Last week, in the comments section of this here blog (sometimes known as THE ARTIST’S NOTEBOOK) I promised to publish a photo using a special effect known as the dream effect. It was all the rage in photo contests a few years back. This image is the culmination of a promise that dates back… like a week.

I put a little bit of a light touch on it. I want you to be aware that something isn’t quite right, but not immediately aware of what it is.
ISO: 800
FOCAL LENGTH: 60mm (90mm – 35mm equivalency)
DATE: 08/22/2015 – 18:28
LATITUDE: 41° 35; 41.5″
LONGITUDE: 93° 33′ 4.5″
ALTITUDE: 242.69 meters
That’s very pretty – you’re right, even “dreamier” than the previous image.
Seriously. Like 4 years ago there must have been about 10 photos with this effect in the Iowa State Fair Photography Salon.
Which means I be a ton of people copied it for the following year. I should post another picture where I go all in on this effect.
Maybe I will…
That would make it easier for people to tell what was going on though.
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