Today we take a look at the second half of the “made to order” HDR EFEX PRO 2 filters.
As a refresher, here is the original image:
Here is a look at the filters:
Black & White Artistic
Pale & Structured
Granny’s Attic
End of the Road
Indoor 1
Indoor 2
Outdoor 1
Outdoor 2
Graduated 1
Graduated 2
Then, of course. If you want, you can play with the numerous options and come up with a creation of your own. Like so…
My Concotion
I am, once again, sorry for the disgusting subject of these photos, but like I wrote, tomorrow will be something fuzzy and cuddly.
We will touch base with the Nik Collection again in the near future.
In youth, my friends and I tried and failed to make 1 horror movie STAYIN’ ALIVE: THE SPORTING twice, an action movie (SWORN TO VENGEANCE), and another horror movie (QUIETUS). However, we did successfully finish a movie starring Jay Janson (as an androgynous ne-er-do-well), Bill Wentworth as his manservant, William McAlpine as a short tempered natural philosopher, Anders Runestad as a hen-pecked husband with a gambling addiction, Corey Faust as an omniscient narrator, and Christopher D. Bennett as a trash talking homophobe, playing a deadly game of RISK. What was the name of this nearly cult classic?
What was the unfortunate name of the “studio” that produced this film?
I am always a little torn on presets and such like “Dramatic.” It looks very cool, and I like it in certain applications. However, here it seems to be adding elements to the photo that were not there. Which is fine, but sometimes it feels disingenuous. But, I guess, so is editing out a stray hair, etc. I don’t know that I’m explaining myself well.
I always wondered about the etymology of “Cheesedick Films.” It seemed decidedly un-Chrisesque.
Depends on what your ultimate goal is. If you are trying to create an image that is is photo-realistic, then is it is very disingenuous.
If it is just trying to make a cool looking image, you’re fine.
HDR got way too popular for too long. It seems to have comeback to earth lately.
I honestly can’t remember where the name Cheesedick came from, but it seemed to fit the movie GAMES 100 percent. Which I didn’t write. No matter what people claim.