You can tell the year is starting to wind down. I don’t feel I did the best work on THE SELFIE PROJECT in October. It admittedly wasn’t the busiest month of the year for me, but I still had plenty of things go down. I’ll have to try to do better in November. Finish off THE SELFIE PROJECT strong!!
October 1
I do at least have plans to travel farther than Ankeny in November. So that is something!
Remember, you can follow THE SELFIE PROJECT’S daily progress by following me on Instagram:
We will check in on this project again in a month!
I assume you weren’t going to go see Reese Witherspoon in that Oct. 3 one.
I prefer movies where Reese isn’t getting it on with young dudes. More Josh Lucas type guys.
Although that night we went to see AMERICAN MADE. That was a big disappointment.
I admittedly have only seen ads for the new one – but it sure seems like a remake of the Josh Lucas one, but now she’s older and the guy isn’t?
That’s too bad. I’m very confused by Tom Cruise’s career at this point.
From what I gather, her husband is a doucher* that leaves her. So she starts hooking up with one of her college aged sons friends. Then the doucher comes back and tries to win her back. But I could be 100% wrong about that.
Tom Cruise does make more movies that I like than I would ever expect. Most of them trash, but for the most part he has a pretty good track record making science fiction movies.
AMERICAN MADE completely white washes his character and makes him seem like this great family man. Which in reality, he most definitely wasn’t.
I just hope that some day I get to see Tom Cruise on Leah Remini’s Scientology show. I am completely addicted to that show.
That sounds like it makes sense. I hadn’t been able to gather much from the few previews I’d seen on YouTube between videos.
I’m so torn on him, because he’s clearly just insane, and he can make some total garbage – but then you see him in something that’s really thought-provoking, or him personally saving a kitten from the top of a tall building he climbed or something.
I have got to start watching that. I’ve heard from so many people that it’s compelling. I find Scientology fascinating and terrible and intriguing.
I find all cults fascinating. There is a great podcast coming out right now on Heaven’s Gate.
I find that one fascinating. And Jonestown.