Pretty good participation rates for MACRO. One of my personal favorites.
But you don’t want to hear me talk all tommyrot about participation rates, you want to see the submissions:

Angie DeWaard 1
But enough dwelling on the past. Time to look to the future. We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives. And remember my friend, future events such as these will affect you in the future! This week’s theme:

Maybe not the sexiest theme for a week that includes the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, but it is what the Post-It Note gods spit out. But if you think about it, maybe it is appropriate. If you are one of those families that actively lies to your children about Santa Claus, that guy does lots of transporting. Of course, there are many different types of TRANSPORTATION. Not all of them are physical. Many are emotional, spiritual, or psychological. Be creative. As always, feel free to define the theme any way you see fit.
1. The picture has to be taken the week of the theme. This isn’t a curate your pictures challenge. This is a get your butt off the couch (my personal experience) and put your camera in your hands challenge. Don’t send me a picture of you next to the Eiffel Tower, when I know you were in Iowa all week. I will point out that I have let that slide some in the past. I will not in the future. Since it is literally about the only rule.
2. Your submission needs to be emailed to by 11 AM on the Monday of the challenge. It should be pointed out that this blog auto-publishes at 12:01 on Mondays. So it wouldn’t hurt to get your picture in earlier.
That is it, them’s the rules.
Nothing new to report. I’ll try to do better next week.
Want your own Photography 139 email subscription? Call, email, or text me and I’ll get you the hook up.
That’s all I got for today, so if the good Lord’s willin’ and the creek don’t rise, we will commune right here again next Monday. Hopefully it will be a very transportive Monday.
Is yours old film? I love it.
Also – your comments about “actively lying to your children” are my sentiments exactly. I had no desire at all to perpetuate this desire in our household, as I remember my heart being crushed when I found out. However, my mate’s desire to tell the lie was stronger than my desire to squash it, so here we are.
My mate also believes that the mythical figure should wrap all presents, so I get to also do that. I feel as if I lost twice in this whole deal.
Old negatives, if I got really anal. So yea. Old film. But film that has been developed.
I honestly don’t have an opinion on this at all. But sounds like Santa owns you.
Olivia did though. She didn’t want to push the Santa Myth. I would’ve went along with it because I didn’t really care either way. I believe in compromise when both people feel passionately about something, but when only one person is passionate about something, go with the person who is passionate.
Jon is definitely more passionate about it than I am. I just agree with Olivia that it is an unhelpful myth.
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