I think the technical aspects of this theme scared off some contributors this week. Although I am excited to have a submission from Jesse who was a founding member of RWPE who quickly dropped out.
I should point out that I had some hiccups with my email system this morning. It is remotely possible that there are more submissions waiting for me when I get home, so check back later tonight to see if there were more submissions. Also don’t panic if your submission isn’t up, it will be tonight.
Here are the submissions for LONG EXPOSURE:
Jesse Howard
Julie Johnson of The Joy is in the Journey
I’ve been down to speak to the Random Theme Generator and I begged it for a less technical theme, but it just spit in my eye and then spit out the following:
The idea of this theme is to track a moving object with a short enough exposure so that the subject remains in focus (in the ballpark of focus), but with a long enough exposure that the background is blurred. It is a way of conveying motion in a still photograph.
A look back at last year’s PANNING CAMERA BLUR submisions:
Hopefully many people out there are inspired by this weeks theme. Hopefully next week I’m not in so much physical pain that I don’t screw up my email system on Monday morning.