Adair County Auxiliary Images

Back in early May I drove around Adair County to harvest their town signs. I also harvested some town signs in Clarke County. This was a solo trip.

Here are some of the non-town sign pictures I took while cruising around:

Adair County

Adair County

Adair County

Adair County

Adair County

Adair County

Adair County

Adair County

Adair County

Adair County

Adair County

Adair County

Adair County

Adair County

Adair County

Adair County

Adair County

Adair County
It is sad that this is being painted over.

Adair County

Adair County

Adair County

Adair County

Adair County

Adair County

Adair County

Adair County

Adair County

Adair County

Adair County

Adair County

Union County

Clarke County

Clarke County

Clarke County

Clarke County

Clarke County

Clarke County
Osceola, again

Clarke County

Clarke County

One thing I missed in Adair County that I need to hit at some point is the Jesse James Historical Site.


This is your reminder that this week’s THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE theme is HISTORY:


HISTORY! What a great theme for Year 8 of THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE!

But what is a HISTORY photo? A HISTORY photo is any picture that records something that happened in the past. For example, in the theme reveal picture is the break room (building) for the employees of a Cracker Jack factory that has been gone for 50 years. A HISTORY picture could be a picture of a museum or an old building or a mural that depicts a HISTOR(Y)IC event. Or it could be a picture of a HISTOR(Y)ICAL artifact. It doesn’t need to be a piece of HISTORY that is as significant as Cracker Jack. It could be personal HISTORY.

Happy photo harvesting!