If I didn’t already have an established protocol for the naming of the WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE journal entries, I might have named this here entry: WHERE HAVE ALL THE DUDES GONE?
Male participation has declined dramatically in the last couple of weeks. I’m not complaining for personal reasons. I’ll never complain about being surrounded by such lovely ladies. I’m just saying its weak. Get on it men!
Here are this week’s submissions for STILL LIFE:

Angie DeWaard
Time to look to the future and reveal this week’s theme:

But how does one define GAMES? I would define it like this:
GAMES – noun – a form of play or sport, especially a competitive one played according to rules and decide by skill, strength, or luck.
Nothing new from Photography 139’s Shameless Self-Promotion Divison to report.
As always, I look forward to seeing this week’s submissions!
I really like this week’s batch.
Whose hat? That’s awesome.
It was my Dad’s hat.
I really like that it makes it even more special.
Also, Shannon ate a butt-ton of broccoli. I love broccoli, but that is impressive.
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