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New Orleans Day 2: River Walk

Today’s is Lowell’s birthday so I need to wish him a happy birthday.

Day 138 - May 18, 2022
Happy birthday Lowell!

If you don’t know, he isn’t the super tall guy and he isn’t Kim.

I simply hope your birthday is without any health emergencies!


Today is also Sabas’ birthday! So I need to wish him a happy birthday.

Iowa State vs Iowa - 2023
Happy birthday Sabas!

I hope your birthday is also not filled with medical emergencies, but for a different reason.


It is time to share the September image for the 2025 Photography 139 Calendar:

2025 Photography 139 Calendar - September

CAMERA: Sony 7M2
LENS: Sigma 14-24 f/2.8 DG DN
SHUTTER: 1/2500
DATE: September 5, 2024

The September image is of the Union Pacific’s Big Boy. It was taken just a few miles west of Colo. I took the day off to grab a few pictures of the Big Boy as it passed through central Iowa. I also followed the Big Boy on the day before and took some pictures of it while it rested in Boone overnight. Day 2 of trying to the photograph was different then Day 1. It was more successful than Day 1. I made several strategic mistakes on Day 1. It was sad. I don’t like talking about it. A joy of Day 2 was that I spent some time with “foamers”.

If you don’t know what a foamer is, it is the derogatory term that railroaders use to describe railfans as they think that they foam at the mouth anytime they see a train. Shout out to Andy for teaching me this term.

Foamers are an interesting breed of people, but they aren’t any different than your other types of nerds. I use the word “nerd” not in a disparaging way. Almost everyone is a nerd about something. These people are nerds about trains. And boy do they really like trains. They knew just about everything there was to know about the Big Boy. Many of them were working in teams. Communicating with each other over radios, while being stationed several miles apart.

This is the 2nd time the Big Boy has appeared in the Photography 139 Calendar. I don’t think the Iowan has ever appeared in the calendar. I should effort to rectify that situation in 2026.

These are the people that selected September as their favorite image:





I look forward to revealing the October image tomorrow!


Time to share more images from my Day 2 in New Orleans morning walkabout. Most of these images were taken along the river walk.

New Orleans; Louisiana

New Orleans; Louisiana

New Orleans; Louisiana

New Orleans; Louisiana
I can read this in so many different ways.

New Orleans; Louisiana

New Orleans; Louisiana

New Orleans; Louisiana

New Orleans; Louisiana

New Orleans; Louisiana

New Orleans; Louisiana

New Orleans; Louisiana

New Orleans; Louisiana

New Orleans; Louisiana

New Orleans; Louisiana

New Orleans; Louisiana

New Orleans; Louisiana

New Orleans; Louisiana

New Orleans; Louisiana

New Orleans; Louisiana

New Orleans; Louisiana

New Orleans; Louisiana

New Orleans; Louisiana

New Orleans; Louisiana

New Orleans; Louisiana

New Orleans; Louisiana

A keen observer will have detected the February image from the 2025 Photography 139 Calendar and now you know what the rest of the fence pier thing looks like.

There is still one more collection of images from Day 2 left to share.

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