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Omaha, Somewhere in Middle America

We are officially a week from my birthday, so I am no longer accepting happy birthday wishes. If you failed to meet the deadline, better luck wishing next year.

I did have a pretty great birthday though. Mostly it was just hanging out with Bokeh and the chaos she brings. But at night, there was a Movie Night in the Union Street Theater. As it was my birthday month, I got to select the movies. I chose 1975 for the “theme” of the movies. For the B movie I selected LISZTOMANIA. Which deliver on everything that a MOVIE NIGHT movie should. For the feature, I selected SHAMPOO. Which was a bit of a dud. Maybe it was funnier or more revolutionary in its day. It was worth watching and a disappointment at the same time.

My favorite birthday present I received was Nora planting a flower in my honor at her school. My favorite birthday wish came from Elainie as it combined wishing me a happy birthday with my disdain and hatred for Facebook:

Happy Birthday Uncle Chris!! Sabas & I posted on fb earlier, but I know you don’t get on often. We hope you have had a wonderful day!

It wasn’t perfect. Shouldn’t have posted birthday wishes on Facebook at all, but it is good enough for me.

I also got an amazing letter in the mail wishing me a happy birthday from Harrison Gorshe. It 100% made my day! It basically wished me a happy birthday and let me know he was glad I got a dog. I need to take Bokeh over there to meet the Gorshes at some point. I haven’t taken her to meet a lot of people. Really I haven’t taken her to meet many people yet. Elizabeth, Kim, and Ron at the Computer Mine. She has met plenty of people that have come to the house to meet her though. Andy, Anders, Alexis, Kanoa, Anela, Logan, Jonah, Greyson, Dahlia, Amanda, Jesse, Willy, Jay, Jason, Monica, Graham, and Teresa. Plus several neighbors have come over to meet her. Her dance card has been pretty full. She might be the Diamond of the Season. (Reference for my BRIDGERTON peeps out there. I’m still pretty sad that my 2 favorite characters (Eloise and Penelope) aren’t friends any longer. I’m sure it will work out.)

But I digress. Thanks again for all the birthday wishes that came through in person visits, text messages, phone calls, Snapchat… Teams, yeah I guess we will count Teams. It was a good enough birthday!


I spent the night at Bill’s swanky bachelor pad after going to see Brandi Carlile. It was so amazingly hot those days. The heat index was well into triple digits. Before I headed back to the Cyclone State Bill and I did some minor exploring of Omaha. We went to Union Station, which is now a museum.

Here are some pictures:

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Orange City Tulip Festival - 2023

Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha, Nebraska

Still a couple more collection of images from my day with Bill left to share!

4 thoughts on “Omaha, Somewhere in Middle America”

  1. Union Station is great! A girlfriend and I went on a girl’s trip to Omaha about 18 months ago, and they had an exhibit we attended that was all costumes from Downton Abbey. It was fantastic!

    Eloise and Penelope are both awesome! So much more fun than the others. I believe Hyacinth will eventually be fun, too, if it is like the books.

  2. Christopher D. Bennett

    As much as I like history, I’m not really a big museum guy. But I do like going to places where history happened. So Union Station was kind of a wash for me. But I did enjoy the old-timey soda fountain.

    They really do make the show for me. I enjoy the show, but I’m not the BRIDGERTON superfan other people are. For example, I just learned a couple days ago that the kids in the family are named alphabetical. I was taught this by somebody who doesn’t even watch the show. In fact, I had to think who Hyacinth is, because I forget that there are 2 younger children. I do have a fine collection of BRIDGERTON scented hand sanitizers and soap though.

    I still haven’t watched the Queen Charlotte prequel because there is no Eloise or Penelope in it. But I probably will get to it soon. With the new puppy I don’t leave the house much these days.

  3. Really, the biggest parts of Union Station were, for me, in no particular order:

    – the architecture,
    – the Downton costumes, and
    – the old timey soda fountain

    Seeing the old train car was kind of neat, as were the dioramas, but not necessary! I am all in on art museums, and a few other kinds, but I’m not as big on historical museums just for the sake of being a museum.

    I am constantly looking for new books, so I picked up the Bridgerton ones after the first series came out. Quick, easy reads. They aren’t as poorly written as any of that Fifty Shades garbage, and aren’t as smutty, so overall a slight net win. You identified the two best characters, and I think Hyacinth will eventually approach that echelon (assuming the series makes it that long). I haven’t watched the Queen Charlotte series, but may pick it up once evenings slow down from baseball. Jon and I watched the first season of Billions and are trying to focus on the second season – it is great, just dark! So sort of a winter watch, if that makes sense. Anyway – Queen Charlotte would probably queue up behind that.

  4. Christopher D. Bennett

    I wish they would have had the Downton costumes when I was there as I do love that show, but hate Mary. But the lunchboxes were cool.

    I don’t like to read the books of shows or movies I am going to watch before I watch them. Although, the amount of fiction I read, isn’t much anymore. Pretty much exclusively nonfiction these days.

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