I woke up in the hotel in Normal, Illinois at about my normal time 5:45 AM or so. I packed up the tremendous amount of stuff I lugged into the hotel. A suitcase. A laptop. A CPAP. A camera bag. My ledger. Probably some other stuff as well. I figured nobody else would be up, so I hit the shower. Felt pretty dang good for a hotel shower. Much better than the whore’s bath.
Clean. Smelling good (in my humble opinion), I went down to check out the continental breakfast. We stayed at a Comfort Suites which is right in my hotel sweet spot. I like hotels that are “expensive” enough to have amenities. But not so expensive they start charging you for amenities. Basically I want free wi-fi and free breakfast. A pool is nice too, but I’m really here for the free breakfast. I don’t understand why the more expensive a hotel is, the more stuff they charge you for. If a hotel doesn’t have free breakfast this dog is out!
After I took most of my stuff to the car I went to the breakfast room. I was the first one there. I expected to be. There was no way all the Gorshes were ALL up and going.
Not gonna lie. First thing I did when I got settled in my room the night before was going to check out the breakfast layout. Before entering, saying a silent prayer that they would have a waffle maker. The conveyor belt pancake maker is okay, but if you know I’m all about that #wafflelife.
I’ve heard that all prayers are answered. Just many times the answer is “Not today bro.” But on this day, the answer was “I got you bro.” Staring back at me from the corner of the breakfast bar was a shiny, beautiful waffle maker! It was a great morning.
Here are some pictures from the trip home:

Not only did they offer regular old waffles. They also offered chocolate waffles! Bingpot! I know what you are thinking. Did he go original or did he go chocolate. He is trying to live somewhat healthier, maybe he went for neither and only had some fruit for breakfast. The suspense is killing you.
I went chocolate of course! If you are going to eat unhealthy, jump in with both feet! Besides calories that you eat in a different state don’t count. That is some kind of adultery loophole I saw on a sitcom once. But the exercise you do counts double. That’s just science. #chocolatewaffelife
While I was eating my waffle Dave showed up for his breakfast. Then Derrick and the dog showed up. I told them I was going to eject from the caravan and go ahead and hit the road because I was going to do some meandering on the way back and I was ready to hit the dusty trail and they wouldn’t be ready for a couple of hours. I got in the RAV4 and considered opening my Christmas present from Sara that Jen took all the way to Indiana to give to me. I took it all the way back to Iowa to open it.
My first stop in Iowa was in Le Claire. Le Claire is near the “Quad Cities” which means that it is Happy Joe’s country. I didn’t eat at Happy Joe’s because it wasn’t open for several hours, but I had to stop to at least take a picture of the sign to make Elizabeth (a noted Happy Joe’s fiend) jealous. Also, out of the blue on the trip Derrick told me really had been having a hankering for Happy Joe’s ham & sauerkraut pizza. I don’t think he stopped in Le Claire for some, but at least I let him know he had the option.
That is a mango-strawberry with banana smoothie. Don’t ever accuse me of drinking coffee!
Endorsed. Cody Road Coffee for smoothies.
Also reminds me of Carla’s camper.
You know the theme from Golden Girls? I had no clue that was a song that existed outside of that show until a few months ago when I was listening to the Casey Kasem flashback countdown (a Sunday tradition in my sphere of influence) somebody requested it as Long Distance Dedication. My mind was blown. I also love Bob Ross. I’m not a Swiftie though. I’m a Lipsey. But Taylor Swift is cool.
If anybody is looking for a beer tap, I know a place.
This was in Aunt Hattie’s Fanciful Emporium Unique Gift Shop. Spoiler: Guess what I’m putting in the Computer Mine Gift Exchange this year!!!
Ya know your boy was checking out the sticker selection.
So true. I log onto Facebook everyday to read poorly informed political opinions of people I try to continue to respect. Or I never go on Facebook. One of those things is true.
What is the budget for the Computer Mine Christmas Gift Exchange again?
Give me a few more years before I start rocking this hat.
This book is in the Gorshe Library.
Next stop was Antique Archaeology. I love hitting this store because it reminds me of my parents and the old Bennett Antiques & Primitives store.
Even though it is actually super touristy and the price on most things is outrageous.
I switched to YouTubeTV over a year ago now. I absolutely can’t endorse it enough. But the one thing is I don’t get now is the History Channel. I do miss this show and ANCIENT ALIENS of course.
I stopped in Belle Plaine for lunch. I’ve wanted to eat at the historic Lincoln Cafe for a minute, so I took this opportunity to stop there and eat on my way home. But that is a story for a future food adventure entry.
That is all I have for cell phone pictures from this trip. But I have plenty of real camera pictures to share at some point in the future.
It was a phenomenal trip and I’m very thankful for the Gorshes letting me crash their eclipse party! Let’s do it again in 20 years.