I managed to make it through this Sunday’s Sermon/Interview. I don’t think that I embarrassed myself too much and I think at least a few people were touched or were able to relate to my message.
I don’t want to re-hash the experience, but I would like to thank Jesse, Jay, Shannon, Jason, Carrie and Nader for coming to support me. I also would like to thank Lowell for being there. My family was incredibly supportive as well.
I do want to share a video that Andrea found on the internet and played during the sermon of the song No One Else Knows by Building 429. A song that is very important to me.
Of course if you subscribe to this blog via e-mail or RSS Feed, you will actually have to go to the website to see the article.
Also, even though the video credits Casting Crowns with this song, I assure you that it is Building 429’s song.
I noticed that the credits read “Casting Crowns”. I assumed that was wrong. I also assumed that you took that video to Andrea. That’s cool that she found it for you. And again, thanks for inviting me to share in that experience.
Nope. The video was entirely Andrea’s idea.
In fact, before the first service she told me (well first that she didn’t think I was going to show up) and secondly that she was excited to show that video so that the people from the Traditional Worship could see what the projectors could do.
The projectors were quite the church controversy.
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