The first scheduled stop on Shannon and I’s road trip itinerary was the grounds of a former 19th century cult that had a colony near Corning, called the French Icarians. They had some pretty crazy beliefs like:
Fraternity. As a rule of conduct, three principles summarize all: Love your neighbor as yourself. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Do to others the good that you wish for yourself. All must be as brothers, living each for all and all of each.
Equality. It is not nature, but society that has made men unequal in intelligence and education. The remedy for existing social problems is the universal application of the principle of social equality. Social equality can be achieved by a system of communal sharing of goods and services. The community has an obligation to provide free equal educational opportunities to all. And all individuals must be treated equally before the law.
Liberty. All religious opinion must be accorded tolerance and respect. Freedom of speech is basic and all people may participate in the communal assembly meetings, the principal means of setting community policy.
Yeah, like that would ever work!
The rest of the $80 Series:
I’m curious to know if Shannon can figure out what is “wrong” with the image that I chose to represent the entire photo series. I guess I’ll have to wait to see.
Upon first glance at that photo (even before reading your last sentence), I wondered if you had to edit out my car.