Yet There is Method In It

On Saturday, after going to the gym, helping Becky move, having lunch at Papa Chubby’s, touring Andree’s new digs but before going to Jeff’s birthday barbecue, I went down to check out Midnight Madness.

On my way from the car to the event, I took these pictures:

Midnight Madness - 2009

Midnight Madness - 2009

Midnight Madness - 2009

Midnight Madness - 2009

Once I got to where the competitors were congregating, I snapped a couple more pictures.

Midnight Madness - 2009
I believe that Logan was trying to throw down the badass vibe in this picture. It is a family trait of men with Bennett genetic material.

Midnight Madness - 2009
There is no doub about this one. Brandon is definitely throwing down the badass vibe in this picture.

Midnight Madness - 2009
Geri D. showing off her time clock. I made a deal with Geri that if she walked Midnight Madness next year, I would walk it with her. I don’t know if this is a “real” deal or if this is the type of deal I made with Becky last year where she was supposed to hold me accountable for volunteering for Special Olympics. I did not volunteer for Special Olympics.

Midnight Madness - 2009
I’m not going to describe this picture. In fact, there is only one regular reader of this blog that will even understand this picture. I hope they enjoy it.

Once the race got started, Becky joined me and I took a few more pictures of the competitors.

Midnight Madness - 2009
The beginning of the 5K.

Midnight Madness - 2009

Midnight Madness - 2009
Willy nearing the finish line.

Midnight Madness - 2009

Midnight Madness - 2009
Blake (The World’s Best UPS Guy)

Midnight Madness - 2009

It was an interesting event.