Sorry this is late. I’ve been working on a new commercial photography account that I will discuss in the near future. Don’t worry, this week’s theme is extremely easy. The 2 hours you lost won’t cost you. I guarantee it!
But you don’t want to listen to me talk all tommyrot about why this is late. You want to see the submissions for TRANSPORTATION:
Kim Barker 1
But enough dwelling on the past. Time to look to the future. We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives. And remember my friend, future events such as these will affect you in the future! This week’s theme:
It is the teenage girl of photo themes! I can’t wait to see all the duckfaces that land in my inbox! I assume the holidays will cause the participation rates to dip again next week, but come on… this is a really easy theme. All you need is a self and a camera. Look at your phone. It has a camera on it. This week’s theme should be done and done!
1. The picture has to be taken the week of the theme. This isn’t a curate your pictures challenge. This is a get your butt off the couch (my personal experience) and put your camera in your hands challenge. Don’t send me a picture of you next to the Eiffel Tower, when I know you were in Iowa all week. I will point out that I have let that slide some in the past. I will not in the future. Since it is literally about the only rule.
2. Your submission needs to be emailed to by 11 AM on the Monday of the challenge. It should be pointed out that this blog auto-publishes at 12:01 on Mondays. So it wouldn’t hurt to get your picture in earlier.
That is it, them’s the rules.
The Photography 139 Shameless Self-Promotion Division is pleased to announce that Cassandra Chadwick is the latest person to show taste, class, and sophistication by signing up for a Photography 139 Email Subscription. Cassie I believe, represents the farthest west stretch of the Photography 139 Empire. She lays her head down at night in Colorado. Besting the current (I think) westest person, Laura Miller of Manhattan, Kansas. I’ll have to check the Photography 139 Heat Map to confirm that at some point. I met Cassie during the one year I spent at the Duff post of the Evil Clown Empire. I worked there for a full year and I can say literally (this is not an exaggeration for effect) she is 1 of only 4 people that worked there that I liked. Incidentally, she is the 3rd of the 4 to sign up for an email subscription. Seriously. That building was filled with awful people. Think of the worst people you remember from high school. Put them on steroids. Those were the people that worked there. I don’t know if I make friends easily, but in 1 year on that job, I only made 1 close friend. That number seems pretty low to me. But enough griping about that dark, dark year. The important thing to know is that Cassie was a shining light in a pit of darkness. After she cut herself free, she moved out west where she became a noted radio personality. The fame was too much for her, so she retired into a quieter career. Probably banking. So if you see Cassie out walking the mean streets of Colorado, be sure to give her a knowing glance and feel free to teach her the super secret Photography 139 Handshake!
That’s all I got for today, so if the good Lord’s willin’ and the creek don’t rise, we will commune right here again next Monday. Hopefully it will be a very selfie-ish Monday.
Are you giving a peace sign?
I’m actually pointing at the camera.