Things of a Lascivious Nature

This may be the last time that I mention the new server and the worlds it has opened up for me.

Since the new server has tons of storage space, I now can unshackle myself from Photobucket. I used to store my blog pictures on Photobucket. There were three major problems with doing this.

  1. Lots of employers block their employees from seeing Photobucket content. That means that if you looked at this Journal with Photobucket blocked, you would never see any of the pictures. That problem has been solved.
  2. I was storing my pictures some place that wasn’t 100% under my control.
  3. You may remember that last May Photobucket removed a few of my pictures of the Cardiff Giant because his manhood was visible in the pictures. I no longer have to worry about Photobucket censoring my images.

The main thing about number 3 is now I can proudly display my series of pictures that I am going to entitle Statues Gone Wild!

Iowa Capitol Art

The statue going wild above can be found at the State Capitol down in Des Moines. Maybe I should take it up a notch and put beads around the statue’s neck.