On Tuesday I completed another month of the Fat Mum Slim Photo A Day Challenge. It was month of random prompts and I think for the most part, there is some good work mixed in with mediocre work. The kind of thing you get with a Photo A Day Challenge. This month I took pictures in 3 different states. Iowa, Florida, and Minnesota. I’m not sure how many different towns I took pictures in, but for sure it was Boone, Miami, Miami Beach, Des Moines, Ames, Nevada, Alta Vista, and Minneapolis. A few in rural areas as well.
Here are May’s pictures:
May 1 – This is Me
The plant that is in the picture for May 6 is also the plant in the picture for May 17.
There is only one prompt for the month of June. That is Grateful. The instructions are simply take a photo each day of something you’re grateful for.
This could be a very difficult month or a very easy one. I have a ton of things in my life to be grateful for, so in theory it should be pretty easy. But on the other hand, it is actually coming in to contact with those things (or more directly people) to get the pictures that I want in my head. I’ll at least try to make it happen. Or maybe my Instagram feed will just be filled with 30 pictures of nonsense. It could break either way.
Remember, you can follow along with this project on the daily at the Instagram account I’ve created just for this project at @fmsbennett.
Here’s hoping June goes well and that you are grateful you get to see those pictures.
This is your reminder that this week’s theme for THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE is FLOWER:
FLOWER! What a great theme for Year 9 of THE WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE!
But what is a FLOWER picture? Simply put, a FLOWER picture is any picture where a FLOWER is a major compositional element of the picture. The FLOWER can be real. The FLOWER can be fake. The FLOWER can be a artistic rendering. There are so many options!
Happy photo harvesting!