Personal Photo Project of the Week #153

Warhole Series #1
Warhole – Series #1

I’ve been making changes to my personal computer system and that has caused me to lag behind a bit…

It has been a longstanding dream of mine (going back at least 10 years) to decorate my kitchen with pictures of products that might be used or stored in a kitchen. I’ve tackled this idea in the past with mixed results. Since this is the time of year when it is difficult to get outside and photograph, figured it was a good time to tackle it again.

In some ways this was an exercise. I went to Hy-Vee and bought products that I thought had interesting labels. Labels that fit into my personal taste for things that aren’t slick. I wanted labels that looked like they hadn’t been changed in 50 years. That looked like the company had fired the graphic design department when LBJ was president and never bothered to hire a new one.

There were many more products that caught my eye, so this will undoubtedly be just the beginning of a theme that I will check into every now and again.

The remainder of the Warhole – Series #1 Series:

Warhole Series #1

Warhole Series #1

Warhole Series #1

Warhole Series #1

Warhole Series #1

Warhole Series #1

Warhole Series #1

Warhole Series #1

I should point out that the liquid smoke was not a new purchase, but something I pulled out of my Mom’s garbage.

Also, grapes in a can are as disgusting as they sound.

This shouldn’t be seen as an endorsement of Andy Warhol. I can’t stand him, but he wasn’t without a few good philosophies.