I need to say Happy birthday Sarah!!

Solar Eclipse - 2017

Weird thing is that the picture above was taken during the great solar eclipse debacle of 2017 and today there is a solar eclipse that you can see in a few parts of these United States. Iowa wasn’t one of them, but I won’t hold a grudge against the sun and moon.

Anyways, I hope Sarah’s birthday is as amazing as she can handle. Filled with good music and without her plans getting rained on!


Time once again for another whack at the January backlog. This time, the rest of the backlog has been whacked and thrown into the fires of… finished. I don’t know, I’m still workshopping a better name for that.

These pictures never really fit into a previous blog. Some of them are alternates for THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE.

Naima in the Snow

Naima in the Snow

Naima in the Snow

Naima in the Snow

Naima in the Snow

Naima in the Snow

Naima in the Snow

Naima in the Snow

Naima in the Snow

Naima in the Snow

Naima in the Snow

Don't You Think I Loved You Too Much to be Used and Discarded?

Don't You Think I Loved You Too Much to be Used and Discarded?

Don't You Think I Loved You Too Much to be Used and Discarded?

Don't You Think I Loved You Too Much to be Used and Discarded?

Don't You Think I Loved You Too Much to be Used and Discarded?

Don't You Think I Loved You Too Much to be Used and Discarded?

Don't You Think I Loved You Too Much to be Used and Discarded?

Don't You Think I Loved You Too Much to be Used and Discarded?

Don't You Think I Loved You Too Much to be Used and Discarded?

Don't You Think I Loved You Too Much to be Used and Discarded?

Don't You Think I Loved You Too Much to be Used and Discarded?

Don't You Think I Loved You Too Much to be Used and Discarded?

Don't You Think I Loved You Too Much to be Used and Discarded?

Don't You Think I Loved You Too Much to be Used and Discarded?

Don't You Think I Loved You Too Much to be Used and Discarded?

Don't You Think I Loved You Too Much to be Used and Discarded?

Don't You Think I Loved You Too Much to be Used and Discarded?

Don't You Think I Loved You Too Much to be Used and Discarded?

Don't You Think I Loved You Too Much to be Used and Discarded?

Don't You Think I Loved You Too Much to be Used and Discarded?

Don't You Think I Loved You Too Much to be Used and Discarded?

Don't You Think I Loved You Too Much to be Used and Discarded?

Don't You Think I Loved You Too Much to be Used and Discarded?

Now it is time to start working on the February backlog!

But You Broke Much More Than That

I took a ton of pictures on Saturday that are alternates for the BLACK & WHITE theme for THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE. So buckle up, this is going to be a long post. Even though most of these images can be broken into two different events.

1. Trip to Jester Park.
2. Iowa State football game.

No reason to keep dinking around. Here are the images from last Saturday:

But You Broke Much More Than That
I believe this is the 1st time I’ve seen Faust since before the pandemic. That is a damn shame!

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That
Jester Park

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That

But You Broke Much More Than That

I didn’t tailgate for the game on Saturday. Derrick and I got to stadium in time to catch the end of the warmups. I took in a cheap point & shoot I bought at a computer mine auction several years ago. I haven’t fired pixels through it in over 4 years. I didn’t take many game pictures for a variety of reasons, but I took plenty of pictures of the things that surround the game.

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023
I love that they still use the Twitter logo. F Elon Musk.

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

Iowa State vs Oklahoma State - 2023

But You Broke Much More Than That

I think it was a pretty good to great day!

Only one more pretty big sized collection of black & white images before we return to our normal broadcast schedule.


I need to point out that today is the anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the United States over 20 years ago.

9/11 -2023

I think I’ve recounted my experience on 9/11 here before. I think it probably wasn’t much different than most people that didn’t live in an attacked city. Going through all the stages of disbelief. Calling and waking people up. Knowing the world would never be the same. But not realizing it actually wouldn’t change that much.

But we are now 22 years out and a person begins to feel aged because of all the people in his life that weren’t even alive when 9/11 happened. Then I think of all the people that have left my life in those 22 years. Then I think of all the people that have come into my life in those 22 years. Then I think of the people that came into my life and then left my life in those 22 years. Gives a person pause.

Here’s to remembering all those that lost their lives on 9/11 and those that continue to have to fight all the health problems caused by being a first responder on that day.

And in that vein I want to share the speech that the great Jon Stewart gave to a nearly empty Congressional chamber fighting for funding to help with the ever mounting health care bills that those First Responders faced and still face.

I want to thank Mr. Collins and Mr. Nadler for putting this together. But, as I sit here today, I can’t help but think what an incredible metaphor this room is for the entire process that getting health care and benefits for 9/11 first responders has come to.

Behind me: a filled room of 9/11 first responders.

And in front of me: a nearly empty Congress.

Sick and dying, they brought themselves down here to speak — to no one.

It’s shameful.

It’s an embarrassment to the country.

And it is a stain on this institution.

And you should be ashamed of yourselves for those that aren’t here, but you won’t be because accountability doesn’t appear to be something that occurs in this chamber.

We don’t want to be here. Lu [Detective Luis Alvarez] doesn’t want to be here. None of these people want to be here. But they are, and they’re not here for themselves. They’re here to continue fighting for what’s right. Lu’s going to go back for his 69th chemo. The great Ray Pfeiffer would come down here, his body riddled with cancer and pain, where he couldn’t walk; and the disrespect shown to him and to the other lobbyists on this bill is utterly unacceptable.

You know, I used to get…I would be so angry at the latest injustice that’s done to these men and women and, you know, another business card thrown our way as a way of shooing us away like children trick-or-treating, rather than the heroes that they are and will always be.

Ray would say, “Calm down, Johnny. Calm down.” “I got all the cards I need.” And he would tap his pocket…where he kept the prayer cards of 343 firefighters. The official FDNY response time to 911 was five seconds. Five seconds! That’s how long it took for FDNY, for NYPD, for Port Authority, for EMS to respond to an urgent need from the public.

Five seconds.

Hundreds died in an instant. Thousands more poured in to continue to fight for their brothers and sisters.

The breathing problems started almost immediately. And they were told they weren’t sick — they were crazy. And then, as the illnesses got worse and things became more apparent, “Well, okay, you’re sick but it’s not from the pile.” And then, when the science became irrefutable, “Okay, it’s the pile — but this is a New York issue.” I don’t know if we “have the money.”

And I’m sorry if I sound angry and undiplomatic, but I’m angry — and you should be too; and they’re all angry as well. And they have every justification to be that way. There is not a person here, there is not an empty chair on that stage that didn’t tweet out, “Never forget” the heroes of 9/11; never forget their bravery; never forget what they did, what they gave to this country.

Well here they are! And where are they? And it would be one thing if their callous indifference and rank hypocrisy were benign. But it’s not. Your indifference cost these men and women their most valuable commodity: time. It’s the one thing they’re running out of.

This should be flipped — this hearing should be flipped: These men and women should be up on that stage and Congress should be down here answering their questions as to why this is so damn hard and takes so damn long; and why, no matter what they get, something’s always pulled back. And they gotta come back.

Mr. Johnson [Henry C. “Hank” Johnson, Rep. Georgia], you…made a point earlier and it was one that we have heard over and over again in these halls. And I…couldn’t help but to answer to it, which was — you said, “Look, you know, you guys are obviously heroes and 9/11 was a big deal but, you know, we have a lot of stuff here to do. And, you know, we got to make sure there’s money for a variety of disasters, hurricanes and tornadoes.”

But this wasn’t a hurricane. And this wasn’t a tornado. And by the way, that’s your job, anyway. We can’t fund these programs — you can. Setting aside that no American in this country should face financial ruin because of a…health issue, certainly 9/11 first responders shouldn’t have to decide whether to live or to have a place to live.

And the idea that you can only give them five more years of the VCF [be]cause you’re not quite sure what’s going to happen five years from now — well, I can tell you I’m pretty sure what’s going to happen five years from now: More of these men and women are going to get sick and they are going to die. And I am awfully tired of hearing that it’s a…9/11 New York issue. Al-Qaeda didn’t shout “death to Tribeca.”

They attacked America, and these men and women, and their response to it, is what brought our country back. It’s what gave a reeling nation a solid foundation to stand back upon, to remind us of why this country is great, of why this country is worth fighting for. And you are ignoring them!

And you can end it tomorrow. Why this bill isn’t unanimous consent and a standalone issue is beyond my comprehension. And I have yet to hear a reasonable explanation for why. It’ll get stuck in some transportation bill or some appropriations bill and get sent over to the Senate, where a certain someone from the Senate will use it as a political football to get themselves maybe another new import tax on petroleum — [be]cause that’s what happened to us in 2015.

And we won’t allow it to happen again.

Thank God for people like John Feal.

Thank God for people like Ray Pfeiffer.

Thank God for all of these people who will not let it happen.

They responded in five seconds. They did their jobs with courage, grace, tenacity, humility.

Eighteen years later — do yours!

Thank you.

Jon Stewart gave that speech on June 11, 2019. The next day the Never Forget the Heroes Act was passed out of the House Judiciary Committee. On July 12, it passed out of the House of Representative by a vote of 402-12. On July 17, Senators Mike Lee and Rand Paul blocked the bill from being voted on in the Senate. Remember that when those douchebags tweet out a “Never Forget” meme today. Because they 100% did forget.

On July 23 the bill did pass the Senate by a vote of 97-2. You can guess who the 2 that voted against it were.

Once passed it funded the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund until 2092. The 9/11 First Responder Luis Alvarez that is referenced in the speech passed away after he testified before Congress and before the bill was passed.

When you see all the Never Forget memes posted today. Remember what and whom it is that you are “never forgetting”.


SHOES! They are gross, smell bad, you can’t get a woman to wear practical ones, but they are often interesting and the right ones can make your legs and butt look fantastic! But, was SHOES a shoe-in for a popular theme? You will have to keep scrolling to find out.

As of 12:01 PM on Monday, September 4, this was the current list of ACTIVE streaks (ignore the numbers in parentheses):

1-Lori Backous – 1 week (2)
2-Susanna Funk – 1 week
3-Amy Peterson – 1 week (2)
4-Scott Degeneffe – 2 weeks
5-Sabas Hernandez – 3 weeks
6-Willy McAlpine – 3 weeks (2)
7-Mary Green – 5 weeks (3)
8-Sara Lockner – 5 weeks
9-Mike Vest – 9 weeks
10-Sheri Fakhouri – 12 weeks (2)
11-Monica Jennings – 13 weeks
12-Logan Kahler – 13 weeks
13-Nathanial Brown – 14 weeks
14-Jesse Howard – 14 weeks
15-Tamara Peterson – 17 weeks
16-Alexis Stensland – 22 weeks (2)
17-Mindi Terrell – 29 weeks (3)
18-Brandon Kahler – 53 weeks
19-Linda Bennett – 58 weeks
20-Sarah Toot – 59 weeks
21-Angie DeWaard – 63 weeks
22-Dawn Krause – 67 weeks
23-Kim Barker – 73 weeks
24-Joe Duff – 74 weeks
25-Teresa Kahler – 85 weeks (3)
26-Carla Stensland – 85 weeks (3)
27-Micky Augustin – 87 weeks
28-Andy Sharp – 88 weeks (2)
29-Bill Wentworth – 89 weeks
30-Cathie Morton – 93 weeks
31-Elizabeth Nordeen – 94 weeks
32-Shannon Bardole-Foley – 96 weeks
33-Kio Dettman – 98 weeks (2)

But you didn’t come here to listen to me talk all tommyrot about participation rates or streaks. You came to see the submissions and what streaks continued and what streaks flamed out:

Alexis Stensland (Iowa) – 23 weeks

Andy Sharp (Boone, Iowa) – 89 weeks

Angie DeWaard (Center Grover Orchard – Cambridge, Iowa) – 64 weeks

Bill Wentworth (Omaha, Nebraska) – 90 weeks

Brandon Kahler (Iowa) – 54 weeks

Carla Stensland (Titanic Museum – Branson, Missouri) – 86 weeks

Cathie Morton (Iowa) – 94 weeks

Christopher D. Bennett (Jack Trice Stadium – Ames, Iowa)

Dawn Krause (Iowa) – 68 weeks

Elizabeth Nordeen (Iowa) – 95 weeks

Jen Ensley-Gorshe (Iowa) – 1 week

Jesse Howard (Boone, Iowa) – 15 weeks

Joe Duff (Texas) – 75 weeks

Joe Duff (Texas)

Kim Barker (Nevada, Iowa) – 74 weeks

Kio Dettman (Boone, Iowa) – 99 weeks

Kio Dettman (Boone, Iowa)

Linda Bennett (Kansas) – 59 weeks

Logan Kahler (Boone, Iowa) – 14 weeks

Mary Green (Manchester, Iowa) – 6 weeks

Mary Green (Manchester, Iowa)

Micky Augustin (Beaverhead Mountains, Wyoming) – 88 weeks

Mike Vest (Madrid, Iowa) – 10 weeks

Mindi Terrell (Iowa) – 30 weeks

Mindi Terrell (Iowa)

Mindi Terrell (Iowa)

Monica Jennings (Ogden, Iowa) – 14 weeks

Monica Jennings (Ogden, Iowa)

Nathanial Brown (Iowa) – 15 weeks

Sabas Hernandez (Iowa) – 4 weeks

Sara Lockner (Iowa) – 6 weeks

Sarah Toot (Pennsylvania) – 60 weeks

Scott Degeneffe (Boone County, Iowa) – 3 weeks

Shannon Bardole-Foley (Trout River Lodge – Ear Falls, Ontario, Canada) – 97 weeks

Shannon Bardole-Foley (Chukuni River in rural Ear Falls, Ontario, Canada)

Sheri Fakhouri (Ankeny, Iowa) – 13 weeks

Susanna Funk (Colorado) – 2 weeks

Suzie Brannen (Iowa) – 1 week

Tamara Peterson (Iowa) – 18 weeks

Teresa Kahler (Iowa) – 86 weeks

Teresa Kahler (Iowa)

Willy McAlpine (Alto del Perdon – Spain) – 4 weeks

34 participants! A great week!

There were submissions this week taken in the following places:

+ Canada
+ Kansas
+ Iowa
+ Missouri
+ Nebraska
+ Pennsylvania
+ Spain
+ Texas
+ Wyoming

Here is the current calendar year list for states:

+ Arizona
+ Arkansas
+ California
+ Colorado
+ Florida
+ Georgia
+ Idaho
+ Illinois
+ Iowa
+ Kansas
+ Louisiana
+ Maryland
+ Michigan
+ Minnesota
+ Missouri
+ Montana
+ Nebraska
+ New Hampshire
+ New Jersey
+ New York
+ Nevada
+ North Carolina
+ North Dakota
+ Ohio
+ Oklahoma
+ Oregon
+ Pennsylvania
+ South Carolina
+ South Dakota
+ Tennessee
+ Texas
+ Utah
+ Vermont
+ Washington
+ Washington D.C.
+ Wisconsin
+ Wyoming

36 states and 1 district! That is pretty impressive! Over 70% of the way there!

The Outside of the United States map is currently:

+ Alto del Perdon – Spain
+ British Virgin Islands
+ Mexico (General)
+ Isla Mujeres, Mexico
+ Riviera Maya, Mexico
+ Nassau Bahamas
+ Ontario, Canada
+ Vallunareju Norte – Peru
+ Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
+ Puenta de la Reina, Spain
+ St. John pied de port, France

I took my picture about 15 miles from house. So I continue to not extend the map!

The big milestone this week was Vest joining the Double Digit Streak Club. WooHoo!

But it wasn’t all sunshine and roses and smelly shoes. Lori and Amy could not build on last week’s submissions and their “streak” ends at 1.

But enough dwelling on the past. Time to look to the future. We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives. And remember my friend, future events such as these will affect you in the future! This week’s theme:

WEEK 418 - SKY

SKY! What a great theme for Year 10 of THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE!

But what exactly is a SKY photo? Simply put it is a picture where the SKY is either the main subject of your picture OR plays a major compositional element of the image. It can be a picture of clouds or a sunset or a sunrise or of the moon or something that is in the sky. Like a plane or a bird or a balloon or Superman.

While thinking about possible subjects for your SKY picture, meditate on the following quote and I have no doubt you will come up with a fascinating image!

No one is free, even the birds are chained to the sky.
-Bob Dylan

I look forward to seeing your interpretation!


The picture has to be taken between 12:01 PM today and 11 AM next Monday. This isn’t a curate your photos project. This is a get your butt off the couch (unless you are taking your picture from the couch) and take pictures challenge. There is a limit of 3 submissions per participant. To be considered the photographer, you have to be the one that takes the picture. Don’t be stealing the work of other artists. You can submit pictures for other photographers that took pictures with your camera or phone, but give credit where credit is due.

You can send your images to either OR you may text them to my Pixel 5.

That is it. Thems the rules!

That is all I got, so if the good Lord’s willin’ and the creek don’t rise, we will all be sharing your idea of SKY in this place that stops me from seeing the clouds as much as I should next Monday.

And You Always Say I’m Never Satisfied

Seems like a good time for another backlog cleanup. These images were taken in October of 2022, but never really fit into any other “An Artist’s Notebook” posts. Most of these were taken before the Iowa State-Kansas State football game. A game that Iowa State completely handed away to the eventual conference champions. Last year was absolutely an awful season for Iowa State, but the fact that they lost so many games by so few points, gives one hope for this season.

Here is this backlog collection:

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

And You Always Say I'm Never Satisfied

Halloween - 2022

Halloween - 2022

Halloween - 2022

The neighbor lady giving candy to Dahlia unfortunately has dementia. She is the sweetest lady, but because of her memory loss, sometimes she shows up at my house confused and she doesn’t know where she is. It breaks my heart.