To replace RWPE on Mondays this year, I am going to attempt to take a self-portrait every day this year. I have no expectations that I will take 366 winners (or even 66 winners for that matter), but that isn’t necessarily the point.
Although you will be able to see how much weight I gain this year, how much hair I lose, how much more dashing I become, and how many times I shave (over/under is at 10 for you gamblers) that isn’t really the point either.
Although I’m sure a few of the important events of 2012 will be recorded, documenting my life for 1 year isn’t really the point either.
The is a photography exercise more than anything else. An exercise to get me to attempt to think creatively at least once every day. Hopefully there are some winners in there. Hopefully I don’t gain any weight and I know that I will become exponentially more dashing. Hopefully I will have more than 10 reasons to shave this year. Hopefully there are many good milestones in my life worth documenting. But, all of those will be ancillary benefits.
I will try to take all of these pictures without assistance. Meaning, I won’t hand the camera to somebody and say, “Take a picture of me doing X.” But I’m sure that will happen on occasion.
Here are the first 8 pictures from this project.

01/01/12 12:01 AM

01/02/12 11:25 PM

01/03/12 9:12 PM

01/04/12 4:42 PM

01/05/12 6:12 PM

01/06/12 10:24 PM

01/07/12 8:41 PM

01/08/12 6:39 PM
Hopefully this will provide amusement to somebody besides me.
I am quite amused that it appears Naima had quite the New Year’s party without you!
She does have many parties without me.
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