Category Archives: Nora

The Big Easy – Day 2 & 3 Phone Pictures

Today is my mother-in-law Colleen’s birthday, so I need to wish her a happy birthday.

Baby Tri-Force 1st Birthday Party

I hope your birthday is magical!


I didn’t take many phone pictures on Day 2 and Day 3 in New Orleans, so I’m combining them into one post. Day 2 is when the work begins on setting up for The Big Meeting. Day 3 involves a “training” session and then finishing off setup. But I had sometime to explore on those days.

Here are the pictures:

Day 2 - New Orleans
I started Day 2 with a leftover beignet from Cafe Du Monde.

Day 2 - New Orleans
Then I took a walk up to Jackson Square to see if it was open. It wasn’t.

Day 2 - New Orleans
But got a nice view of the Saint Louis Cathedral.

Day 2 - New Orleans
Then I walked down the river walk and found this cool collection of love locks.

Day 2 - New Orleans
I would love to know this story.

Day 2 - New Orleans

Day 2 - New Orleans
Tony and I got to the Convention Center while they were still putting the booth together.

Day 2 - New Orleans
This is by far and I mean by FAR the fastest internet we’ve ever had in a booth.

Day 2 - New Orleans
These snacks were delicious!

Day 2 - New Orleans
The booth put together.

Day 2 - New Orleans
Back at the hotel. I’m kind of a connoisseur of southern mayonnaise. This one has ALL the yolks.

Day 2 - New Orleans
One of my goals was to ride the trolley.

Day 2 - New Orleans
They stopped the trolley so this girl could take a graduation photo with it.

Day 2 - New Orleans
Inside trolley.

Day 2 - New Orleans

Day 2 - New Orleans
That night I had supper with Kim, Michelle, Diane and Gina. Afterwards I ended back up at Jackson Square.

Day 2 - New Orleans

Day 2 - New Orleans
This is the New Orleans Holocaust Memorial.

Day 2 - New Orleans
Final picture I took before going back to the hotel.

Day 3 starts with a 4 hour training session that feels like 8 hours.

Back to the Convention Center.

Got done early enough that I could see the inside of the Saint Louis Cathedral.

They took credit cards.

It is pretty in there.

The altar.

I didn’t take a horse and carriage ride. But I wish I had.

Best name for a restaurant. Ever!

The Rolling Stones played the Jazz Festival the night before.

Taking the trolley to the Garden District.

This guy openly boozed on the trolley. Was super friendly.

Nood Fountain in Audubon Park.

Back on Canal Street. Maybe my favorite graffiti ever.

Last cell phone picture of Day 3.

Still 4 more days of cell phone pictures left to share.

Omaha, Somewhere in Middle America

We are officially a week from my birthday, so I am no longer accepting happy birthday wishes. If you failed to meet the deadline, better luck wishing next year.

I did have a pretty great birthday though. Mostly it was just hanging out with Bokeh and the chaos she brings. But at night, there was a Movie Night in the Union Street Theater. As it was my birthday month, I got to select the movies. I chose 1975 for the “theme” of the movies. For the B movie I selected LISZTOMANIA. Which deliver on everything that a MOVIE NIGHT movie should. For the feature, I selected SHAMPOO. Which was a bit of a dud. Maybe it was funnier or more revolutionary in its day. It was worth watching and a disappointment at the same time.

My favorite birthday present I received was Nora planting a flower in my honor at her school. My favorite birthday wish came from Elainie as it combined wishing me a happy birthday with my disdain and hatred for Facebook:

Happy Birthday Uncle Chris!! Sabas & I posted on fb earlier, but I know you don’t get on often. We hope you have had a wonderful day!

It wasn’t perfect. Shouldn’t have posted birthday wishes on Facebook at all, but it is good enough for me.

I also got an amazing letter in the mail wishing me a happy birthday from Harrison Gorshe. It 100% made my day! It basically wished me a happy birthday and let me know he was glad I got a dog. I need to take Bokeh over there to meet the Gorshes at some point. I haven’t taken her to meet a lot of people. Really I haven’t taken her to meet many people yet. Elizabeth, Kim, and Ron at the Computer Mine. She has met plenty of people that have come to the house to meet her though. Andy, Anders, Alexis, Kanoa, Anela, Logan, Jonah, Greyson, Dahlia, Amanda, Jesse, Willy, Jay, Jason, Monica, Graham, and Teresa. Plus several neighbors have come over to meet her. Her dance card has been pretty full. She might be the Diamond of the Season. (Reference for my BRIDGERTON peeps out there. I’m still pretty sad that my 2 favorite characters (Eloise and Penelope) aren’t friends any longer. I’m sure it will work out.)

But I digress. Thanks again for all the birthday wishes that came through in person visits, text messages, phone calls, Snapchat… Teams, yeah I guess we will count Teams. It was a good enough birthday!


I spent the night at Bill’s swanky bachelor pad after going to see Brandi Carlile. It was so amazingly hot those days. The heat index was well into triple digits. Before I headed back to the Cyclone State Bill and I did some minor exploring of Omaha. We went to Union Station, which is now a museum.

Here are some pictures:

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha, Nebraska

Still a couple more collection of images from my day with Bill left to share!

Cue: Ames Field Work

Today is Nora’s birthday so I need to wish her a happy birthday!

Happy birthday Nora!

I hope your birthday is filled with all the mushrooms you can handle and not filled with all the serious questions that the BARBIE movie makes a person ask!


Back on Valentine’s Day/Ash Wednesday I went to Cornbred in Ames with Teresa and Carla before going to the Cyclone women upset the #7 Kansas State Wildcats in double overtime. Absolutely one of the greatest games I’ve ever seen in Hilton. Period.

As a big fan of barbecue, it is rather amazing that I had never been to Cornbred. It is mostly because I forget it exists. But on this day, I remembered it existed and I efforted to check it out.

Here are some pictures:

Cue: Cornbred

Cue: Cornbred

Cue: Cornbred

Cue: Cornbred

Cue: Cornbred

Cue: Cornbred
I went with the brisket.

Cue: Cornbred

Cue: Cornbred

Cue: Cornbred

Cue: Cornbred

Cue: Cornbred

Cue: Cornbred

The verdict? I think Cornbred is a touch overrated. Scott described it as “yuppie barbecue” and I can’t completely disagree. If it was hipster barbecue that would be better. Say what you want about hipsters, they make pretty good food.

It isn’t that Cornbred is bad. In fact part of my meal were great. The brussel sprouts appetizer was fantastic. I am a well known big time fan of brussel sprouts. I probably eat them about once a week. Not mixed with pork belly but there is a steamer bag of brussel sprouts that I really like!

The brisket was also fantastic. No complaints there. The bread that came with it, was average. I got the creamy pineapple slaw for my side. Hey, remember, trying to eat healthier! Now cole slaw is usually drowning in mayonnaise, so it isn’t super healthy, but it is certainly healthier than fries. And cole slaw also can contain lots of vitamin A and vitamin E. But most importantly, I like cole slaw. In fact, I even had a favorite cole slaw. The Country House in Colo had a fantastic cole slaw. Too bad they have went out of business. But trust me, it was because of their cole slaw. Or their tenderloin for that matter.

This cole slaw was very mediocre.

In the grand scheme of things, I would definitely eat at Cornbred again. I don’t know I would go out of my way for it, but I would eat there again. But all things considered I would rather eat at Jimmy’s.

You can find Cornbred here:

526 Main Street #106
Ames, Iowa

But what is the update on my efforting to live a healthier lifestyle?

I think generally things are going well. For the first time since I’ve started to monitor it, I’ve had a couple of sleep scores in the 80s! I’m not sure how much that means, but I will take it as a positive.

The Noom lessons were about sleep, so it is a good thing I’ve gotten some good sleep. Here is your health fun fact for this week.

According to The American Journal of Clinical nutrition, missing a few hours of sleep one night can cause a person to eat an extra 559 calories, on average, the next day. So I guess sleep is important.

This week my weight went down 1.9 pounds. Down 16.6 pounds since I started Noom.

I haven’t purchased anything else to help in my attempts to live healthier. I’m still thinking on that smart scale.

The next food adventure will involve a food truck.

Jagged Little Road Trip II

Here is the balance of images from the quick road trip I took with Jesse up to see Bethany, Nora, and the musical JAGGED LITTLE PILL.

Some of these are at that art park. The others are from around the Orpheum.

Minnesota Trip

Minnesota Trip

Minnesota Trip

Minnesota Trip

Minnesota Trip

Minnesota Trip
Do you think this was left by Cindee and Randi or somebody that is doubling it up in their love life?

Minnesota Trip

Minnesota Trip

Minnesota Trip

Minnesota Trip

Minnesota Trip

Minnesota Trip

Minnesota Trip

Minnesota Trip

Minnesota Trip

Minnesota Trip

Minnesota Trip

Minnesota Trip

Minnesota Trip

Minnesota Trip

Minnesota Trip

Minnesota Trip

Minnesota Trip

Minnesota Trip

Minnesota Trip

Minnesota Trip

So how was “Jagged Little Pill” you might be asking?

It was okay. There isn’t much there-there as far as the story goes. Although that is a generic criticism that could be made of most musicals. It definitely feels like a stretch to make the songs fit the storyline. It is definitely worth seeing, but I don’t know I would go see it again. Once seems enough.

The Orpheum Theater is beautiful, but if you are of the female persuasion, the bathroom situation is a bit of a disaster. Go before you get to the theater. That is a Photography 139 Orpheum Theater Pro Tip! If you are a dude, it ain’t great shakes, but you are a dude, so it is still quite a bit better.

All in all, it was a fantastic trip! Go to see Rancho Deluxe. Got to hang with Bethany and Nora. Got to eat a great breakfast. Got to see a cool art park. Got to see a good musical. Got to hang with Jesse. 10 stars. Would recommend!

Calendar Favorites

Today is Lowell’s birthday so I need to wish him a happy birthday!

Day 138 - May 18, 2022

If you don’t know, Lowell is not Kim and is not the tall guy.

It is one of my most profoundest birthday wishes that today is a good day.


This is one of my favorite posts of the year. To share what people said was their favorite calendar image from the 2024 Photography 139 Calendar. There is still 1 calendar left to distribute, but I don’t know when that will happen. I got a response back from most people I gave a calendar to. Some people must have just immediately thrown it in the garbage and never given it a second thought. But that’s okay. Maybe opens up new calendar recipients for 2025…*

Some of these picture below are of different people in the same family that got one calendar, in case you are wondering if I gave, say 6 calendars to the Baiers.

Here we go:

2024 Calendar Favorites
Brandon Kahler

2024 Calendar Favorites
Nora Yoon

2024 Calendar Favorites
Jay Janson

2024 Calendar Favorites
Jen Ensley-Gorshe

2024 Calendar Favorites
Sabas Hernandez

2024 Calendar Favorites
Sara Lockner

2024 Calendar Favorites
Jesse Howard

2024 Calendar Favorites
Kevin Krause

2024 Calendar Favorites
Layla Gorshe

2024 Calendar Favorites
Olivia Baier

2024 Calendar Favorites
Andree Jauhari

2024 Calendar Favorites
Andy Sharp

2024 Calendar Favorites
Bill Wentworth

2024 Calendar Favorites
J.J. Baier

2024 Calendar Favorites
Kim Barker

2024 Calendar Favorites
Russ Kahler

2024 Calendar Favorites
Scott Degeneffe

2024 Calendar Favorites
Will Baier

2024 Calendar Favorites
Willy McAlpine

2024 Calendar Favorites
Colleen Hobe

2024 Calendar Favorites
Joe Duff

2024 Calendar Favorites
Michelle Haupt

2024 Calendar Favorites
Monica Jennings

2024 Calendar Favorites
Teresa Kahler


2024 Calendar Favorites
Ben Baier

2024 Calendar Favorites
Fran Duncan

2024 Calendar Favorites
Beck Gorshe

2024 Calendar Favorites
Jason Carpenter


2024 Calendar Favorites
Carrie Baier

2024 Calendar Favorites
Logan Kahler

2024 Calendar Favorites
Mike Vest


2024 Calendar Favorites
Jason Baier

2024 Calendar Favorites
Russell Kennerly



2024 Calendar Favorites
Becky Parmelee

2024 Calendar Favorites
Elizabeth Nordeen


2024 Calendar Favorites
Alexis Stensland

2024 Calendar Favorites
Derrick Gorshe

2024 Calendar Favorites
Jorge Rios


2024 Calendar Favorites
Carla Stensland

2024 Calendar Favorites
Elainie Hernandez

2024 Calendar Favorites
Jeanette Duff

2024 Calendar Favorites
Johnathan Stensland

2024 Calendar Favorites
Kio Dettman

2024 Calendar Favorites
Melissa Degeneffe

2024 Calendar Favorites
Nader Parsaei


2024 Calendar Favorites
Anders Runestad

2024 Calendar Favorites
Dawn Krause

That is it. I’m done writing about the calendar until the next one comes out!

*This is facetious.

Minnesota Independence Day Road Trip – Day 2

Time to share the February image from the 2024 Photography 139 Calendar. It is a picture of a strawflower bulb that was taken in my yard:

2024 Calendar - February

This image was placed in February as February houses Valentines Day and I like to think that flowertography is considered romantic.


DATE: June 7, 2023 – 7:43 PM
LENS: 105mm f/2.8
ISO: 100

Tomorrow I will share the March image!


My second and final day on my Independence Day Road Trip to Minnesota involved going to the Mall of America amusement park. But it started with breakfast:

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

Independence Day Minnesota Trip - Day 2

It was a great trip! I should have stayed longer. Next time!

Minnesota Independence Day Road Trip – Day 1

Back in July I took a road trip up to Minnesota near the 4th of July to visit family. Here are a few pictures from Day 1 of the trip:

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Independence Day Minnesota Road Trip - Day 1

Coming across Minnesota’s Largest Candy Store was a welcome surprise. Apparently Nora has wanted to go there forever, but Bethany has always shot her down, but this time I talked them into guy. Cause that is what I do. I make dreams come true. Especially dreams that involve candy.

A collection of pictures from Day 2 is still to come!

Breakfast Burrito Life: Eagan Field Work

Back in August I breakfasted at the Mason Jar in Eagan, Minnesota with Jesse, Bethany, and Nora. It was a weird experience as the Mason Jay has bizarre rules about coloring on their patio, but we made do.

Here are some pictures from the experience:

Breakfast Burrito Life: Mason Jar

Breakfast Burrito Life: Mason Jar

Breakfast Burrito Life: Mason Jar

Breakfast Burrito Life: Mason Jar

Breakfast Burrito Life: Mason Jar

Breakfast Burrito Life: Mason Jar

Breakfast Burrito Life: Mason Jar

Breakfast Burrito Life: Mason Jar

Breakfast Burrito Life: Mason Jar

Breakfast Burrito Life: Mason Jar

Breakfast Burrito Life: Mason Jar

Breakfast Burrito Life: Mason Jar

Breakfast Burrito Life: Mason Jar

Breakfast Burrito Life: Mason Jar

Breakfast Burrito Life: Mason Jar

Breakfast Burrito Life: Mason Jar

Breakfast Burrito Life: Mason Jar

Breakfast Burrito Life: Mason Jar

Breakfast Burrito Life: Mason Jar

Breakfast Burrito Life: Mason Jar

Breakfast Burrito Life: Mason Jar

Breakfast Burrito Life: Mason Jar

Breakfast Burrito Life: Mason Jar

Breakfast Burrito Life: Mason Jar

Breakfast Burrito Life: Mason Jar

Breakfast Burrito Life: Mason Jar

Breakfast Burrito Life: Mason Jar

Breakfast Burrito Life: Mason Jar

At the end of the day, I would eat there again. The food was pretty good. It was just the service that was a little suspect. Not bad, just suspect.

The next food adventure will involve the Tenderloin Trail 2.0.

Food Truckin’: Ames Food Truck Showdown Field Work

Today is Bethany’s birthday, so happy birthday Bethany!

Pufferbilly Days

I hope your birthday has all the happiness you can handle!


About a month back, Kim and I met Elizabeth in downtown Ames for a “Food Truck Showdown” after a hard day of swinging the pick at the Computer Mine. Then after Jesse laid down his pick for the day, he joined us too. The event consisted of about a dozen food trucks that were competing to win some kind of prize. It was WAY busier than I expected. I had hoped to try multiple food trucks, but the place was packed and the lines were crazy long. In fact, I don’t think Elizabeth even got to try any food before she had to take off to do some adulting.

After making a loop around the place I decided on a place called Hotsy Totsy*. A food truck, that in addition to having an amazing name serves a wide variety of loaded tots. They serve other stuff, but when going to a food truck called Hotsy Totsy, you get the tots and you like it!

And I did! In fact I more than liked the tots. I loved them. I ordered the Buffalo Chicken Tots. Kim got the Gyro Tots. Jesse didn’t get anything. Can’t take him anywhere.

Here are some pictures:


A picture of Elizabeth bailing that I didn’t realize I had taken.






How can so much goodness exist in such a little container?


I may have licked the paper. It is hard to say.

Kim couldn’t finish off her gyro tots, so she twisted my arm and I finished those off as well. I did love the Buffalo Chicken Tots, but I think I like the Gyro Tots even more. It’s a real Sophie’s Tots Choice.

After letting the tots settle we ambled down the street to get some ice cream being made by a John Deere, I don’t really know exactly what it is, thing. It doesn’t matter what it is. If it is John Deere, I’m onboard.











I stand by the old Ted Lasso quote:

Ice cream is the best. It’s kinda like seeing Billy Joel perform live. Never disappoints.

It wasn’t the best ice cream I’ve ever had, but it was still ice cream.

I’m not sure how much my tots cost because Kim bought them for my birthday. The ice cream was $5.00.

I can’t tell you much about Hotsy Totsy because their website isn’t the best, but it is definitely a food truck I would pursue if they were in my area!

The ice cream… there are better options around.

The next food adventure I’m going to share involves a bunch of Dutch nonsense. Delicious Dutch nonsense.

*Hotsy Totsy was heavily endorsed by Clevenger. This is historically a strike against it. I’ve never met anybody with such bad taste in food as Clevenger, but with Hotsy Totsy I think we may have turned a corner and found some common ground.