Category Archives: Colleen

The Big Easy – Day 2 & 3 Phone Pictures

Today is my mother-in-law Colleen’s birthday, so I need to wish her a happy birthday.

Baby Tri-Force 1st Birthday Party

I hope your birthday is magical!


I didn’t take many phone pictures on Day 2 and Day 3 in New Orleans, so I’m combining them into one post. Day 2 is when the work begins on setting up for The Big Meeting. Day 3 involves a “training” session and then finishing off setup. But I had sometime to explore on those days.

Here are the pictures:

Day 2 - New Orleans
I started Day 2 with a leftover beignet from Cafe Du Monde.

Day 2 - New Orleans
Then I took a walk up to Jackson Square to see if it was open. It wasn’t.

Day 2 - New Orleans
But got a nice view of the Saint Louis Cathedral.

Day 2 - New Orleans
Then I walked down the river walk and found this cool collection of love locks.

Day 2 - New Orleans
I would love to know this story.

Day 2 - New Orleans

Day 2 - New Orleans
Tony and I got to the Convention Center while they were still putting the booth together.

Day 2 - New Orleans
This is by far and I mean by FAR the fastest internet we’ve ever had in a booth.

Day 2 - New Orleans
These snacks were delicious!

Day 2 - New Orleans
The booth put together.

Day 2 - New Orleans
Back at the hotel. I’m kind of a connoisseur of southern mayonnaise. This one has ALL the yolks.

Day 2 - New Orleans
One of my goals was to ride the trolley.

Day 2 - New Orleans
They stopped the trolley so this girl could take a graduation photo with it.

Day 2 - New Orleans
Inside trolley.

Day 2 - New Orleans

Day 2 - New Orleans
That night I had supper with Kim, Michelle, Diane and Gina. Afterwards I ended back up at Jackson Square.

Day 2 - New Orleans

Day 2 - New Orleans
This is the New Orleans Holocaust Memorial.

Day 2 - New Orleans
Final picture I took before going back to the hotel.

Day 3 starts with a 4 hour training session that feels like 8 hours.

Back to the Convention Center.

Got done early enough that I could see the inside of the Saint Louis Cathedral.

They took credit cards.

It is pretty in there.

The altar.

I didn’t take a horse and carriage ride. But I wish I had.

Best name for a restaurant. Ever!

The Rolling Stones played the Jazz Festival the night before.

Taking the trolley to the Garden District.

This guy openly boozed on the trolley. Was super friendly.

Nood Fountain in Audubon Park.

Back on Canal Street. Maybe my favorite graffiti ever.

Last cell phone picture of Day 3.

Still 4 more days of cell phone pictures left to share.

Calendar Favorites

Today is Lowell’s birthday so I need to wish him a happy birthday!

Day 138 - May 18, 2022

If you don’t know, Lowell is not Kim and is not the tall guy.

It is one of my most profoundest birthday wishes that today is a good day.


This is one of my favorite posts of the year. To share what people said was their favorite calendar image from the 2024 Photography 139 Calendar. There is still 1 calendar left to distribute, but I don’t know when that will happen. I got a response back from most people I gave a calendar to. Some people must have just immediately thrown it in the garbage and never given it a second thought. But that’s okay. Maybe opens up new calendar recipients for 2025…*

Some of these picture below are of different people in the same family that got one calendar, in case you are wondering if I gave, say 6 calendars to the Baiers.

Here we go:

2024 Calendar Favorites
Brandon Kahler

2024 Calendar Favorites
Nora Yoon

2024 Calendar Favorites
Jay Janson

2024 Calendar Favorites
Jen Ensley-Gorshe

2024 Calendar Favorites
Sabas Hernandez

2024 Calendar Favorites
Sara Lockner

2024 Calendar Favorites
Jesse Howard

2024 Calendar Favorites
Kevin Krause

2024 Calendar Favorites
Layla Gorshe

2024 Calendar Favorites
Olivia Baier

2024 Calendar Favorites
Andree Jauhari

2024 Calendar Favorites
Andy Sharp

2024 Calendar Favorites
Bill Wentworth

2024 Calendar Favorites
J.J. Baier

2024 Calendar Favorites
Kim Barker

2024 Calendar Favorites
Russ Kahler

2024 Calendar Favorites
Scott Degeneffe

2024 Calendar Favorites
Will Baier

2024 Calendar Favorites
Willy McAlpine

2024 Calendar Favorites
Colleen Hobe

2024 Calendar Favorites
Joe Duff

2024 Calendar Favorites
Michelle Haupt

2024 Calendar Favorites
Monica Jennings

2024 Calendar Favorites
Teresa Kahler


2024 Calendar Favorites
Ben Baier

2024 Calendar Favorites
Fran Duncan

2024 Calendar Favorites
Beck Gorshe

2024 Calendar Favorites
Jason Carpenter


2024 Calendar Favorites
Carrie Baier

2024 Calendar Favorites
Logan Kahler

2024 Calendar Favorites
Mike Vest


2024 Calendar Favorites
Jason Baier

2024 Calendar Favorites
Russell Kennerly



2024 Calendar Favorites
Becky Parmelee

2024 Calendar Favorites
Elizabeth Nordeen


2024 Calendar Favorites
Alexis Stensland

2024 Calendar Favorites
Derrick Gorshe

2024 Calendar Favorites
Jorge Rios


2024 Calendar Favorites
Carla Stensland

2024 Calendar Favorites
Elainie Hernandez

2024 Calendar Favorites
Jeanette Duff

2024 Calendar Favorites
Johnathan Stensland

2024 Calendar Favorites
Kio Dettman

2024 Calendar Favorites
Melissa Degeneffe

2024 Calendar Favorites
Nader Parsaei


2024 Calendar Favorites
Anders Runestad

2024 Calendar Favorites
Dawn Krause

That is it. I’m done writing about the calendar until the next one comes out!

*This is facetious.

Minnesota Independence Day Road Trip – Day 1

Back in July I took a road trip up to Minnesota near the 4th of July to visit family. Here are a few pictures from Day 1 of the trip:

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Coming across Minnesota’s Largest Candy Store was a welcome surprise. Apparently Nora has wanted to go there forever, but Bethany has always shot her down, but this time I talked them into guy. Cause that is what I do. I make dreams come true. Especially dreams that involve candy.

A collection of pictures from Day 2 is still to come!

Salad Shooting: Ames Field Work

Today is Colleen’s birthday, so happy birthday Colleen!

Baby Tri-Force 1st Birthday Party

I hope it is as magical as you want it to be!


On the health spectrum, this post is about a food item that couldn’t be more on the opposite end of the “healthy eating” spectrum than a tenderloin if it tried. Not that a tenderloin is the most unhealthy thing you can eat. That is probably cheesy fries. But it is no secret that any fried food is unhealthy. Delicious, but unhealthy.

Now a salad? They are usually pretty healthy. Unless you add unhealthy elements to it, like fried chicken. And then coat it with ranch or Caesar dressing. Or any salad dressing with the word “creamy” in it. However, I think we can all agree that ranch dressing does not belong on salad. It only belongs as a dipping sauce for things like onion rings and fried mushrooms and fried cheese and buffalo wings. Caesar salad doesn’t belong anywhere.

Ames recently had a new salad restaurant open. It is extremely unique. It is drive-thru only. Why? Because they grow all the greens inside the building.

This is what their website ( says:

Welcome to Clayton Farms Salads, a drive-thru restaurant that is all about fresh, healthy, and smart eating. Our greens are grown onsite, ensuring that our salads and smoothies are the freshest in the world. Whether you’re on the go or simply looking for a quick and nutritious meal, we’ve got you covered with our delicious menu options. From bright and colorful salads, to refreshing and energizing smoothies, we’ve got everything you need, to fuel your day the healthiest way. So why wait? Swing through our drive-thru to taste the difference yourself, or to order delivery!

I think it is a brilliant idea! If you can keep up with demand. Despite that, I have a couple friends who loaded up their haterade with extra hate just to make sure they had enough hate for this restaurant. They are actively rooting against Clayton Farms Salads being successful. One has gone so far as to proclaim:

October of 2024, gentlemen. Mark me. “Salad Dreams” or whatever its called will have shuttered by then.

I have marked it on the calendar Jay.

They started with 4 salads and recently added a 5th salad:
+ Garden Salad
+ Caesar Salad
+ Crunch Asian Salad
+ Southwest Salad
+ Mediterranean Salad

To cut to the chase, it is the best salad(s) I’ve ever had in my life. The freshness of the greens is incredible and it makes a huge difference in the taste. I put the experience like this… it must be what it would be like to not be from Iowa, visit Iowa and then stop at a Peaches and Cream corn stand. Pick up some corn and go home and cook it. For them, it would be like eating corn for the first time in their life.

I’m not trying too hard to rely on Plato’s ALLEGORY OF THE CAVE for this example.

So let me put it another way. It is like the difference between cooking with produce you purchased at a big chain grocery store vs with ingredients you bought at a farmer’s market. If you know anybody that works in a grocery store warehouse, ask them about the room they use to ripen bananas. It will blow your mind.

Or one last example…

It was like the first time I got a watermelon in Muscatine County in the height of watermelon season.

That is what my first salad at Clayton Farms Salads was like. It was like I had never had a salad before. (By looking at me, it is possible you think that I’ve never had a salad in my life, but I love vegetables. I also love a good order of cheesy fries too.)

Here are some pictures of my Clayton Farms Salads experiences:

Salad Shooting: Clayton Farms Salads

Salad Shooting: Clayton Farms Salads

Salad Shooting: Clayton Farms Salads

Salad Shooting: Clayton Farms Salads

Salad Shooting: Clayton Farms Salads
“Our greens are BETTER” is an understatement.

Salad Shooting: Clayton Farms Salads
This guy is a member.

Salad Shooting: Clayton Farms Salads

Salad Shooting: Clayton Farms Salads
Southwest Salad

Salad Shooting: Clayton Farms Salads
All the salads come with Salad Girl Dressing which is an organic line of dressings.

Salad Shooting: Clayton Farms Salads

Salad Shooting: Clayton Farms Salads

Salad Shooting: Clayton Farms Salads
Even their forks are compostable.

Salad Shooting: Clayton Farms Salads

Salad Shooting: Clayton Farms Salads

Salad Shooting: Clayton Farms Salads
Caesar Salad

Salad Shooting: Clayton Farms Salads

Salad Shooting: Clayton Farms Salads

Salad Shooting: Clayton Farms Salads
Garden Salad

Salad Shooting: Clayton Farms Salads

Salad Shooting: Clayton Farms Salads

Salad Shooting: Clayton Farms Salads
Farmer’s Punch – also delicious.

Salad Shooting: Clayton Farms Salads
Crunchy Asian Salad

Salad Shooting: Clayton Farms Salads

Salad Shooting: Clayton Farms Salads

Salad Shooting: Clayton Farms Salads

Salad Shooting: Clayton Farms Salads
Mediterranean Salad

Salad Shooting: Clayton Farms Salads

Salad Shooting: Clayton Farms Salads

Salad Shooting: Clayton Farms Salads

I’d rank the salads like this:

1. Garden Salad – romaine, sunflower microgreens, red onions, green onions, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, pistachios. and lemony herb dressing.
2. Crunch Asian Salad – romaine, pea microgreens, purple cabbage, edanmae, carrots, green onions, red bell peppers, mandarin oranges, sliced almonds, crunchy chow mein noodles, toasted sesame ginger vinaigrette.
3. Mediterranean Salad – butterhead/arugula, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, feta cheese, garbanzo beans, red bell peppers, red onions, sliced almonds, lemony herb dressing.
4. Caesar Salad – romaine, broccoli microgreens, cucumber, parmesan cheese, croutons, lemony Caesar dressing.
5. Southwest Salad – butterhead, radish microgreens, orange & yellow bell pepper, black beans, red onion, sweet corn, cherry tomatoes, butternut squash, avocado, pepitas, cilantro, chili limon dressing.

I’m not going to lie, when you add protein to the salad, it isn’t cheap. Each salad runs almost or over $15 after you add chicken. A dollar more if you add steak. At this point, I consider a meal that is under $15 as affordable. If I get a meal for less than $10, I alert the media.

The ultimate verdict is, would I pursue this meal? Yes I would. In fact, since I’m currently working in Ames 5 days a week, I pretty much eat here once a week.

You can find Clayton Farms Salads here:

2435 Grand Avenue
Ames, Iowa

They are open Monday through Saturday from 10 AM to 8 PM.

The next food adventure will be a road trip double dip.

Triplet + Jonah Birthday Party – 2022

A few months back I picked up some cakes and Jim and went to the Wolf Lodge near Kansas City for the birthday party of the triplets and Jonah. I didn’t get to spend much time there cause Jim is kind of like Cinderella. He expires after being away from home too long.

I also didn’t get many pictures because we drove 4 hours to catch the last 25 minutes of the party. The rest of the day was spent in the Wolf Lodge water park area and I didn’t take any pictures there.

Here are some of the pictures I took:

Triplet + Jonah Birthday Party - 2022

Triplet + Jonah Birthday Party - 2022

Triplet + Jonah Birthday Party - 2022

Triplet + Jonah Birthday Party - 2022

Triplet + Jonah Birthday Party - 2022

Triplet + Jonah Birthday Party - 2022

Triplet + Jonah Birthday Party - 2022

Triplet + Jonah Birthday Party - 2022

Triplet + Jonah Birthday Party - 2022

Triplet + Jonah Birthday Party - 2022

Triplet + Jonah Birthday Party - 2022

Triplet + Jonah Birthday Party - 2022

Triplet + Jonah Birthday Party - 2022

Triplet + Jonah Birthday Party - 2022

Triplet + Jonah Birthday Party - 2022

Triplet + Jonah Birthday Party - 2022

Triplet + Jonah Birthday Party - 2022

Triplet + Jonah Birthday Party - 2022

Triplet + Jonah Birthday Party - 2022

Triplet + Jonah Birthday Party - 2022

Triplet + Jonah Birthday Party - 2022

Triplet + Jonah Birthday Party - 2022

Triplet + Jonah Birthday Party - 2022

Triplet + Jonah Birthday Party - 2022

Triplet + Jonah Birthday Party - 2022

Triplet + Jonah Birthday Party - 2022

Triplet + Jonah Birthday Party - 2022

Despite its brevity, it was a good trip. I wish I had some pictures of the kids playing in the water park, but I didn’t get any. I wonder what will happen with the birthday parties this year?


This is your reminder that this week’s THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE theme is BOOKS:


BOOKS! What a great theme for Year 10 of THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE!

But what is a BOOKS image? Simply put, it is any image where the subject or a major compositional element is a BOOK or BOOKS.

Happy photo harvesting!

Goodbye 2022.

Happy New Year to those of you sheeple that follow the Gregorian Calendar. I for one, moved to Unix time years ago. So if I have a birthday party this year (Sara wants me to have one, but I doubt it happens) the invites will list the time of the event in Unix Time, like an adult. But I don’t want to tell you what calendar to use.

I think you should look at the options. By the Gregorian Calendar, when this post publishes, it is the year 2022. But there are other calendars.

Here is a list of other calendars and what year it is if you use those calendars:

Hebrew – 5783
Islamic – 1444
Chinese – 4659
Coptic – 1739
Japanese – Reiwa 4
British Regnal – 1 Cha. 3
Buddhist – 2566
Nanakshahi – 554
Hindu – 5123
Juche – 111
Byzantine – 7531
Roman – 2775
Holocene – 12022
Unix Time (like an adult): 1672531199 (roughly)

As you can tell, Unix Time is clearly superior.

Even though I don’t celebrate New Years, I do like to give holiday Power Rankings.

Here are my champagne power rankings:

10. All champagne is trash.
9. All champagne is trash.
8. All champagne is trash.
7. All champagne is trash.
6. All champagne is trash.
5. All champagne is trash.
4. All champagne is trash.
3. All champagne is trash.
2. All champagne is trash.
1. Champere

So Happy New Years to those who celebrate it. I will have been asleep a couple hours when the bell tolls for 2022. I’m old, lame, and don’t get invited to adult parties.


Time to reveal the December image for the 2023 Photography 139 Gregorian Calendar:

2023 Calendar - December

The December image is a picture of the old mill in Independence, Iowa. I took it while harvesting the town signs of Buchanan County for THE TOWN SIGN PROJECT. In retrospect, it isn’t a great image for the brutal colds and snows of December. But it was the last selected image and December was the last month that didn’t have an image. These things tend to sort themselves out.

DATE: May 28, 2022 – 9:41 AM
LENS: Tamron 17-28 f/2.8
ISO: 100

I have no calendar images to share tomorrow. Or again until December. If the Photography 139 Calendar exists again in 2024.


This year when I handed a calendar to somebody I asked them to pick a favorite image. Then I photographed them with their favorite image. I also asked people that I didn’t hand deliver a calendar to to pick a favorite image and then send me a picture of them with that image. Like 3 people did that. So good for them? Not that such treachery might factor in who gets a calendar next year…

I forgot to do this for the attendees of the Westhaven Christmas, so this won’t be held against them. Maybe Nate. I did ask him and he said “No problem” and then never sent me a picture.

Any way here is a collection of, but not comprehensive collection of pictures of people with their favorite pictures from the calendar:


Bethany and Nora


Also Colleen

Also, also Colleen


Baier (Jason)

More Baiers (Olivia)

More Baiers (Ben)

More Baiers (Carrie and J.J.)

More Baiers (Will)


























It is possible more pictures might trickle in, if people I mailed calendars to haven’t received them yet. I think every picture got picked except for January. Poor January. Might try this again next year. We’ll see if the people like it.


This is your reminder that this week’s THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE theme is BODY PART:



BODY PART! What a great final theme for Year 9 of THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE!

But what is a BODY PART image? Simply put, it is a picture where a major compositional element of the image is a BODY PART. Doesn’t have to be your BODY PART. Could be somebody else’s. It could belong to an animal. There are so many BODY PART(s) to choose from! Heads. Shoulders. Knees. Toes. Just to name a few.

Happy photo harvesting!

Triplet + Jonah Birthday Party

A few weeks back the Triplets and Jonah had a birthday party at the KOA near Adel. I wasn’t able to make the party because it was schedule for the same time as the Iowa State-Oklahoma State football game that I was scheduled to attend. But I did have time to drive down to Adel and hang out for about 90 minutes before I had to head to Ames to witness Iowa State beat a top ten Cowboy team.

Here are some pictures from my hang time:

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

The Triplets and Jonah Birthday Party - 2021

Having everybody meet up in kind of a central location and spend the weekend was a pretty cool idea I thought. I hope it happens again on a weekend where Iowa State doesn’t have a home game, so I can be around more than 90 minutes. It was also really cold that weekend. I mean not really cold, but it was definitely colder than you would want.

Derrick told me that KOA campsites suck and hate children, but that wasn’t my experience, in the 90 minutes I was there. I would consider staying there on a trip sometime. I didn’t know they rented cabins and tents.

It was the first time I’d seen many of these people since before the pandemic. I hope it doesn’t take so long to see them again. Although I pretty sure I’m going down to Manhattan for Nate’s graduation in about a month.

Blessings 2020

Let’s face it. 2020 has been a terrible year. I could spend hours and hours polishing this turd, but a turd is still a turd.

I basically only see 2 other people on a regular basis right now. Willy and I haven’t held a Friday Night Supper Club since March 13. We went to Jimmy’s for their Friday the 13th sale. I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve seen any of my nieces and nephews this year. I’ve been able to hold a couple of Union Street Theater Nights in the reconfigured Union Street Theater, but it isn’t really the same. The masks and the sound of the air purifiers makes conversation a little difficult and food is definitely a missing element. Since March, the only stores I have been inside are the Boone Wal-Mart and Boone Hardware. I go to Hy-Vee every other week. I’ve seen Bethany twice. Nate and Laura once. Becca, not at all. I haven’t seen the Lockners at all. I’ve seen the Gorshes thrice. I run into Willy around town now and again. Jay stops by here and there to work on his homework. I see Jesse now and again. I haven’t met Kalista’s baby. Baier, Russell, Andree? Distant memories. Since I left the Computer Mine with the belief that I would be working from home for a few weeks, the only co-workers of note that I’ve seen in person are Vest, Lowell, Kim, and Elizabeth. I haven’t met Jorge’s twins. My church has had maybe a dozen worship services and those are suspended again. The Mission Trip is cancelled. There will be no Mission Trip next year. Youth Group has been put on hold indefinitely. For the first time since September 18, 2004, they played football games at Jack Trice Stadium and I wasn’t in attendance. The Cyclones Women’s Basketball Season just tipped off. I wasn’t there. I will most likely, not be able to attend any Cyclones Men’s games this year.

All of that being said, 2020 has still been an embarrassment of blessings for me. In a time where the pandemic was horribly mismanaged by an inept and corrupt federal government, causing employment rates to go through the roof and food insecurity and evictions to sweep across the country like a second plague, I have not had to worry about my job. As these pandemic pounds can attest, I haven’t once had to worry about my next meal. I was in a solid enough financial position that when the $1200 dollar stimulus check hit my bank account I wasn’t sure what to do with it. We were supposed to put it where it would do the most good, so I donated some of it to Joe Biden’s campaign.

While the only people I see on a regular basis are Mom and Teresa. I am still blessed with a pretty incredible family:

Bennett Family Photo Shoot - 2017

Baby Tri-Force 1st Birthday Party

While I see them rarely, I still have a pretty incredible set of friends:

March 12, 2019

August 10, 2019

August 13, 2019


Self Portrait Project - 2012

Photo Journal - Page 56 Reject

Honey Hollow


While we don’t get to worship an awesome God together right now, I still have a pretty incredible church family:

October 27, 2019

October 30, 2019

September 25, 2019

June 27, 2019

June 23, 2019

January 16, 2019

While I continue to work at home, I still talk to and try to stay in contact with my amazing work family:

August 30, 2019

December 27, 2019


And while Naima is becoming off the charts spoiled, I’m blessed to have her in my life as well:

Black and White Alternate

I hope to see so much more of all of you in 2021. In fact, I’ve started to compile a list of things that I look forward to doing when this pandemic subsides. It isn’t a glamorous list. But that is a sign of 2020.

Black Lives Matter – Boone – Three

I need to start the day by wishing a very happy birthday to Bethany. So… happy birthday Bethany!!!

9  Emotions Project - Bethany

Nora's Birthday Party - Age 2

Baby Tri-Force 1st Birthday Party

Minnesota State Fair - 2019

Photo of the Day 0109 - August 19, 2014

I hope your birthday is as amazing as you want it to be!


I thought this would be the last collection of pictures from the Boone Black Lives Matter event, but I miscalculated how I would break these down into volumes, so there will actually be one more collection of pictures after these pictures. Everybody wins!

Here is my version of what I witnessed at the Black Lives Matter event. I parked at my church’s parking lot because it was a good central location to witness the parade, without getting too close to it. I also had these visions of maybe cracking out the drone, but that never happened.

I walked east on 8th Street to the green space. Along the way, I noticed that a Latina owned business had put up signs to support the Black Lives Matter movement. They were also handing out free snacks and water to protesters.

When I got near the green space, I noticed that a local real estate business that owns a healthy portion of downtown buildings was also outside handing out free water to protesters. They had boarded up all of their buildings a couple days before.

Next to them, Paradox was also handing out free drinks and had placed signs with inspirational quotes on their building. I think the owners may have helped organize the event, because somebody came over to them to complain that nobody could hear the speakers, they offered to bring out a sound system.

The Boone Community Theater was also handing out water to protesters. As was the the Police Department and at least 2 other businesses.

I kept my distance from the protest, but from what I could discern, it started with an 8 minute and 46 second moment of silence to represent how long the police officer kneeled on George Floyd’s neck when he was killing him.

I think there were a couple of speakers, but I really couldn’t hear them, because of the distance I was keeping because of the virus and a lack of an operating sound system.

There were a few people standing around and observing. It is hard to say if they were just checking it out or are sympathetic to the cause and keeping their distance because of the virus. However, before the march began, I didn’t see anybody I thought was there to agitate.

After the march started, I did notice a couple of people that were there to counter-protest, I guess you would call it. One guy kept circling around the marchers in his truck. He had taped a couple signs to his truck that read “Support the Blue”.

There was a considerably less counter-protester, I guess you would call him, that didn’t really hang around, but drove past the marchers blaring the Berlin song “Take My Breath Away”. I think at some point, he realized how extremely stupid that was, because he didn’t stick around for very long.

There was also a group of high school students that were either sympathetic to the cause, or just being stupid. They didn’t march, but they drove by the marchers blaring the N.W.A. tune, “F*ck Tha Police”. Which wasn’t really all that cool, under the circumstances. Which is rare, because there are very few circumstances where it isn’t cool to drive around blaring N.W.A. Just did it the other day with “Straight Outta Compton”.

The marchers left the green space and marched south on Story Street to Mamie. At Mamie they turned west and marched to Greene Street. At Greene Street, the marched north to 5th Street. At 5th Street they marched west to Carroll Street. At Carroll Street they marched north to 8th Street. From 8th Street, they marched east back to the green space.

When they returned, there was some chanting, but the event seemed to end about 7 PM mostly. It seemed that a few people were still milling around, but I took off, went home. Threw my clothes in the washer and took a shower. Which is what you should do if you are in a large group of people.

Here is the third collection of pictures from the Black Lives Matters event in Boone:

Black Lives Matter - Boone

Black Lives Matter - Boone

Black Lives Matter - Boone

Black Lives Matter - Boone

Black Lives Matter - Boone

Black Lives Matter - Boone

Black Lives Matter - Boone

Black Lives Matter - Boone
Anna Olson!

Black Lives Matter - Boone

Black Lives Matter - Boone

Black Lives Matter - Boone

Black Lives Matter - Boone

Black Lives Matter - Boone

Black Lives Matter - Boone

Black Lives Matter - Boone

Black Lives Matter - Boone

Black Lives Matter - Boone

Black Lives Matter - Boone

Black Lives Matter - Boone

Black Lives Matter - Boone

Black Lives Matter - Boone

Black Lives Matter - Boone

Black Lives Matter - Boone

Black Lives Matter - Boone

Black Lives Matter - Boone

Black Lives Matter - Boone

Black Lives Matter - Boone

Black Lives Matter - Boone

For those of you that don’t know Anna Olson, she is a future President of the United States. I hope we don’t have to wait for her to be old enough to be our first female President, but if we do, she will make an excellent first female President. She will also make an excellent second or third female President. I look forward to working in her administration 20 years from now.

There is just one collection of pictures from the Boone Black Lives Matter event left.

Elainie Homecoming Ch. 10

I need to start by wishing my mother-in-law Colleen a happy birthday. Happy birthday Colleen!

Baby Tri-Force 1st Birthday Party


Nora's Birthday Party - Age 2


Baby Tri-Force 1st Birthday Party

I hope your birthday was amazing! All the best people were born in May!

Can you imagine being born in a different month?


This is the final collection of images that were triggered by Elainie coming home back in September. Most of these pictures were taken on the High Trestle Trail Bridge.

Stenslands- 2019

Stenslands- 2019

Stenslands- 2019

Elainie & Sabas

Elainie & Sabas

Elainie & Sabas

Elainie & Sabas

Elainie & Sabas

Elainie & Sabas

Elainie & Sabas

Elainie & Sabas

Elainie & Sabas

Elainie & Sabas

Elainie & Sabas

Elainie & Sabas

Elainie & Sabas

Elainie & Sabas

Elainie & Sabas

Elainie & Sabas

Elainie & Sabas

Elainie & Sabas

Elainie & Sabas

Elainie & Sabas

Elainie & Sabas

Elainie & Sabas

This is the last collection of pictures from Elainie’s homecoming and believe it or not, this is nearly the end of the 2019 backlog.

It will be a relief to not be in backlog, seems like I’ve been in it forever!