Category Archives: Derrick

When You Said it First to Me?

Time to share more of the alternate BLACK & WHITE images I took on the 4th of July. This collection concludes the tiem I spent in Ames on that day. Mostly watching a parade with the Gorshes.

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Still one more collection of glorious BLACK & WHITE pictures from this day left to share!

Remember When I Believed You Meant It

Time to share the alternate images for THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE theme BLACK & WHITE that I took on July 4. In fact, I took so many pictures on that day, I’m going to split this into 3 days. The first day consists of pictures I took around Ames before and after watching the Independence Day Parade in Ames with the Gorshes.

Let’s get after it:

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Independence Day - 2024

Still 2 more collections of images from this day left to share.

An Eternal Love BS You Know You’ll Never Mean

Today is Logan’s birthday, so I have to wish him a happy birthday!

Burgertime: Desination Grille
Happy birthday Logan!

I hope your day is filled with quality garage sale finds and a ton of photo opportunities!


Today is also Derrick’s birthday, so I also need to wish him a happy birthday!

Day 323 - November 19, 2022
Happy birthday Derrick!

I hope your birthday is filled with camping and some tasty face melting guitar solos. Probably some Pink Floyd as well.


Time to share more alternate BLACK & WHITE images for THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE. These BLACK & WHITE images I took on July 3.

Last Penny - 2024

Last Penny - 2024

Nature's Amen - 2024

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Still Life

Black & White Alternate

Vest & Ron

Bokeh - Black & White

Bokeh - Black & White

Bokeh - Black & White

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

Yankee Doodle Pops

3 days of glorious BLACK & WHITE images shared! 4 more days to go!

Eclipse Road Trip – Day 3

I woke up in the hotel in Normal, Illinois at about my normal time 5:45 AM or so. I packed up the tremendous amount of stuff I lugged into the hotel. A suitcase. A laptop. A CPAP. A camera bag. My ledger. Probably some other stuff as well. I figured nobody else would be up, so I hit the shower. Felt pretty dang good for a hotel shower. Much better than the whore’s bath.

Clean. Smelling good (in my humble opinion), I went down to check out the continental breakfast. We stayed at a Comfort Suites which is right in my hotel sweet spot. I like hotels that are “expensive” enough to have amenities. But not so expensive they start charging you for amenities. Basically I want free wi-fi and free breakfast. A pool is nice too, but I’m really here for the free breakfast. I don’t understand why the more expensive a hotel is, the more stuff they charge you for. If a hotel doesn’t have free breakfast this dog is out!

After I took most of my stuff to the car I went to the breakfast room. I was the first one there. I expected to be. There was no way all the Gorshes were ALL up and going.

Not gonna lie. First thing I did when I got settled in my room the night before was going to check out the breakfast layout. Before entering, saying a silent prayer that they would have a waffle maker. The conveyor belt pancake maker is okay, but if you know I’m all about that #wafflelife.

I’ve heard that all prayers are answered. Just many times the answer is “Not today bro.” But on this day, the answer was “I got you bro.” Staring back at me from the corner of the breakfast bar was a shiny, beautiful waffle maker! It was a great morning.

Here are some pictures from the trip home:

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024
Not only did they offer regular old waffles. They also offered chocolate waffles! Bingpot! I know what you are thinking. Did he go original or did he go chocolate. He is trying to live somewhat healthier, maybe he went for neither and only had some fruit for breakfast. The suspense is killing you.

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024
I went chocolate of course! If you are going to eat unhealthy, jump in with both feet! Besides calories that you eat in a different state don’t count. That is some kind of adultery loophole I saw on a sitcom once. But the exercise you do counts double. That’s just science. #chocolatewaffelife

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While I was eating my waffle Dave showed up for his breakfast. Then Derrick and the dog showed up. I told them I was going to eject from the caravan and go ahead and hit the road because I was going to do some meandering on the way back and I was ready to hit the dusty trail and they wouldn’t be ready for a couple of hours. I got in the RAV4 and considered opening my Christmas present from Sara that Jen took all the way to Indiana to give to me. I took it all the way back to Iowa to open it.

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024
My first stop in Iowa was in Le Claire. Le Claire is near the “Quad Cities” which means that it is Happy Joe’s country. I didn’t eat at Happy Joe’s because it wasn’t open for several hours, but I had to stop to at least take a picture of the sign to make Elizabeth (a noted Happy Joe’s fiend) jealous. Also, out of the blue on the trip Derrick told me really had been having a hankering for Happy Joe’s ham & sauerkraut pizza. I don’t think he stopped in Le Claire for some, but at least I let him know he had the option.

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That is a mango-strawberry with banana smoothie. Don’t ever accuse me of drinking coffee!

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Endorsed. Cody Road Coffee for smoothies.

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Reminds me of Carla’s camper.

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024
Also reminds me of Carla’s camper.

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You know the theme from Golden Girls? I had no clue that was a song that existed outside of that show until a few months ago when I was listening to the Casey Kasem flashback countdown (a Sunday tradition in my sphere of influence) somebody requested it as Long Distance Dedication. My mind was blown. I also love Bob Ross. I’m not a Swiftie though. I’m a Lipsey. But Taylor Swift is cool.

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If anybody is looking for a beer tap, I know a place.

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This was in Aunt Hattie’s Fanciful Emporium Unique Gift Shop. Spoiler: Guess what I’m putting in the Computer Mine Gift Exchange this year!!!

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Ya know your boy was checking out the sticker selection.

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So true. I log onto Facebook everyday to read poorly informed political opinions of people I try to continue to respect. Or I never go on Facebook. One of those things is true.

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I feel so seen.

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What is the budget for the Computer Mine Christmas Gift Exchange again?

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Give me a few more years before I start rocking this hat.

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What did the seahorse do?

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This book is in the Gorshe Library.

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But not this one… yet.

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I know these people.

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Next stop was Antique Archaeology. I love hitting this store because it reminds me of my parents and the old Bennett Antiques & Primitives store.

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Even though it is actually super touristy and the price on most things is outrageous.

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Eclipse Road Trip - 2024

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024
I switched to YouTubeTV over a year ago now. I absolutely can’t endorse it enough. But the one thing is I don’t get now is the History Channel. I do miss this show and ANCIENT ALIENS of course.

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024
I stopped in Belle Plaine for lunch. I’ve wanted to eat at the historic Lincoln Cafe for a minute, so I took this opportunity to stop there and eat on my way home. But that is a story for a future food adventure entry.

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I hope somebody took them up on this.

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Finally made it home. 1150.3 miles later.

That is all I have for cell phone pictures from this trip. But I have plenty of real camera pictures to share at some point in the future.

It was a phenomenal trip and I’m very thankful for the Gorshes letting me crash their eclipse party! Let’s do it again in 20 years.

Eclipse Road Trip – Day 2

On Day 2 of the Eclipse Road Trip I woke up in the comfort of the bed. Did my business in a toilet with running water. Brushed my teeth. Still opted for a whore’s bath and then decided to do a little bit of exploring while the rest were sleeping I decided to sneak off and do a little exploring. I had done a little research on the Gosport area and found out that there was a beautiful waterfall nearby. There was also an interesting sculpture park, but that didn’t open until 9 AM and by the time I explored it, I wouldn’t have had time to get back to Linda’s to leave for the eclipse party.

Through my research I also learned about a cool bakery in Gosport that had an open kitchen that allowed you to watch them bake all of the tasty goodness.

Here are some pictures from the day:

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024
This cool drive-in theater reminds me that one of my goals this year is to go watch a movie at a drive-in movie theater. Who is in?

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It was a beautiful sunrise on a foggy morning. Almost magical.

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It cost an outsider like me 9 smackers to visit Cataract Falls State Park. If I was from Indiana, it would have been $7. I thought about how lucky I am to be able to visit Ledges or Mines of Spain or Backbone anytime I want for free, but then I’m also reminded that we don’t even have park rangers any more and are parks are poorly maintained. So maybe it is a wash.

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Going over the Eel River was this sweet covered bridge.

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Even though I wasn’t there to see the eclipse I got a 5 minute lecture about it from 2 different park rangers. Even though I told both of them that I was just there to see the Niagara Falls of Indiana.

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It is really the largest waterfall in Indiana. You might scoff, but it is way bigger than any waterfall in Iowa.

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After leaving Cataract Falls I visited the town of Cataract to check out the famous Cataract General Store and the Cataract School. This sign should hang everywhere.

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Is that good? That seems good.

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024
I stopped at the cool bakery. I bought a piece of red velvet cake and a piece of carrot cake. I also bought this chocolate milk. I have a longstanding belief that it is impossible to get great chocolate milk outside of Iowa (or outside of the AE Dairy footprint). Kind of like how you can’t get a good tenderloin outside of Iowa. The clerk at the Bakery ranted and raved about this chocolate milk. It was an okay chocolate milk, but if I somehow ever get back to Gosport I’m taking a gallon of AE into the bakery and I’m blowing some minds. Anyways, this chocolate milk comes from a local dairy.

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This truck is parked just outside of Paragon. Nobody I talked to seemed to know the story. Rest in peace Jack Brown.

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Jen came back from Indiana with one more fur coat. A beaver fur coat this time.

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024
I witnessed quite the wrestling match. I’m not sure who won. But it was quite the match.

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Eclipse Road Trip - 2024
I ate so much food at the Eclipse Party. Linda’s ribs were delicious. So was Pete’s chili. I tried something called “fluffy” that Evie was certain was going to change my life. I don’t know it did, but I ate plenty of it. Also a ton of peanut butter bars.

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It’s starting!

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Styling and profiling!

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Eclipse Road Trip - 2024
During the eclipse there are these crazy crescent shadows.

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My camera filter.

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This is the road outside of Linda and Pete’s house. I swear every road that isn’t a highway looks like this road.

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After the eclipse we packed up and headed back. We had a hotel booked in Normal, Illinois.

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We ended up getting gas in Danville, Illinois. Apparently the no buying gas in Illinois thing was just an elaborate ruse.

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Eclipse Road Trip - 2024
I’ve been to shadier gas stations. One in San Antonio comes to mind, but this one was pretty shady.

The drive from Indiana to the hotel was crazy busy. There were a ton of people fleeing Indiana after the eclipse. The last 5 miles or so on the interstate took me over 30 minutes. It was great to get to the hotel. I watched part of UCONN’s dismantling of Purdue. Then watched the kids swim in the pool before calling it a night.

One more sleep before finishing the trip home the next day.

Oh… here is one more bonus image. Evie took this picture of Derrick. We were trying to teach him about Snapchat.

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024

I think we failed and honestly I’m not that great at Snapchat. Evie knows way more than me. So maybe she can keep working on him.

Eclipse Road Trip – Day 1

The last total eclipse to be visible from the United States for the next 20 years was on April 8. Unfortunately to see the 100% totality, I had to leave my beloved Cyclone State. I originally perused a few options. A spot in Missouri. A spot in Illinois. A spot in Arkansas. A spot in Kentucky. I wasn’t quite sure what I was going to do. Cause I knew that hotels in the areas were outrageous. I was considering driving to like the Quad Cities on the Sunday before the eclipse and then driving the rest of the way in the morning. Then driving back that night. Then the most magical thing happened. I had a trip just kinda fall into my lap.

The Gorshes are well-known eclipse fiends. They went to New Mexico for an eclipse last year. They were going this year. Travelling to Indiana to camp on Jen’s Aunt Linda’s land. They were going to drive all the way through on Sunday. Watch the eclipse on Monday. Then drive back to Illinois and stay in a hotel in Normal. Then drive back to Iowa on Tuesday. They graciously offered to let me 7th or 8th wheel it on their trip.

They were pulling a camper behind Derrick’s serial killer van* with 2 adults, 4 kids, and a dog. As roomy as the van was I elected to take the RAV4 to the Sycamore State cause for 1 person, I pack a lot of stuff. I think the offer was on the table for me to sleep in the camper as well, but I decided to pack a tent and an air mattress and sleep the way the pioneers did. In a tent. On a queen sized air mattress. With electricity for their CPAP, cause I still haven’t hit 3 months and I have to average over 4 hours a night for the old insurance company to kick in some ducats. Also electricity to charge their cell phone and listen to their sleepy time podcasts. Also electricity to charge their fitness watch. Those steps don’t count if they aren’t tracked! Some real old-timey pioneer stuff.

However, a couple days before we were set to leave, Jen texted me and let me know that I had been upgraded from the tent to Linda and Pete’s camper. With the only caveat being that it was still winterized, so there would be no running water. Me? An old-timey pioneer camper? I don’t need no stinking running water! I could brush my teeth in the rain. Or with the water in my Owala water bottle. Just like the pioneers did. And I had already planned on a whore’s bath for Monday anyways. You know. Pits and… well you know.

According to the Google maps, it is a nearly 8 hour drive from my domicile to Linda’s house in Gosport, Indiana.

I don’t want to brag, but we made it in a touch over 12 hours. That is without accounting for the time zone change.

I didn’t take many cell phone pictures on Day 1, but I took a few and here they are:

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024
Stop 1. They also had a bathroom with running water, but in case you wanted the ambiance of a port-a-potty, “To The Right”. The capitalization of every word on this sign disturbs me and haunts my dreams.

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Stop 2. This gas station was very serious about not letting backpacks in their store.

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It was in Davenport.

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And they brook no nonsense from kids.

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I think they aren’t really sorry for the inconvenience. We stopped at virtually the last gas station in Iowa because it was very important to not buy gas in Illinois cause it is apparently very expensive there.

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024
Stop 3 – Sweet insect exhibit at an Illinois rest area.

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All rest areas should have giant rubber bugs. This is not open to debate.

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Bug needs to work on his arms. Needing a condiment cup to hold himself up. Do you even lift bro?

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I am such a sucker for taking pictures of where I am.

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This rest are had a sweet lookout and somebody actually wrote a Joe Dirt quote on the railing.

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Do sex drugs own the rock-n-roll? Is this person really into rock concerts sponsored by Viagra?

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024
Stop 4 – Another Illinois rest area. I told you I’m a sucker for taking pictures like that.

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This rest area was a dump. Just filthy. No urinals. The only positive was these cherry blossoms.

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This thing was cool too. While there Harrison had a meltdown in the restroom because he refused to wash his hands. This standoff lasted like 10-15 minutes. I don’t blame him. It was a bathroom that was so dirty that your hands were probably dirtier after washing them. In retrospect, I should have just offered him some of my Bridgerton scented hand sanitizer. Perhaps Bridgerton Study. They have a light scent. Easy on the nose. I’ve never heard anybody claim they are way too strong and demand that I leave their immediate area, shortly after using one. That seemed like an oddly specific denial.

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024
I’m not sure which stop this was. We stopped at a gas station in Crawfordsville. Then we stopped at a Steak ‘n Shake, also in Crawfordsville.

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024
The Steak ‘n Shake had this weird thing. Weird to me, maybe some of you will look down your nose at me and call me a country bumpkin, but I had never seen it before. When you ordered (which by the way the only option to order was via kiosk – which super boo! Shouted this old man at the clouds.) Your receipt also printed out a QR Code. You had to scan this QR Code to use the pop machine. It only activated the pop machine for so long, so you better act fast AND it only worked like 3 times.

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024
When we got out of the restaurant, Derrick’s van wouldn’t start. Neither us have jumper cables (I keep mine in the Camry) so I had to give him a ride to Home Depot to buy a set.

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024
We got his van going and were on the road again. Willie Nelson would have been proud.

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024
Turns out, Linda and Pete didn’t really live in Gosport. We drove through Gosport and then 10 miles more through 3 different towns before getting to their house.

Eclipse Road Trip - 2024
They live closest to Paragon. But they have a Gosport mailing address because that is the only post office in 3 counties. Also, that is the toilet.

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Layla teaching the boys the globalist lie.

When we pulled up to our home for the night Linda approached me and asked me if I played the lottery today. The answer is of course not. I don’t play the lottery. It is a self-imposed tax designed to move the tax burden from the wealthy to the poor, uneducated, and the just plain bad at math.

But what I said was, “No.”

She told me I should have because it was my lucky day. I had been upgraded to sleeping in the house, in the guest bedroom. Not only that, I would have my own bathroom. Suck on that whore’s bath! That might have been an unfortunate turn of phrase but no turning back now.

I got a bed, inside a house, with access to all the running water my heart could desire and all the electrical outlets a true pioneer man could use. I should have brought other things into charge, just cause I could. I should have just sat there flushing the toilet. Cause I could. Brushed my teeth 10-12 times. Cause I could.

But I didn’t. I eventually called it a night and drifted into a nice sleep listening to a Cyclone Fanatic podcast. Tomorrow was a big day after all.

*It isn’t really a serial killer van. It has too many windows. But I like to pretend.

Roundball Oracles Year 19 Final Standings

With UCONN mercilessly smashing Purdue (and every other team they played in the Tournament) on Monday night, another smashing round of the Roundball Oracles came to a close.

This year’s champion was… drumroll please… Micky! He adds himself to the list of Immortals!


2024 – Micky Augustin
2023 – Will Baier
2022 – Ben Baier
2021 – Micky Augustin
2019 – Becky Parmelee
2018 – Paul Golden
2017 – Paul Golden
2016 – Michelle Haupt
2015 – Derek Dohrman
2014 – Brandon Kahler
2013 – William McAlpine
2012 – Lowell Davis
2011 – Carrie Baier
2010 – Mark Wolfram
2009 – Mark Wolfram
2008 – Mark Wolfram
2007 – Tim Peterson
2006 – William McAlpine
2005 – William McAlpine

But I hand out 2 trophies for the Roundball Oracles. Micky will take home the Championship trophy for the 2nd time ever. But who gets “The Sara” for last place?

Do you have another drumroll in you? It goes to Oracles newcomer Aaron Sader!

“The Sara” Winners:

2024 – Aaron Sader
2023 – Ben Baier
2022 – Joey Randazzo
2021 – Rachel Gildersleeve
2019 – Russell Kennerly
2018 – Robert Henning
2017 – Shannon Bardole
2016 – Laura Priest
2015 – Derrick Gorshe
2014 – Sara Lockner

Here are the Final Standings:

1. Micky Augustin – 287
2. Toby Sebring – 262
3. Sara Lockner – 258
4. Michelle Haupt – 257
5. Jesse Howard – 244
6. Jason Baier – 232 points
7. Jordan Toot – 225
8. Sean Gildersleeve – 220
9. Russell Kennerly – 220
10. Linda Bennett – 220
11. Adam Gordon – 208
12. Derek Dohrman – 204
13. Andy Sharp – 202
14. Angie DeWaard – 201
15. Elainie Stensland – 198
16. Sarah Karber – 192
17. Rachel Gildersleeve – 188
18. Tim Peterson – 184
19. Robert Henning – 184
20. Derrick Gorshe – 183
21. JJ Baier – 182
22. Corey Faust – 174
23. Elizabeth Nordeen – 170
24. Lowell Davis – 169
25. Humble Narrator – 163
26. Shawn Lockner – 160
27. Ben Baier – 159
28. Carrie Baier – 146
29. Olivia Baier – 145
30. Joseph Duff – 145
31. Andree Jauhari – 140
32. Will Baier – 140
33. Jackson Faust – 139
34. Teresa Kahler – 136
35. Aaron Sader – 129

I’ll have to get the trophies ordered and delivered soon.

Basketball season is barely over and I already miss it!

Roundball Oracles Year 19

It is time once again for the greatest sporting event of year. It is that time known as March Madness. The NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament.

Once again, I will be sponsoring a NCAA Tournament Pool. There is no cost to enter the pool, except for pride. And if pride is nothing to you, well done.

The winner gets a trophy. The dead last place person gets a trophy known as The Sara*. Nobody else gets a trophy. I’m not made of trophies people!

By winning, you get your name etched on the List of Immortals:


2023 – Will Baier
2022 – Ben Baier
2021 – Micky Augustin
2019 – Becky Parmelee
2018 – Paul Golden
2017 – Paul Golden
2016 – Michelle Haupt
2015 – Derek Dohrman
2014 – Brandon Kahler
2013 – William McAlpine
2012 – Lowell Davis
2011 – Carrie Baier
2010 – Mark Wolfram
2009 – Mark Wolfram
2008 – Mark Wolfram
2007 – Tim Peterson
2006 – William McAlpine
2005 – William McAlpine

But I said that there are 2 trophies. The 2nd trophy, The Sara, goes to the adult that finishes dead last, while trying. A person can not tank on purpose and win The Sara. The reason The Sara winner has to be an adult is that I don’t want to mock children, to their face. Does that mean I have no problem mocking children behind their back? Does it make me a bad person if I say yes? Probably a better rule would be that to “win” The Sara, you have to be at least a teenager. I have no problem mocking teenagers to their face. At least, back when there was a Youth Group.

Past “The Sara” Winners:

2023 – Ben Baier
2022 – Joey Randazzo
2021 – Rachel Gildersleeve
2019 – Russell Kennerly
2018 – Robert Henning
2017 – Shannon Bardole
2016 – Laura Priest
2015 – Derrick Gorshe
2014 – Sara Lockner

The Sara doesn’t have the long storied history of the championship trophy, but it will get there. I have no doubts. This will be the 9th winner since its inception after all.

These were the final standings from last year:

1. Will Baier – 204
2. Toby Sebring – 200
3. Sarah Karber – 193
4. Tim Peterson – 189
5. Cathie Morton – 188
6. Elizabeth Nordeen- 185
7. Andy Sharp – 184
8. Russell Kennerly – 184
9. Linda Bennett – 183
10. Micky Augustin – 183
11. Carrie Baier – 180
12. Dawn Krause – 178
13. Corey Faust – 177
14. Jesse Howard – 176
15. Jason Baier – 173
16. Angie DeWaard – 171
17. Michelle Haupt – 170
18. Carla Stensland – 170
19. Jackson Faust – 168
20. Frank Meiners – 157
21. Lowell Davis – 155
22. Andree Jauhari – 154
23. Christopher D. Bennett – 154
24. Robert Henning – 154
25. Nader Parsaei – 147
26. Logan Kahler – 145
27. Rachel Gildersleeve – 145
28. Joey Randazzo – 144
29. Olivia Baier – 141
30. Jordan Toot – 141
31. JJ Baier – 141
32. Brandon Kahler – 136
33. Becky Parmelee – 131
34. Derek Dohrman – 122
35. Sara Lockner – 112
36. Shawn Lockner – 111
37. Ben Baier – 111

If you are a basketball fan, or are just interested in having fun, click on the link below to join my pool:

Roundball Oracles – Year 19

The rules are as follows:
Round 1 = 1 point + seed
Round 2 = 2 points + seed
Round 3 = 4 points + seed
Round 4 = 8 points + seed
Round 5 = 16 points + seed
Rounds 6 = 32 points + seed

The Play-in Games (AKA the First Four) don’t matter. You can wait for those games to complete before filling out your bracket. The deadline to fill out your bracket, is tip-off of the first game on Thursday. Roughly 11 AM.

Under special circumstances, I will allow you to turn in a paper bracket to me. So, don’t be afraid to ask.

Yes, your child can fill out a bracket. Your dog, no.

There were 37 competitors in 2023. A 1 person gain from 2022. Hopefully there is continued growth in participation this year, but I don’t know that I have 1 more friend than I did in 2023. It is possible I have gained even more friends since 2023. I might be a pretty great person.

*You have to be 14 years or older to win “The Sara”.

Postcard Collection 1

Today is Laura’s birthday, so I need to wish her a happy birthday.

Miller Family - 2020
Happy birthday Laura!

I hope your birthday is filled with all the triplet love and some from Nate too, that you can handle!


As a few of you know, I am old school. I like to send postcards when I travel. And I like receive postcards in the mail from other people’s travels. I am currently covering my guest room door with postcards that I have received in the mail. I’m scanning both sides first and I’m sure this project will take years as I don’t really get very many postcards.

Here is the current collection of postcards that have made it to the door:

Postcard I Have Received

Postcard I Have Received

Postcard I Have Received

Postcard I Have Received

Postcard I Have Received

Postcard I Have Received

Postcard I Have Received

Postcard I Have Received

Postcard I Have Received

Postcard I Have Received

Postcard I Have Received

Postcard I Have Received

Postcard I Have Received

I do have several more left to add to the door, I just need to locate them and scan them and get them up on the door!

Calendar Favorites

Today is Lowell’s birthday so I need to wish him a happy birthday!

Day 138 - May 18, 2022

If you don’t know, Lowell is not Kim and is not the tall guy.

It is one of my most profoundest birthday wishes that today is a good day.


This is one of my favorite posts of the year. To share what people said was their favorite calendar image from the 2024 Photography 139 Calendar. There is still 1 calendar left to distribute, but I don’t know when that will happen. I got a response back from most people I gave a calendar to. Some people must have just immediately thrown it in the garbage and never given it a second thought. But that’s okay. Maybe opens up new calendar recipients for 2025…*

Some of these picture below are of different people in the same family that got one calendar, in case you are wondering if I gave, say 6 calendars to the Baiers.

Here we go:

2024 Calendar Favorites
Brandon Kahler

2024 Calendar Favorites
Nora Yoon

2024 Calendar Favorites
Jay Janson

2024 Calendar Favorites
Jen Ensley-Gorshe

2024 Calendar Favorites
Sabas Hernandez

2024 Calendar Favorites
Sara Lockner

2024 Calendar Favorites
Jesse Howard

2024 Calendar Favorites
Kevin Krause

2024 Calendar Favorites
Layla Gorshe

2024 Calendar Favorites
Olivia Baier

2024 Calendar Favorites
Andree Jauhari

2024 Calendar Favorites
Andy Sharp

2024 Calendar Favorites
Bill Wentworth

2024 Calendar Favorites
J.J. Baier

2024 Calendar Favorites
Kim Barker

2024 Calendar Favorites
Russ Kahler

2024 Calendar Favorites
Scott Degeneffe

2024 Calendar Favorites
Will Baier

2024 Calendar Favorites
Willy McAlpine

2024 Calendar Favorites
Colleen Hobe

2024 Calendar Favorites
Joe Duff

2024 Calendar Favorites
Michelle Haupt

2024 Calendar Favorites
Monica Jennings

2024 Calendar Favorites
Teresa Kahler


2024 Calendar Favorites
Ben Baier

2024 Calendar Favorites
Fran Duncan

2024 Calendar Favorites
Beck Gorshe

2024 Calendar Favorites
Jason Carpenter


2024 Calendar Favorites
Carrie Baier

2024 Calendar Favorites
Logan Kahler

2024 Calendar Favorites
Mike Vest


2024 Calendar Favorites
Jason Baier

2024 Calendar Favorites
Russell Kennerly



2024 Calendar Favorites
Becky Parmelee

2024 Calendar Favorites
Elizabeth Nordeen


2024 Calendar Favorites
Alexis Stensland

2024 Calendar Favorites
Derrick Gorshe

2024 Calendar Favorites
Jorge Rios


2024 Calendar Favorites
Carla Stensland

2024 Calendar Favorites
Elainie Hernandez

2024 Calendar Favorites
Jeanette Duff

2024 Calendar Favorites
Johnathan Stensland

2024 Calendar Favorites
Kio Dettman

2024 Calendar Favorites
Melissa Degeneffe

2024 Calendar Favorites
Nader Parsaei


2024 Calendar Favorites
Anders Runestad

2024 Calendar Favorites
Dawn Krause

That is it. I’m done writing about the calendar until the next one comes out!

*This is facetious.