I can’t say that I’m particularly proud of this picture. It isn’t exactly in my wheelhouse. If I thought about it more, it is something I would’ve had Jay help with. But I’m committed to not getting too hung up on quality and forging ahead and finishing off THE PHOTO JOURNAL PROJECT. I’m committed to knocking off at least one page a week and being finished with this project by the end of the summer.
With that in mind, I present Page 113 of THE PHOTO JOURNAL PROJECT:
Page 113 – Photograph a vegetable so it looks like a body part.
My rough estimate is that I have about 25-30 of these pages still to knockout.
The next time we check in with THE PHOTO JOURNAL PROJECT, it will most likely involve one of these pages:
PAGE 112 – Take a picture inspired by the last thing that jolted you awake.
PAGE 121 – Show us photography is a form of magic.
PAGE 116 – Shoot an advert where the image says it all without the need for any additional copy.
PAGE 74-75 – A record of interesting backgrounds.
page 20 – Make something big look small.
This is your reminder that this week’s WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE theme is GREEN:
A GREEN photo is any photo that involves the color GREEN. Remember that there are more than one definition of the term GREEN.
Happy photo harvesting!