Personal Photo Project of the Week #127

Unceasing Effort
Unceasing Effort

I’m sure that it is well documented that I love alliums. They are definitely in my top 5 favorite flowers. Probably top 3. This week’s project was simply to photograph alliums.

The rest of the Unceasing Effort Series:

Unceasing Effort

Unceasing Effort

Unceasing Effort

Unceasing Effort

Unceasing Effort

Unceasing Effort

Unceasing Effort

Unceasing Effort

Unceasing Effort

Unceasing Effort

Unceasing Effort

Unceasing Effort

Unceasing Effort

Unceasing Effort

I was fortunate to grow some alliums this year. I hope next year to be able to grow even more. As I have some decent plans for my flower beds next year!

2 thoughts on “Personal Photo Project of the Week #127”

  1. Awesome!

    My favorite flower pictures are frequently the pictures of flowers that are just blooming or just getting ready to bloom.

    When I first sat down to edit the allium pictures I was worried I hadn’t captured anything special.

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