There were a few submissions for GAMES. Here they are:
Mike Vest
Shannon Bardole
My picture may be confusing, but believe me, I only had time for one kind “game” this past week.
I’ve been to the Random Generator and it has spit out the following theme for this week:
Here is a look at last year’s submissions:
A few weeks ago, Shawn designed a logo for me. The logo looks something like this:
- The logo has been added to the header.
- 11 new header images have been created.
- The weather forecast for Boone, Iowa has been added to the Calendar.
- A miniature slideshow has been added to the sidebar of the About, Contact, Calendar, and Downloads pages.
- I have (with the assistance and nudging of Shawn) created a Photography 139 Facebook page. In order to get my own URL, I have to have 25 people “Like” it. You can help me in accomplishing this task by going to virtually any page (except the Store and galleries) and clicking on the little “Like” link located in the sidebar.
- I have added a Google+ link to virtually every page on the website. So if you are on Google+ and like a Journal entry and want to share it with other people, you only need to click on the +1 icon in the sidebar and it will appear in your Buzz section.
- At the bottom of every single journal entry (individual page), there is a Tweet icon. If you really like a journal entry, you can click on this icon and it will Tweet a link to this page for you.
- On the Home page there is a slideshow tentatively entitled “Pictures of the Month”. That title will change and it will eventually be a slideshow of my most recent photos.
- Underneath my Twitter Feed in the Journal, I have added a link to make it easier for you to follow my numerous brilliant outbursts on Twitter by clicking the Follow icon.
These are changes that are coming down the pipe. Some are partially implemented. Some are not.
- The Artistic Gallery and the Snapshots Gallery are being retired. They will still exist, but I will not be adding new images to them and they will not be accessible through the Navigation Bar at the top of the website. You will still be able to access them with a direct URL, at least for the foreseeable future. There just isn’t a reason to continue these galleries with the advent of the Store.
- Pictures for Journal Entries will be housed in the Store, rather than in the galleries. The benefit is that the images will be larger and you will be able to click on an image and get even a larger image. This doesn’t cover all images. Some of the images that are published in The Archives just aren’t big enough to utilize this enhancement. The same goes for the Slice of Life pictures. But virtually all other images will benefit from this new feature when it is implemented fully.
- Email subscription deliveries will be handled by the website directly. Currently, the website emails me and then I email everybody that has subscribed via email. Last time I attempted this, there were some bugs in the system. However, this is an advantage to you because you won’t have to wait for me to crawl out of bed (or in the case of this weekend when I will be out of state), you won’t have to wait for my return to get your high quality Photography 139 content. I should point out that I write my blogs up to 2 months in advance. So if I’m struck by lightning and die at some point in the near future and you keep getting emails from me. It is an act of technology, I’m not talking to you from the other side. Of course, if you want to subscribe via email, you just have to drop me a line at