I’ve fallen way behind due to internet issues, some sickness, lots of energy spend on some Youth Group stuff, lots of energy spent on Methodist Men stuff, tenderloining, birthday celebrations, and some general laziness.
I’ll try to catch up today and maybe tomorrow. This “Saturday’s” folder is Beans:
These pictures are of soy nuts. Shannon sub-contracted me to do some commercial photography for a soy nut company. I’m not even sure if that company is still in business. Not everybody has the staying power of a Photography 139 or a Little White Lye Soap. Sad.
When I saw these photos, I thought, “I had something to do with this…” For the life of me, I can’t remember what this was all about! Might have been something to do with when I was working for my cousin…
I think they were used on their website or maybe on their literature.
I’m positive it had to do with your cousin. Who actually paid me, which is more than he always did for you.
Those are great product photos!
BURN on Shan’s cousin!
I think he ended up owing her several thousands of dollars and never paid up. I hope he isn’t invited to the wedding.
They are lukewarm product photos in my estimation, but I do like the one of them in the cup.
I think Shan told me a tiny bit of the story – he also didn’t provide labor, either, in lieu of payment?
They’re prettier than you would expect soybeans to be!
Angie – that’s a different person that owed me labor, didn’t pay up, and now owes me money.
Ohhhh, I remember that situation now!
I’m not sure I know about that situation, (although I’m hoping it is The Situation) but I didn’t know it was so easy to get credit at the Bank of Shannon.
So Shannon, I’ve been wanting to buy a drone, but I’m about a thousand short. Can you front me some money? I’ll totally pay you back in cash or labor or something that isn’t tangible. I totally won’t stop returning your emails or texts or phone calls and disappear.
When I do finally return them, I won’t give you the runaround and you won’t see me posting the money or labor that I owe you on social media hours after claiming I can’t pay off.
^^Sounds legit!