The folder called 07-16-07 was all over the place. You’ll be happy to know that I got all of my Jason Voorhees jokes about this set of images out of my system before I wrote this here journal entry.
Next “Saturday’s” folder might involve donuts. Although, I will probably just skip the donut folder because it gets weird.
I LOVE the one with the Harley wall ad. These are all great, Crystal Lake references included – but that one is vibrant.
I sorta want to see at least one weird donut photo.
The Harley wall ad was in Britt. I bet it is long gone now. I haven’t been back since then.
They were fundraising to build a new hobo museum when I was there I bet that is built now.
I don’t know if the world will ever be ready for those donut pictures.
One Jonathan Herbert DeWaard (not his real middle name) is from Britt. I can verify that it is open only by appointment in that Chief Theater. We have not made it up to either Hobo Days OR the museum, and I feel like this is distancing the children unnecessarily from their roots.
I’m utterly crushed that they never raised enough money to build a new hobo museum.