A few weeks back I cruised around Shelby and Mills County (and Pottawattamie County) harvesting their town signs. Here is the first collection of auxiliary images from this trip. Including some pictures of what I think might be the prettiest church in Iowa. But no, I’m not going to make a Iowa Church Power Rankings at any point in the future.
I don’t know how this turned out but this person hates schools!
Do you think you know which church was my favorite?
There are plenty more images from this road trip left to share.
My guess is the white one. It reminds me of an Italian cathedral!
You aren’t too far off. The clue is the spelling of the word “church”. It is spelled Kirche, which is German for church. It was in the town of Westphalia, so even their street signs were in German. So definitely a European vibe. It is on my list of places I would like to go back and photograph under better lighting conditions. I really should write that list down though.
I’d also like to see the inside. One of the nice things about Catholic Church buildings is they are frequently left unlocked. I didn’t try this building though, but spent some time inside the famous Catholic Church in St. Donatus recently. Another place I want to go back and photograph some day.
I’d been looking at this originally on my phone and hadn’t been able to make out the last word – seeing it now on my monitor, I wouldn’t have recognized it because it’s German! I can definitely see this being German – it reminds me of a little gingerbread church, it’s so perfect and lovely. I bet the inside is really elegant.