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Home » Journal » WEEK 452 THEME REVEAL


You probably spent the last several minutes this morning eagerly, constantly refreshing your email inbox waiting to see what delightful images were submitted for last week’s THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE theme LETTERS OR NUMBERS. Unfortunately for you, I am probably standing in a convention center in New Orleans right now, stashing thinking about hiding in the snackroom closet for the rest of the day. I’m near plenty of computers and very expensive and very slow internet, but unable to compile, upload, code, and put together an entry of last week’s submissions.

I’ll put together such a post when I return to the Cyclone State. So look for that possibly Tuesday evening, but most likely Wednesday evening. You will just have to hold your metaphorical horses. Unless you own real horses. Then hold your real horses and try not to look down on us poor saps that only have metaphorical horses.

However, just cause you can’t see the submissions for LETTERS OR NUMBERS yet, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t start working on this week’s theme. It is a doozy! It is one of my favorites and it has been a theme in virtually every year of THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE. Dating back to Year 3. The year the name changed from the RANDOM WEEKLY PHOTO EXPERIEMENT to THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE.

This week’s theme:


I took the RUINS theme picture on the backside of McHose Park. It is interesting that the remains of this old bus are rotting away there. But there are plenty of things that have come sliding down the hill into the park from what I believe was the old city dump. For somebody that loves rusty, abandoned, disintegrating stuff, it is a thing of beauty.

I look forward to seeing your interpretation.

That is all I got, so if the good Lord’s willin’ and the creek don’t rise, we will see your idea of RUINS in this place that could us a sprucing up next Monday.