And You Always Say I’m Never Satisfied

Seems like a good time for another backlog cleanup. These images were taken in October of 2022, but never really fit into any other “An Artist’s Notebook” posts. Most of these were taken before the Iowa State-Kansas State football game. A game that Iowa State completely handed away to the eventual conference champions. Last year was absolutely an awful season for Iowa State, but the fact that they lost so many games by so few points, gives one hope for this season.

Here is this backlog collection:

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

Iowa State vs. Kansas State - 2022

And You Always Say I'm Never Satisfied

Halloween - 2022

Halloween - 2022

Halloween - 2022

The neighbor lady giving candy to Dahlia unfortunately has dementia. She is the sweetest lady, but because of her memory loss, sometimes she shows up at my house confused and she doesn’t know where she is. It breaks my heart.