There were hardly any pictures in the folder 2010-09-29 so I decided to combine it with 2010-09-30. This collection includes a picture of a buckeye. I really wish I remember why I took this buckeye picture. I never shared it on this here blog. Buckeyes have a deeper family connection for me. My Grandpa Paris used to carry a buckeye with him. Carrying a buckeye in your pocket is supposed to give you good luck. My Mom carried a buckeye with her every day to reminder her of Grandpa. When we cleaned out her car, we found two buckeyes in it. Those buckeyes are still there. She had a bag of buckeyes in her dresser, so if she ever lost her buckeye, she just went to the bag and grabbed another one.
The other pictures are of a rabbit that came under my care.
By adding these pictures to the Photography 139 Gallery, I was able to restore the following historic “An Artist’s Notebook” entries to their original glory:
Next Saturday’s walk down memory lane will involve Philanthropy Day.
Such good detail on Peter rabbit, Chris. Like the tale of the buckeye.